View Full Version : Weekly Fishing Trawler Trip!

23-03-2007, 11:25 PM
ok guys, as i mentioned on my other thread, i am going to (hopefully) start a weekly fishing trawler trip.

starting now, the poll is for you to tell me which day would suit you best.

as for the times of the trips... it is more than likely going to be between 6 and 9pm GMT. the exact times will be announced when i inform you guys of the day of the trip.

i would like it if everyone that is interested casts a vote, that way i will have a better idea of what day to have the trip on.

It is required that for each trip you bring the following:

- 200+ swamp tar
- 5-10 ropes
- 17-22 buckets, depending on the number of ropes you are bringing.

i am hoping to get maybe 10 people or more on the trips, to spread out the amount of work that has to be done, and to increase our chances of not drowning like we have done on previous trips.

please post if you have any questions/comments etc.

this poll will run untill sunday.

each week i will try to post a new poll, as not everyone will be available on the same days each week

23-03-2007, 11:26 PM
W0000t will it start next week?

23-03-2007, 11:28 PM
Is there a max number of people allowed on the trawler in one trip?

23-03-2007, 11:29 PM
dont think so
and friday , cause i have more time on fridays

23-03-2007, 11:29 PM
Is there a max number of people allowed on the trawler in one trip?
Don't think so.

23-03-2007, 11:37 PM
Anyday except wednesday.

24-03-2007, 12:01 AM
I voted all, hope I helped.

24-03-2007, 12:04 AM
I voted all, hope I helped.

Lolz :P

24-03-2007, 01:41 AM
ok, so far it looks like most people are available fridays and saturdays, so depending on how the votes turn out by the time the poll closes i might alternate between those two days.

after thinking about the problems that we had when we sunk... heres another couple of suggested items to bring...

one of the following will do, theres no need to bring both..

either one of...

- a ring of dueling to teleport to castelwars, then you can just run east from there back to the port (if we have more than 1 trip at a time)

- teleport runes to ardougne, though you need 51 magic and have to have completed a certain quest to be able to use this spell (cant remember the quest off hand)

keep making those votes guys please :]

24-03-2007, 09:50 AM
look foward to this satrday is the best day to do it i think :)

24-03-2007, 09:09 PM
Too bad I cant make any of them.

The time would be 1 pm if its 9 pm GMT.

I'm either at school, church, or coming home from tutor. If it starts on 10 GMT on Saturdays, i can make it.

25-03-2007, 04:23 AM
the times will vary a lot, and i will try my best to make it a suitable time for everyone that wishes to attend =]

26-03-2007, 02:35 AM
ok guys, the poll is now closed as you will notice...

i have reached a decision, which was inspired by base...

how about we do a weekly trawler trip on both fridays and saturdays?

the one on saturdays will be held a bit later on, as this will allow members like deagle who live across the pond in america and canada to come along and enjoy the fun

the one on fridays will be held between 6 and 9pm ish :]

hopefully i will start this as of next week (w/c 26th march)

i hope that many of you take this opportunity to come along, and have a good time, maybe catch a few fish aswell if we dont drown :P

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