View Full Version : Wii help

08-03-2007, 07:42 PM
i have been trying to get my Wii connected to the internet. And it worked slightly, i downloaded all the updates, took long enough. I try accesing the shop channel and it says i need to acept the contract, or something along those lines. So i go onto the Wii setup > internet > agreements/contracts and go to yes it trys to connect but it doesnt let me errors and sends me back to Wii home O_o

anyone got any ideas what to do? =]

08-03-2007, 09:31 PM
I dont own a Wii but I personally would get in contact with them. Phone them


Telephone: 0870 6060 247

09-03-2007, 10:08 AM
Are you connecting to the internet through wireless or through a wire/cable?

09-03-2007, 06:03 PM
Are you connecting to the internet through wireless or through a wire/cable?


09-03-2007, 08:08 PM
What does the Error Message say? It might be a good idea to get in contact with Nintendo with this message. They have a special connection site for the DS, so I am sure they might have one for the Wii aswell. Have a look at the links Rye1088 gave you.

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