View Full Version : =( Not good.

27-03-2007, 03:49 PM
Well, prepare to read a novel. First; yes I am Zengo, ok? Sorry for being a prat.

Well, it all started when we moved to Spain (me, 3 brothers, mum dad and dog)... We went through France, then to Spain to find somewhere we liked to live. We did eventually. My mum had gone back to England TWO times because she felt "ill". Why didn't she go to the Spanish doctors? Why fly back to England?! Read on... Well, we got a place, it was nice. My dad knew something was up with my mum... but lets carry on. Me and my bros got into school, started learning Spanish... it was good. My mum had to go back again, at this time we all knew something was up. I used to help my dad find out - and thanks to me he did. He found out who she was going back to England to see. It was my dads best mate. Pah, best mate... :@ Anywho, my mum was spending 300 pounds JUST to go back and see my dads "friend". I'll tell you his real name. Kurt. Right, so my dad went back to England. He caught Kurt in the phone box, waiting for my mum to ring. My dad grabbed him round the neck and was about to beat the living crap out of him. But, he was saved by the phone ringing. My dad answered, didn't say anything and my mum said "hello?". My dad replied by saying "Hi, it's your husband speaking!". She hung up. My mum have me a hard time that night and stole my mobile. She was getting nasty, so I ran in the room grabbed my phone and ran out onto the street - no shoes on, note this was at midnight. Cutting it shorter now, my dad got back, my mum went off to England again with my little brother. I'll get to the point now, in the end my mum and dad split up - mum and three bros in England, me and my dad in Spain. It's very upsetting for me and my dad. There's more in it for me though, we'll get to that. In the end, my mum went back 5 or 6 times to England. So now the "family" is split up because of my stupid mother.

Well, a few months on and we're at today. At school, it's alright. Spanish school, learning to speak Spanish. Got some friends, classes are ok. But then... there are some English boys and a Dutch ****, who bully me. They call me all sorts of names, mainly "spot face", as I have spots. I call me nerd, gay, **** head, **** face... many names. I say "*Removed* off" to them, and the Dutch kid today started fighting with me. I whacked him back, and it ended soon. He left it by calling me names again. I hate it. I feel really alone, my family is split, school has bloody bullies. It sucks. I don't know why I keep going, probably for my dad and my brothers.

I just wanted to post this to get it off my chest, why I posted it here, I don't know.

Do not be mean to me, I think I've had my fair share.


Edited by Nick- (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not avoid the filter.

27-03-2007, 04:04 PM
meh, its ok to post here i mean its a good place to get advice as there is many people of all ages. Also it seems like ur having a hard time but just think.. if ur mum was like that then its best she wasnt with ur dad, doing all of that behind his back and stuff.. (if i understand correctly that she was having an affair) also with the dutch kid and stuff, you say u beat him up? well beat the living crap out of him.. he'll no to stop bullying u and when i did that to a kid the teacher gave him an hour detention and not me coz she sed it was bullying so i was like yeah:8 and well do that and use ur mum and dad splitting up as an excuse as well it sought of is as ur having a rough time and hes just making it worse

Hope i helped ^^

27-03-2007, 04:16 PM
meh, its ok to post here i mean its a good place to get advice as there is many people of all ages. Also it seems like ur having a hard time but just think.. if ur mum was like that then its best she wasnt with ur dad, doing all of that behind his back and stuff.. (if i understand correctly that she was having an affair) also with the dutch kid and stuff, you say u beat him up? well beat the living crap out of him.. he'll no to stop bullying u and when i did that to a kid the teacher gave him an hour detention and not me coz she sed it was bullying so i was like yeah:8 and well do that and use ur mum and dad splitting up as an excuse as well it sought of is as ur having a rough time and hes just making it worse

Hope i helped ^^

You're correct, it was an affair. I know, but my brothers should have had a good life here in Spain! :'(

I'd love to beat his little face in, but then I get another 3 people on me. I wouldn't mind beating them too... I don't want to tell my dad, as he's getting sorted now, he's seeing a nice woman now, and things are looking up for him. He's been through a lot, I don't want to tell him.

:( I don't know anymore.

27-03-2007, 04:29 PM
i see, well ask ur dad to take it to court to get ur brothers back.

Also about the bullies, tell the headmaster lol i should have suggested that first, but really tell the teachers and stuff and try not to get ur dad involved if u really dont want to.. and go from there :)

27-03-2007, 04:31 PM
Well you've certainly had your fair share of hard times.
I know this is so easy to say but a lot harder to do, you need to tell someone in real life about the bullying. I think bullies tend to do what they do because they love the reaction or have had a hard life, just remember you are better then the bullies. You should try and get your brothers over to Spain and see if they like living there.

27-03-2007, 04:51 PM
Well, prepare to read a novel. First; yes I am Zengo, ok? Sorry for being a prat.

Well, it all started when we moved to Spain (me, 3 brothers, mum dad and dog)... We went through France, then to Spain to find somewhere we liked to live. We did eventually. My mum had gone back to England TWO times because she felt "ill". Why didn't she go to the Spanish doctors? Why fly back to England?! Read on... Well, we got a place, it was nice. My dad knew something was up with my mum... but lets carry on. Me and my bros got into school, started learning Spanish... it was good. My mum had to go back again, at this time we all knew something was up. I used to help my dad find out - and thanks to me he did. He found out who she was going back to England to see. It was my dads best mate. Pah, best mate... :@ Anywho, my mum was spending 300 pounds JUST to go back and see my dads "friend". I'll tell you his real name. Kurt. Right, so my dad went back to England. He caught Kurt in the phone box, waiting for my mum to ring. My dad grabbed him round the neck and was about to beat the living crap out of him. But, he was saved by the phone ringing. My dad answered, didn't say anything and my mum said "hello?". My dad replied by saying "Hi, it's your husband speaking!". She hung up. My mum have me a hard time that night and stole my mobile. She was getting nasty, so I ran in the room grabbed my phone and ran out onto the street - no shoes on, note this was at midnight. Cutting it shorter now, my dad got back, my mum went off to England again with my little brother. I'll get to the point now, in the end my mum and dad split up - mum and three bros in England, me and my dad in Spain. It's very upsetting for me and my dad. There's more in it for me though, we'll get to that. In the end, my mum went back 5 or 6 times to England. So now the "family" is split up because of my stupid mother.

Well, a few months on and we're at today. At school, it's alright. Spanish school, learning to speak Spanish. Got some friends, classes are ok. But then... there are some English boys and a Dutch ****, who bully me. They call me all sorts of names, mainly "spot face", as I have spots. I call me nerd, gay, **** head, **** face... many names. I say "*Removed* off" to them, and the Dutch kid today started fighting with me. I whacked him back, and it ended soon. He left it by calling me names again. I hate it. I feel really alone, my family is split, school has bloody bullies. It sucks. I don't know why I keep going, probably for my dad and my brothers.

I just wanted to post this to get it off my chest, why I posted it here, I don't know.

Do not be mean to me, I think I've had my fair share.


Edited by Nick- (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not avoid the filter.

:( :( :@ that must be horrible especially living in a different country aswell, i dont fink i could move from england as i wouldnt be able to adjust to their ways of living and if them idiots bullied me id have something to say about both of the ******************:P

27-03-2007, 05:01 PM
Damn, I'd like to give you words of comfort but I can't really think of anything at all that could make you feel any better. I'm very sorry mate.

27-03-2007, 05:08 PM
bullies = scum of the earth
they call you names, just ignore them. ther a bunch of low lifes who are jealous. i get bullied every day at school, i find it funny cause they call me the same names all the time, ther so stupid and cant make up anything else.
if they beat you up, just walk away, bottle your anger up till you get home and have a good lil fight with your pillow. never stup to ther level of hittin people.
and also, about your family. if your mum was like that, she doesnt deserve you are your dad, and i have no idea why your brother went with her tho. im sure you and your dad felt some happiness when they spilt up after what she'd done.

lastly, you only have one life, dont do anything stupid just because of bullies :)

27-03-2007, 05:13 PM
bullies = scum of the earth
they call you names, just ignore them. ther a bunch of low lifes who are jealous. i get bullied every day at school, i find it funny cause they call me the same names all the time, ther so stupid and cant make up anything else.
if they beat you up, just walk away, bottle your anger up till you get home and have a good lil fight with your pillow. never stup to ther level of hittin people.
and also, about your family. if your mum was like that, she doesnt deserve you are your dad, and i have no idea why your brother went with her tho. im sure you and your dad felt some happiness when they spilt up after what she'd done.

lastly, you only have one life, dont do anything stupid just because of bullies :)You can't ignore bullies..i got bullied and bottling up ur anger IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT! i mean i did and well i just ended up taking it out on family as well as my poor pillow.. also sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to beat the poo out of them

27-03-2007, 05:16 PM
You can't ignore bullies..i got bullied and bottling up ur anger IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT! i mean i did and well i just ended up taking it out on family as well as my poor pillow.. also sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to beat the poo out of them

normally bullies have other mates who join in :)
not a good idea :)

27-03-2007, 05:19 PM
that is true aswell, the only way really is to get a teacher involved as ignoring is like impossible but then if u have older brothers/sisters like i got a sister who is 5years older and shes got a boyfriend and is like friends with the whole of her year so like anyone messes and well they got them to stick up with.. so i guess i could fight lol xD

27-03-2007, 05:23 PM
lol, thats cheating :P
but back to the main problem
try ignore them, its no impossible, just really hard, and ye i forgot that, tell the teacher :)

27-03-2007, 05:53 PM
Hi all, read the the posts. My brothers had to go with my mum, because my dad doesn't have much money. I cant get them back :'( and thanks Nick- for infracting me for saying f.

I might wait 'til after school and beat the crap outta the Dutch guy.

27-03-2007, 06:06 PM
normally bullies have other mates who join in :)
not a good idea :)
thats hwy you get some of your mates..

27-03-2007, 09:49 PM
Is your bein ok to you, like spendin lots of time with you and talkin to you...?

28-03-2007, 04:44 PM
srry to hear tom, try get it sorted tho.

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