View Full Version : P*HD Staff needed!

21-04-2005, 03:51 PM
Pop help desk my new help desk needs staff! If you would like to be staff reply below here the requirements

1) Have to have been on habbo 5+ months
2) Good at helping habbos
3) Heres the big part: You HAVE to be a willing worker. You cant just have the job then dont come to work. You have to be willing like not just pop in for a minute spend a lot of time if possible.

If you do not meet the above dont reply but heres what you need to do -:

Habbo name:
Why you want job:
Do you meet the above:
Will you be willing:
I'll PM if your in or not.

EDIT: Im making a games room and if thats popular then Ill keep that but the help desk isnt open until 19th April :)

21-04-2005, 03:54 PM
Habbo name: Enziguri

Why you want job: I love helping Habbos who have been scammed or something similar, I want to help as much as I can and be as helpful as possible.

Do you meet the above: Yes, ive been on Habbo for over 2 years, and I love helping Habbos and I believe im quite good at it.

Will you be willing: Yes I will, I will be at the help desk at all times or whenever I can.

21-04-2005, 03:54 PM
I would love to work there but im really busy but i'llcheck it out sometime :)

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