View Full Version : Few Questions..

Hatake Kakashi
22-03-2007, 09:35 PM
We were having a discussion over the console features and rumors and was wondering if any of the following were true:

1. Was Konami licensed by Microsoft meaning games such as PES will only be avaliable on Microsoft consoles?
2. Is it possible to add your own soundtracks to eXicite Truck?
3. Is there is lock mechnism on games for PS3 meaning once you've played it on your console, it only works on your Ps3 and no one elses?

22-03-2007, 09:38 PM
1. Konami is a japanese company Microsoft is uSa (i think)
2. never played
3. I very much doubt it you would have to install the game to do that i reckon :D

22-03-2007, 09:39 PM
1. Was Konami licensed by Microsoft meaning games such as PES will only be avaliable on Microsoft consoles? - PES is on the PS2, I assume PS3 will have it s that I know of no
2. Is it possible to add your own soundtracks to eXicite Truck? - Don't know
3. Is there is lock mechnism on games for PS3 meaning once you've played it on your console, it only works on your Ps3 and no one elses? - I seriously doubt it

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