10-03-2007, 12:27 PM
Me and Ross again flew from Sydney International to Gold Coast again this morning. Have no screenies, but this time, much better flight. Had atc at Sydney Intl Tower and at Brisbane control. Had to d/c just before landing due to the controller not telling me to descend when I was at TERRA and at 7,000 :l Have no screenies because My scenery doesn't go with instant replay so it looks like, I have wheels down all the way there, but I didn't cos I looked on spot a few times. I took off about 30 minutes before Ross did but due to him going straight to Terra i only beat him by 5 minutes.
Watched Ross come in, and what a crappy landing lmao init ross. He didn't even touchdown and flew into the sea *****. He said I had a really good t/o :] flew out then turned and started going towards Gold coast, Then interacted with Brisbane Control and asked for permission to go in his airspace, He gave me clearence and then I did quite a few turns to go towards my target as the winds at FL200 were quite bad. Landed quite badly, but ok with my speed at 180 knots, Fast I know, Stupid controller told me to descend too late. so had to go about 10 degrees nose down angle. to land correctly.
I'm sure Ross will post about his flight.
Watched Ross come in, and what a crappy landing lmao init ross. He didn't even touchdown and flew into the sea *****. He said I had a really good t/o :] flew out then turned and started going towards Gold coast, Then interacted with Brisbane Control and asked for permission to go in his airspace, He gave me clearence and then I did quite a few turns to go towards my target as the winds at FL200 were quite bad. Landed quite badly, but ok with my speed at 180 knots, Fast I know, Stupid controller told me to descend too late. so had to go about 10 degrees nose down angle. to land correctly.
I'm sure Ross will post about his flight.