View Full Version : Problems

30-03-2007, 10:05 PM
I know my problems are probably not as bad as many others but I'm getting fed up of them, well I better tell you what they are.

1. Today I had to burry my Grandad, I know hes better off now because he was in pain but I'm fed up of seeing people I love die around me over half of my family have died.

2. My girlfriend who apparently loves me so much is paying more attention to one of my friends than me, today I havn't seen her so I knew she was on msn and I thought I'd log on to talk to her and she got my mate (The one shes paying more attention to.) To tell me that her keyboard is broke (She was on mic to him but not me.)

3. My parents are arguing non-stop. My dad goes out every single night drinking and comes back completly leg-less which causes biggers arguments.

4. I now don't feel like I have a family because so many have past-away and I feel left out of both of my familes (Farther side & Mothers side.)

I'm not really looking for any help, but it will be appreciated.
I have typed this here because I can't talk to anyone face-to-face about these problems.

Also if your going to be a prat stay out of the thread and don't post.

30-03-2007, 10:23 PM
Well, you could try talking, if you feel comfortable. Especially to your girlfriend, tell her how you fell maybe and she should be sympethetic. And just let your parent know how you feel, and they can suport you!

30-03-2007, 10:36 PM
I don't have the confidence to talk to anyone about this really.
My girlfriend knows all of the above apart from the one that involves her.
My parents know im fed up of them arguing and to be honest I have no idea with what to say that I don't feel like part of the family and I'm fed up of death.

Thanks for you help though.

30-03-2007, 10:46 PM
Well in most cases its better out than in. If you tell someone, you will feal slightly relieved, considering your situation i would think that your GF is your best source, maybe just try that little harder to tell her if you can. And weather she is interested/concerned and so on can be determined by her actions and what she says. But i will leave it up to you.

Good luck!

30-03-2007, 10:48 PM
Thanks for the advice.

30-03-2007, 11:14 PM
Im sorry to hear about your grandad and you should talk to your girlfriend face-to-face about the problem and ask her is she jus using you to get with your mate

30-03-2007, 11:24 PM
Im sorry to hear about your grandad and you should talk to your girlfriend face-to-face about the problem and ask her is she jus using you to get with your mate

You don't have to be sorry.
She used to go out with my mate a few years ago, apparently theyre really good friends now but I can't help but think theres something more.

I just have no idea what to say to her.

31-03-2007, 12:04 AM
Talk to your girlfriend and if she doesn't seem to care dump her. Give her a wake up call. Sorry about your grandparent I know how it feels :( Its pretty hard on the family. With your parents you should really just stay out of it because I know from my experiences that it won't really ever stop and the best thing that I did was stay out of it and move in with my grandmother for a bit so I could get away from my parents. Maybe you can live with a relative for a few weeks just to get away from your home.

31-03-2007, 12:40 AM
I know I've got to speak to my girlfriend. I'm going to invite her round today (Later on as it's 1:40am) and talk about it. I have no idea what I'm going to say I'm useless with these types of things. Thanks for the advice on the parents part. +Rep

31-03-2007, 08:20 AM
Sorry that you've lost a grandparent (all mine are gone too :( ). Anyways about your girlfriend, it seems as though she's trying to avoid you because she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you anymore? Girls are like that when they're young. Don't know who they want to date (im assuming your a teen.) If your father is an alchoholic you and your family should definately sit down and talk to him about his problem. My dad is an alchoholic and thats what led to my parents splitting so you should talk to him and get him help.

Hope this helped, PS2.

31-03-2007, 12:26 PM
I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 16 her birthday is in June, we are in the same year so I would expect her to know what she wants.
Anyone todays the day I've invited her round to talk as my parents have gone out.

My Dad denies being an alcoholic, he also steals money from me, my mum and my brother.

31-03-2007, 03:24 PM
Most addicts are in denial of their problem. You should confront him saying if he steals money from his family for booze he is an alchoholic and needs help.

31-03-2007, 03:29 PM
Most addicts are in denial of their problem. You should confront him saying if he steals money from his family for booze he is an alchoholic and needs help.

Done it.
He didn't pay no attention, then that night he came back drunk as normal and started to have ago at me saying "Your going to regret that!" Because I got annoyed because he stole my money.

31-03-2007, 04:35 PM
You can never trust ANYONE 100%, but what you can do is put trust into yourself to know that whatever happens, you'll handle it, you'll learn from it.

May not be what many people want to hear, but sadly it couldn't be nearer to the truth.

Good luck :)

31-03-2007, 04:41 PM
Well me and my girlfriend are ok. :)
She has said they are just friends and I believe her, I'm going to speak to my mate about it when I go out tonight with him (Lads night out, game of footie etc.)

As for my parents matter I have said If you do not sort your selves out I'm going to leave at the end of the week.

No idea where I'm going to go maybe to my friends (A different one from the one mentioned before.)

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