View Full Version : HabboxForum RuneScape Award 2k7

03-04-2007, 02:25 PM
Hello , Welcome to the *Official* Hxf Runescape Awards 2007.
These awards are just for fun and i would like to
take this time to remind you do not take offence to anything said in this
Ok so lets get started here are the catagories:
Best Overall Runescape Player:
Best Lurer:
Best Pker:
Most Determined Runescape Player:
Most Anoying Runescape Player:
Most Mature Runescape Player:
Worst Runescape player:
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:
Worst No-Lifer:
Nicest Runescape Player:
Funniest Runescape Player
Most Experienced Fisher: [Well i had to win atleast one thing hehe xD]

Cast Your Votes :]

03-04-2007, 02:28 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Alex/Rachel/Dan
Best Lurer: Calum / Jake
Best Pker: Not sure :x
Most Determined Runescape Player: Distad tbh
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad tbh
Most Mature Runescape Player: Conor
Worst Runescape player: Dan coz hes like 1 in everything (ilu rly dan)
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Conor coz he sed i smels once
Worst No-Lifer: That kid with no life
Nicest Runescape Player: MEME PMG
Funniest Runescape Player : connor tbh

03-04-2007, 02:31 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan

Best Lurer: Dont know

Best Pker: Dont know

Most Determined Runescape Player: Me? :D

Most Anoying Runescape Player: Xiwl

Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel

Worst Runescape player: Distad? soz lol :x

Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl

Worst No-Lifer: Dont know

Nicest Runescape Player: Mika (forgot hxf name) something like xoxmikaxox? lol or scousearmy

Funniest Runescape Player: Dont know

03-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Distad
Best Lurer: Distad
Best Pker: Distad
Most Determined Runescape Player: Hahaha NO!
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Gota be me sorry.
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Dunno
Funniest Runescape Player: Distad & his rediculous goals.
Most Experienced Fisher: No idea. :)
Most Firemaking Experience: Me.

03-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Ok so lets get started here are the catagories:
Best Overall Runescape Player: Rachel / Dan
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean... I dunno
Most Determined Runescape Player: Matty
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Xiwl
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Crans
Nicest Runescape Player: Charles / Shane
Funniest Runescape Player: David / Sean

03-04-2007, 02:33 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Matty
Most Determined Runescape Player: Scriptermone
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Conor :)
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Mrcrans
Nicest Runescape Player: Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor :p
Most Experienced Fisher: Rachel

03-04-2007, 02:38 PM
I dont know half of the new people on here so ill just do the people i know :p

Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky, Ste (Arakawai) If he still goes on here
Best Lurer: dunno
Best Pker: duno
Most Determined Runescape Player: Moi
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Conor
Most Mature Runescape Player: Stee, Charles
Worst Runescape player: duno
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: conor
Worst No-Lifer: conor
Nicest Runescape Player: Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: conor

03-04-2007, 02:42 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Rachel
Best Lurer: Distad
Best Pker: crans/mrcrans/mike/rebblious
Most Determined Runescape Player: ME even though i dont play no more
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad - hes so gunna win that lol
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: sean- on irc whoever he is
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Micky.blue.eyes
Funniest Runescape Player: xiwl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor lol

03-04-2007, 02:42 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Rachel simply because she has made here account a good all round and hasent really been bother on getting loads of 99's :)
Best Lurer: Erm probs Callum or Jake
Best Pker: Sean/ Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mrcrans
Most Anoying Runescape Player: dont want to say
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan/Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Dont want to say
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Dont want to say
Worst No-Lifer: not sure
Nicest Runescape Player: Evryone in thier own special way
Funniest Runescape Player: Again evryone in thier own special way :)
Most Experienced Fisher: Stress Fr33

03-04-2007, 02:46 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Hysteria
Best Lurer:Jay
Best Pker:Neil
Most Determined Runescape Player:Distad
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Dan
Most Mature Runescape Player:Me
Worst Runescape player:Rachel
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:David
Worst No-Lifer:Crans
Nicest Runescape Player:Distad
Funniest Runescape Player:yr gran

03-04-2007, 02:46 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Alex (Youheard)
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Conor
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Xiwl or Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Xiwl or Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl or Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Matty (Mattych)
Nicest Runescape Player: Callum.
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor
Most Experienced Fisher: Xiwl or Distad

03-04-2007, 04:01 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer:Moi
Best Pker:Sean
Most Determined Runescape Player:Alex
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player:Rachel
Worst Runescape player:Xiwl
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Xiwl + Distad
Worst No-Lifer:Mattych
Nicest Runescape Player:Kooldude2 3
Funniest Runescape Player:N/A

03-04-2007, 04:08 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Youheard
Best Lurer:Calum
Best Pker:Sean
Most Determined Runescape Player: Dunno
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player:Rashelly
Worst Runescape player:Xiwl
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Hoax
Worst No-Lifer:Mattych
Nicest Runescape Player:Dunno
Funniest Runescape Player: Mitch (Yesum)

03-04-2007, 04:09 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Youheard/Dan.
Best Lurer: Jake.
Best Pker: Mrcrans.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Distad :) (1 Day.)
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan.
Worst Runescape player: Whit111
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Not Sure.
Worst No-Lifer: Not Sure.
Nicest Runescape Player: Jake/Dan/Matty.
Funniest Runescape Player: Me.

03-04-2007, 04:23 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan/Rachel/Youheard
Best Lurer: Callum/Jake
Best Pker: Crans/Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Matty/Youheard
Most Annoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: DJ-Vimto/Dan/Jake
Worst Runescape player: Xiwl/Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: idk.
Nicest Runescape Player: DJ-Vimto/Dan/Mika/Cymbran
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor/Mitch

03-04-2007, 04:26 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Xiwl
Best Lurer: Xiwl
Best Pker: Xiwl
Most Determined Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Mature Runescape Player: Xiwl
Worst Runescape player: Youheard
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Youheard
Nicest Runescape Player: Xiwl
Funniest Runescape Player: Xiwl
*Text Removed*

Edited by J1MI (Super Moderator) - Please don't avoid the filter.

03-04-2007, 04:30 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Xiwl
Best Lurer: Xiwl
Best Pker: Xiwl
Most Determined Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Mature Runescape Player: Xiwl
Worst Runescape player: Youheard
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Youheard
Nicest Runescape Player: Xiwl
Funniest Runescape Player: Xiwl
*Text Removed*

I laughed, I should've put you down as Funniest Runescape Player now!

03-04-2007, 04:34 PM
I laughed, I should've put you down as Funniest Runescape Player now!
yh ino

03-04-2007, 04:36 PM
Rach r most determined & -=cool=- is pretty funny there my votez xox

03-04-2007, 04:36 PM
Rach r most determined & -=cool=- is pretty funny there my votez xox

Edited by Nick- (Forum Super Moderator): Do not insult other members.

03-04-2007, 04:49 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Alex/Dan/Rach/Matty/ Shane (All so Helpful :)).
Best Lurer: Dont know.
Best Pker: Mrcrans.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mrcrans.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach.
Worst Runescape player: Dont know.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl.
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller.
Nicest Runescape Player: Alex/Matty.
Funniest Runescape Player: Most people in irc are funny, can't choose.

03-04-2007, 05:11 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: There is no overall best RS player, everyone is good at RS in there own way, it's very difficult to pick the "best".
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Brody (No offence, just dont like you).
Most Mature Runescape Player: Alex/Charles/Rachel/Mickey/James(Barwy)/James (Gigitir).
Worst Runescape player: Joxed
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Pass. Next question.
Nicest Runescape Player: Alex/Ste
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor. He makes me giggle.

03-04-2007, 05:19 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: MrCrans
Best Lurer: Dunno =]
Best Pker: MrCrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: AnyoneButDistad.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Hoax
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Me tbh.
Nicest Runescape Player: xoxmikaxox (Bubbling27 on rs)
Funniest Runescape Player: Xiwl

03-04-2007, 05:23 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:
Best Lurer: not sure
Best Pker: sean / calum
Most Determined Runescape Player:matty/rachel/alex/sean
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad or me
Most Mature Runescape Player: alex/rachel/mickey/barwy/ jake
Worst Runescape player: me
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: hoax
Worst No-Lifer: baby-
Nicest Runescape Player: davii / conor / jake
Funniest Runescape Player: davii / conor /jake

03-04-2007, 05:30 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: There is no overall best RS player, everyone is good at RS in there own way, it's very difficult to pick the "best".
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Brody (No offence, just dont like you).
Most Mature Runescape Player: Alex/Charles/Rachel/Mickey/James(Barwy)/James (Gigitir).
Worst Runescape player: Joxed
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Pass. Next question.
Nicest Runescape Player: Alex/Ste
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor. He makes me giggle.

Oh kl i thought u h8ed me

03-04-2007, 05:31 PM
Oh kl i thought u h8ed me
Me? Hate you? Never. ;)

03-04-2007, 05:33 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: All the ops in #Habbox-chat + Matty
Best Lurer: lurers are lame tbh
Best Pker: sean because he a wannabe pure and matt because he called me a negro a lots
Most Determined Runescape Player: matt because he my bf irl and got 99 str :)
Most Anoying Runescape Player: that grap guy
Most Mature Runescape Player: sean and shane
Worst Runescape player: dingo and runescript cos he mean he called me a fish without fins :(
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: conor
Best No-Lifer: matt with love babe and dan :D
Nicest Runescape Player: sean(he is nice at heart) matt(for real) shane(he dont make fun of my OG-ness) brody a gud guy at heart tbh
Funniest Runescape Player: conor he r a brit from florida like

03-04-2007, 05:35 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: All the ops in #Habbox-chat + Matty
Best Lurer: lurers are lame tbh
Best Pker: sean because he a wannabe pure and matt because he called me a negro a lots
Most Determined Runescape Player: matt because he my bf irl and got 99 str :)
Most Anoying Runescape Player: that grap guy
Most Mature Runescape Player: sean and shane
Worst Runescape player: dingo
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: conor
Best No-Lifer: matt with love babe and dan :D
Nicest Runescape Player: sean(he is nice at heart) matt(for real) shane(he dont make fun of my OG-ness) brody a gud guy at heart tbh
Funniest Runescape Player: conor he r a brit from florida like

Whats wrong with my attitude >;[

03-04-2007, 05:37 PM
Whats wrong with my attitude >;[
just ignore him hes a *Text Removed*

Edited by J1MI (Super Moderator) - Please don't insult other forum members.

03-04-2007, 05:42 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan/Ste/Rach/Every1
Best Lurer: Who? I don't follow luring, I ignore it when sum1 chats bout it
Best Pker: crans or sean idk i suck anywayz
Most Determined Runescape Player: um alex sean rach dan crans um
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: alex
Worst Runescape player: lvl 3s
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: distad
Worst No-Lifer: jake
Nicest Runescape Player: steve shane
Funniest Runescape Player: everyone

03-04-2007, 05:43 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan/Ste/Rach/Every1
Best Lurer: Who? I don't follow luring, I ignore it when sum1 chats bout it
Best Pker: crans or sean idk i suck anywayz
Most Determined Runescape Player: um alex sean rach dan crans um
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: alex
Worst Runescape player: lvl 3s
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: distad
Worst No-Lifer: jake
Nicest Runescape Player: steve shane
Funniest Runescape Player: everyone
Thanks ;).

03-04-2007, 05:55 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Not sure
Best Lurer:Calum
Best Pker:Mrcrans/sean
Most Determined Runescape Player:Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Irraplacable
Most Mature Runescape Player:Charles,Rachel,Dan,Jake.
Worst Runescape player:Irraplacable
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer:Irraplacable
Nicest Runescape Player:Every one except, Irraplacable
Funniest Runescape Player: Not sure.

03-04-2007, 05:56 PM
Thanks ;).

It's ok lol. :)

03-04-2007, 06:04 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky (Faradomir)
Best Lurer: Me and ryan tbh
Best Pker: Sean(imnotpure44) tbh *cough* wannabe pure *cough*
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me likes
Worst Runescape player: Conor
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller
Nicest Runescape Player: Sean <333 (imnotpure44)
Funniest Runescape Player: Conz0r

03-04-2007, 06:13 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky (Faradomir)
Best Lurer: Me and ryan tbh
Best Pker: Sean(imnotpure44) tbh *cough* wannabe pure *cough*
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me likes
Worst Runescape player: Conor
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller
Nicest Runescape Player: Sean <333 (imnotpure44)
Funniest Runescape Player: Conz0r

O fnkz

03-04-2007, 06:21 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Rachel
Best Lurer: Distad
Best Pker: crans/mrcrans/mike/rebblious
Most Determined Runescape Player: ME even though i dont play no more
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad - hes so gunna win that lol
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: sean- on irc whoever he is
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Micky.blue.eyes
Funniest Runescape Player: xiwl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor lol

For them awards ive highlighted purple
Id like to say i wasnt trying to insult anyone from that.
was doing it as a joke.

Sorry if they feel upset about it.

03-04-2007, 06:24 PM
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel & Dan

I don't post in here much so I can't really comment on the other cats, I think you should take the bad awards out, mainly as its a form of abuse to the people picked.

03-04-2007, 06:25 PM
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mentioned by anyone apart from some noob called conor who is very funny :P but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(

03-04-2007, 06:26 PM
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mention by anyone aprt from some noob called conor but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(

Lol most unknow, how will anyone know who to pick?

03-04-2007, 06:28 PM
Lol most unknow, how will anyone know who to pick?
exactly :'(
Sorry but time for me to trun into noob of the year hahahaha :D

03-04-2007, 06:30 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Not sure
Best Lurer:Calum
Best Pker:Mrcrans/sean
Most Determined Runescape Player:Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Irraplacable
Most Mature Runescape Player:Charles,Rachel,Dan,Jake.
Worst Runescape player:Irraplacable
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer:Irraplacable
Nicest Runescape Player:Every one except, Irraplacable
Funniest Runescape Player: Not sure.

Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky (Faradomir)
Best Lurer: Me and ryan tbh
Best Pker: Sean(imnotpure44) tbh *cough* wannabe pure *cough*
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me likes
Worst Runescape player: Conor
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller
Nicest Runescape Player: Sean <333 (imnotpure44)
Funniest Runescape Player: Conz0r

Fnku babiez

03-04-2007, 06:37 PM
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mentioned by anyone apart from some noob called conor who is very funny :P but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(

I lol`d

03-04-2007, 06:38 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Mrcrans ftw!!!!
Most Determined Runescape Player: Unsure
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Cod (and chips)
Funniest Runescape Player: Bob aka God doesn't play rs

03-04-2007, 06:46 PM
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mentioned by anyone apart from some noob called conor who is very funny :P but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(

I donno, only like 3 people actually know who I am and I've been using this forum along time, been playing RS a long time too :P

03-04-2007, 06:55 PM
I donno, only like 3 people actually know who I am and I've been using this forum along time, been playing RS a long time too :P
Ye its wierd aint it but its mainly because most of the hxf users use irc/ss so they alwyas tallking to eachother and get to know eachother more but we dont so we dont really get noticed

03-04-2007, 07:05 PM
Ye its wierd aint it but its mainly because most of the hxf users use irc/ss so they alwyas tallking to eachother and get to know eachother more but we dont so we dont really get noticed

Its a pitty coz ur 'well' funny

03-04-2007, 07:07 PM
Its a pitty coz ur 'well' funny
Init anywas can i have back my 2 mill

03-04-2007, 07:10 PM
What 2m ?

03-04-2007, 07:12 PM
What 2m ?
The 2 mill coz i am threatening to tell evryone on hxf about you know what coz i iz super sad and like pixel money it gives me thrils

03-04-2007, 07:15 PM
The 2 mill coz i am threatening to tell evryone on hxf about you know what coz i iz super sad and like pixel money it gives me thrils

Oh u spammer

03-04-2007, 07:19 PM
Oh u spammer
What no i dont spam i was just thanking niel that he is like me
Thanks niel

03-04-2007, 07:21 PM
What no i dont spam i was just thanking niel that he is like me
Thanks niel

IV known u ages i remember someone made an acount with ur runescape name and spammed loads.

03-04-2007, 07:22 PM
IV known u ages i remember someone made an acount with ur runescape name and spammed loads.
Ye they spammed Jakes pm but it wasent me and he left now anywas well i think he has and his name was jay 2k6 not jay y2k6

03-04-2007, 07:57 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Mrcrans ftw!!!!
Most Determined Runescape Player: Unsure
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Cod (and chips)
Funniest Runescape Player: Bob aka God doesn't play rs

Omgz0r lies tbh.

Ta bbz ;) (I'll pay you tomorow for voting for me, just dont tell anyone i asked u to k.)

03-04-2007, 09:20 PM
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p

proof: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Vs4e-ObTRqI

03-04-2007, 09:24 PM
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p

proof: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Vs4e-ObTRqI

Hiiiiii :D

Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Unsure
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rach and Dan
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan and Rach
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy and Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Nice people in #habbox-chat
Funniest Runescape Player: unsure

03-04-2007, 09:24 PM
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p

proof: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Vs4e-ObTRqI

That doesnt show him getting the mask :P just killing some innocent person.

03-04-2007, 09:24 PM
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p

proof: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Vs4e-ObTRqI

Lol the good ol' days :(

03-04-2007, 09:28 PM
Hiiiiii :D

Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Unsure
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rach and Dan
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan and Rach
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy and Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Nice people in #habbox-chat
Funniest Runescape Player: unsure


That doesnt show him getting the mask :P just killing some innocent person.

Some 'pro lurer' tryed luring defenceless conor but anywho.

Lol the good ol' days :(

yeeee ;'[

03-04-2007, 09:41 PM

Some 'pro lurer' tryed luring defenceless conor but anywho.

yeeee ;'[

Dya remember i braught loads of buckets and other junk with me

03-04-2007, 09:44 PM
Dya remember i braught loads of buckets and other junk with me

ye i picked it all up i was so happy

03-04-2007, 09:48 PM
ye i picked it all up i was so happy

Soz the video says otherwise

03-04-2007, 10:15 PM
Best Lurer: Callum
Best Pker: N\A
Most Determined Runescape Player: Distad
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad again
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach
Worst Runescape player: Distad? (Apart from the fact he is rich)
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Idno?
Worst No-Lifer: Me haha
Nicest Runescape Player: Dan
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor or Me xD
Most Experienced Fisher: Chaz? LOL Conor fo sho <3

03-04-2007, 10:20 PM
Best Overall Player: Rach
Best Lurer: Callum
Best Pker: Mike
Most Determined Runescape Player: Matty or Mike
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Shane, Rach, Jamie and Brad
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Ryan
Worst No-Lifer: Matty (sorry)
Nicest Runescape Player: Shane
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor

03-04-2007, 10:41 PM
I win no lifer award, thx for votes. :D

03-04-2007, 10:46 PM
I win no lifer award, thx for votes. :D

true :P

03-04-2007, 10:46 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Rachel / Rashelly
Best Lurer: Conor
Best Pker: Conor
Most Determined Runescape Player: NOT Distad, Me =]
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me Duh?
Worst Runescape player: Dan
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: lDeclan
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Ew? =/
Funniest Runescape Player: Distad
*Text Removed*

Edited by J1MI (Super Moderator) - Please don't accuse other members of scamming.

03-04-2007, 11:12 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: n/a
Best Lurer: n/a
Best Pker: n/a
Most Determined Runescape Player: n/a
Most Anoying Runescape Player: n/a
Most Mature Runescape Player: n/a
Worst Runescape player: n/a
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: n/a
Worst No-Lifer: n/a
Nicest Runescape Player: n/a
Funniest Runescape Player: n/a

hope my vote helps :)

03-04-2007, 11:14 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: n/a
Best Lurer: n/a
Best Pker: n/a
Most Determined Runescape Player: n/a
Most Anoying Runescape Player: n/a
Most Mature Runescape Player: n/a
Worst Runescape player: n/a
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: n/a
Worst No-Lifer: n/a
Nicest Runescape Player: n/a
Funniest Runescape Player: n/a

hope my vote helps :)

Hillarious =/

03-04-2007, 11:43 PM
i think so :D

04-04-2007, 12:00 AM
wow davii is that sad to bad rep me

04-04-2007, 12:06 AM
How does that make him sad.

04-04-2007, 12:16 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: dunno
Best Pker: Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: not sure
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: not sure
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: dont know any
Nicest Runescape Player: base (Iyyer.), Dan, most of the people on my friends list
Funniest Runescape Player: base (Iyyer.)

04-04-2007, 02:27 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player: dan/micky/sean/jack/mitch/jack/ross/shayne/anyone who i like tbh.
Best Lurer: conor cos he spent 2months no lifing luring fish tbh.
Best Pker: baby-skiller
Most Determined Runescape Player: mitch da skiller nub.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: micky/dan
Worst Runescape player: baby-skiller cos he cant get past level 3 combat.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: eww thats easy mitch :[.
Worst No-Lifer: pansy cransie.
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone who rawrs at me.
Funniest Runescape Player: distad
Most Experienced Fisher: conor

04-04-2007, 02:47 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player: dan/micky/sean/jack/mitch/jack/ross/shayne/anyone who i like tbh.
Best Lurer: conor cos he spent 2months no lifing luring fish tbh.
Best Pker: baby-skiller
Most Determined Runescape Player: mitch da skiller nub.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: micky/dan
Worst Runescape player: baby-skiller cos he cant get past level 3 combat.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: eww thats easy mitch :[.
Worst No-Lifer: pansy cransie.
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone who rawrs at me.
Funniest Runescape Player: distad
Most Experienced Fisher: conor

*wants to be nice*

04-04-2007, 09:24 AM

*wants to be nice*
theres a gurrd lad.

04-04-2007, 11:24 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player: dan/micky/sean/jack/mitch/jack/ross/shayne/anyone who i like tbh.
Best Lurer: conor cos he spent 2months no lifing luring fish tbh.
Best Pker: baby-skiller
Most Determined Runescape Player: mitch da skiller nub.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: micky/dan
Worst Runescape player: baby-skiller cos he cant get past level 3 combat.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: eww thats easy mitch :[.
Worst No-Lifer: pansy cransie.
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone who rawrs at me.
Funniest Runescape Player: distad
Most Experienced Fisher: conor

Are you callin me fat? No more beef for you :'[ *emocry

Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan is pretty firteen
Best Lurer: idk?! I dont c people lure much
Best Pker: ME I PK'D 87 BLACK KNIVERS THE OTHER DAY. then got kiled.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Anyone who makes me giggle?! in places i dont want people to make me giggle OMG WDF LOL!11!1 <-weirdo
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad gawd.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Yesum, i think he's mature in all maters of respect and co-ordination.
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: probs me, im nice to cool people, just not to noobs. i tend to go sik irl. its like DIE!
Worst No-Lifer: Idk im not on enough to watch everyones hxf symbol go green. ive got beta fings t0 do.
Nicest Runescape Player: Jackbuddy *Rawr* and Cod =]] There was this one time at band camp, and i stuck a flute up my... SORRY WATCHED AMERICAN PIE AND REMINDED ME OF U :]
Funniest Runescape Player: omg i cant remeber. sean makes me laff irl. coz im crazy kl like that

04-04-2007, 12:07 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Xiwl?
Best Pker: me, think your better lets pkay?
Most Determined Runescape Player: hmm well distad looses here. myself
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: me
Worst Runescape player: DISTAD
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:ME
Worst No-Lifer: DISTAD?
Nicest Runescape Player: ME :)
Funniest Runescape Player: ME :)
Most Experienced Fisher: stress free?

04-04-2007, 12:12 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Conor Or Dan
Best Lurer: Noone
Best Pker: Mccrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Fatjoe
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Mccrans
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad, Not taking advice
Worst No-Lifer: Me Probz =]
Nicest Runescape Player: David
Funniest Runescape Player: =S
Most Experienced Fisher: Rachel =]

04-04-2007, 12:14 PM
why is everyone saying worst-no-lifer is Distad? no-lifers stick to their goals and being the worst one means that you no-life all the time, so Distad is realy not the worst no-lifer :s

04-04-2007, 12:35 PM
Vote me more i r s&#234;xy

04-04-2007, 02:06 PM
why is everyone saying worst-no-lifer is Distad? no-lifers stick to their goals and being the worst one means that you no-life all the time, so Distad is realy not the worst no-lifer :s

maybe it means worst no-lifer is when you no-life and dont get anywhere, and a best no-lifer is where you no-life and achieve something:S

04-04-2007, 07:23 PM
I should of put Distad for WORST no lifer he sets loads of 99 goals then leaves them D;

04-04-2007, 07:59 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dno
Best Lurer: Dno
Best Pker: Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mattych
Most Anoying Runescape Player: BobX/Ingoe/Xiwl/Distad/Davii
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach
Worst Runescape player: Ingoe
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: All the people that put me <3
Worst No-Lifer: :]
Nicest Runescape Player: Mattych


04-04-2007, 08:29 PM
Thanks for all the votes :P

Best Overall Runescape Player: Rach/Alex/Steveh nubbit :P
Best Lurer: sean, he lured me good :o
Best Pker: sean cos he never gives up :P
Most Determined Runescape Player: micky :P
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach/Alex/Charles
Worst Runescape player: distad tbh
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: umm dunno ;o
Worst No-Lifer: matty tbh ;)
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone in habbox-chat :D
Funniest Runescape Player: yesum lolol :P
Most Experienced Fisher: Jake :P

04-04-2007, 08:29 PM
what have i done to annoy you? just curious so i can stop =D

04-04-2007, 10:26 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dno
Best Lurer: Dno
Best Pker: Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mattych
Most Anoying Runescape Player: BobX/Ingoe/Xiwl/Distad/Davii
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach
Worst Runescape player: Ingoe
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: All the people that put me <3
Worst No-Lifer: :]
Nicest Runescape Player: Mattych

idiot 1. im better than a lot of people on this forum
2. you only put that because i put you
and 3 . minus rep for the pointless one you gave me

04-04-2007, 10:28 PM
idiot 1. im better than a lot of people on this forum
2. you only put that because i put you
and 3 . minus rep for the pointless one you gave me

Shall i lock this thread now ? arguements are starting to occur.

04-04-2007, 10:31 PM
1) ingoe isnt the worst.

2) bobx never annoys anyone.

edit: thats to hoax

05-04-2007, 04:18 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player:idk
Best Lurer:jojo3000(his vid owns)
Best Pker:mrcrans.
Most Determined Runescape Player:idk
Most Anoying Runescape Player:distad
Most Mature Runescape Player:idk
Worst Runescape player:distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:idk
Worst No-Lifer:distad
Nicest Runescape Player:idk
Funniest Runescape Player:abyss arrow(pked me a whip and gave it back :))

05-04-2007, 10:13 AM
Just cos I quit Rune doesn't mean you can't vote for me :'(

06-04-2007, 07:04 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Charles/Alex
Best Lurer: Uh..Ingoe told me to say him
Best Pker: Sean/gigitir(james)
Most Determined Runescape Player: Alex probably, 99 WC is mental
Most Annoying Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Mature Runescape Player: Charles
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Dan, but not anymore, since he has a job
Nicest Runescape Player: Shane/Alex/Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor makes me gigle like a schoolgirl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor...But I'm going to catch him up

06-04-2007, 07:20 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Charles/Alex
Best Lurer: Uh..Ingoe told me to say him
Best Pker: Sean/gigitir(james)
Most Determined Runescape Player: Alex probably, 99 WC is mental
Most Annoying Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Mature Runescape Player: Charles
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Dan, but not anymore, since he has a job
Nicest Runescape Player: Shane/Alex/Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor makes me gigle like a schoolgirl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor...But I'm going to catch him up

ilu2 my e-boyfriend xox

06-04-2007, 07:20 PM
1) ingoe isnt the worst.

2) bobx never annoys anyone.

edit: thats to hoax

i think ingoe is the worst ;} he's almost equal to distad

06-04-2007, 10:46 PM
Are you callin me fat? No more beef for you :'[ *emocry

Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan is pretty firteen
Best Lurer: idk?! I dont c people lure much
Best Pker: ME I PK'D 87 BLACK KNIVERS THE OTHER DAY. then got kiled.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Anyone who makes me giggle?! in places i dont want people to make me giggle OMG WDF LOL!11!1 <-weirdo
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad gawd.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Yesum, i think he's mature in all maters of respect and co-ordination.
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: probs me, im nice to cool people, just not to noobs. i tend to go sik irl. its like DIE!
Worst No-Lifer: Idk im not on enough to watch everyones hxf symbol go green. ive got beta fings t0 do.
Nicest Runescape Player: Jackbuddy *Rawr* and Cod =]] There was this one time at band camp, and i stuck a flute up my... SORRY WATCHED AMERICAN PIE AND REMINDED ME OF U :]
Funniest Runescape Player: omg i cant remeber. sean makes me laff irl. coz im crazy kl like that

06-04-2007, 10:54 PM

haha i didnt noticer that

06-04-2007, 10:57 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Dunno
Best Pker: Me Pl0x
Most Determined Runescape Player: Dunno
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl :(
Worst No-Lifer: ME :D
Nicest Runescape Player:Dj-Vimto
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor

06-04-2007, 11:05 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Dunno
Best Pker: Me Pl0x
Most Determined Runescape Player: Dunno
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl :(
Worst No-Lifer: ME :D
Nicest Runescape Player:Dj-Vimto
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor

Who is this conor guy people keep voting for

06-04-2007, 11:09 PM
Who is this conor guy people keep voting for

if u saw down his pants u'd die.
its lyk bigger dan distads goals. srsly.

06-04-2007, 11:14 PM
if u saw down his pants u'd die.
its lyk bigger dan distads goals. srsly.

ye i av erd people av fainted

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