View Full Version : Is my friend gay?

17-03-2007, 03:29 AM
My friend says he fantisizes about gay interactions and stuff like that, and he's been asking me if he is gay.

I dont know what to tell him to be honest, whats your opinions and what should I tell him?

18-03-2007, 01:48 PM
Maybe he just finds the idea of gay sex fun. If he likes watching it, then he isn#t. If he wants to join in then maybe, and if he wants a boyfriend or a relationship with someone of the same sex, then he is deffinately gay.

18-03-2007, 01:55 PM
Sometimes teenager feel like they are gay when they are not. It could just be a phase or just hormones.

19-03-2007, 05:57 PM
If its all sexual thoughts, rather than like emotional

Ie he thinks "wow i would like to do him" rather than "wow hes hot" its more than likely its just hormones, he isnt actually gay

20-03-2007, 09:49 PM
So your hormones can make you feel homosexual, but you arent actually?

21-03-2007, 12:00 PM
bicurious is a pretty nice word.

21-03-2007, 12:07 PM
I guess his just curious in doing it.

21-03-2007, 12:51 PM
Maybe its a phase and he is confused at his emotions which often happens to teenagers.

21-03-2007, 04:33 PM
So your hormones can make you feel homosexual, but you arent actually?

To an extent. They can make you feel like you want to make sexy time with boys, but it wont give you the emotional links that you'd feel with girls.

In some extreme cases people can convince themselves theyre gay/bi and "create" those feelings.

21-03-2007, 06:47 PM
So your hormones can make you feel homosexual, but you arent actually?

When your going through puberty your body creates and transports a hell of a lot of hormones. These each have many different effects upon you, and during puberty boys and girls can often be confused with their sexuality, and question their hetrosexuality.

This is a compltely normal phase for boys and girls to go through, with the majority of whome do. This simply could just be a phase he is going through, or he could actually just be gay.

I think you should just tell him that at the end of the day only he knows whether or not he is gay - no one else.

I think you should perhaps advise him to just keep things on the low for now and give it a couple of years and see how he feels then. I've known people who have came out at the age of 15 and announced their gay, then a couple of years later realised it was simply a phase and totally regreted the whole thing.

23-03-2007, 04:30 PM
Its normal for guys to question ther sexuality at some point. maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Theres no point in labeling him. You cant turn round and say
"Yes your gay now you must be gay forever more"
It dont work like that. Personally i reckon everyones had fantasies about the same sex at some point.

23-03-2007, 04:41 PM
if he's sexually attracted to men, then there is a good chance he is gay/bi whatever

if he his phyiscally well.. not so much.

26-03-2007, 02:17 PM
Well to be honest he is probably just curious - but if this persists then I think theres a good chance of him being Gay.

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