View Full Version : HabboxForum RuneScape Award 2k7
Hello , Welcome to the *Official* Hxf Runescape Awards 2007.
These awards are just for fun and i would like to
take this time to remind you do not take offence to anything said in this
Ok so lets get started here are the catagories:
Best Overall Runescape Player:
Best Lurer:
Best Pker:
Most Determined Runescape Player:
Most Anoying Runescape Player:
Most Mature Runescape Player:
Worst Runescape player:
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:
Worst No-Lifer:
Nicest Runescape Player:
Funniest Runescape Player
Most Experienced Fisher: [Well i had to win atleast one thing hehe xD]
Cast Your Votes :]
03-04-2007, 02:28 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Alex/Rachel/Dan
Best Lurer: Calum / Jake
Best Pker: Not sure :x
Most Determined Runescape Player: Distad tbh
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad tbh
Most Mature Runescape Player: Conor
Worst Runescape player: Dan coz hes like 1 in everything (ilu rly dan)
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Conor coz he sed i smels once
Worst No-Lifer: That kid with no life
Nicest Runescape Player: MEME PMG
Funniest Runescape Player : connor tbh
03-04-2007, 02:31 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Dont know
Best Pker: Dont know
Most Determined Runescape Player: Me? :D
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Distad? soz lol :x
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Dont know
Nicest Runescape Player: Mika (forgot hxf name) something like xoxmikaxox? lol or scousearmy
Funniest Runescape Player: Dont know
03-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Distad
Best Lurer: Distad
Best Pker: Distad
Most Determined Runescape Player: Hahaha NO!
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Gota be me sorry.
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Dunno
Funniest Runescape Player: Distad & his rediculous goals.
Most Experienced Fisher: No idea. :)
Most Firemaking Experience: Me.
03-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Ok so lets get started here are the catagories:
Best Overall Runescape Player: Rachel / Dan
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean... I dunno
Most Determined Runescape Player: Matty
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Xiwl
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Crans
Nicest Runescape Player: Charles / Shane
Funniest Runescape Player: David / Sean
03-04-2007, 02:33 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Matty
Most Determined Runescape Player: Scriptermone
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Conor :)
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Mrcrans
Nicest Runescape Player: Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor :p
Most Experienced Fisher: Rachel
03-04-2007, 02:38 PM
I dont know half of the new people on here so ill just do the people i know :p
Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky, Ste (Arakawai) If he still goes on here
Best Lurer: dunno
Best Pker: duno
Most Determined Runescape Player: Moi
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Conor
Most Mature Runescape Player: Stee, Charles
Worst Runescape player: duno
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: conor
Worst No-Lifer: conor
Nicest Runescape Player: Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: conor
03-04-2007, 02:42 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Rachel
Best Lurer: Distad
Best Pker: crans/mrcrans/mike/rebblious
Most Determined Runescape Player: ME even though i dont play no more
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad - hes so gunna win that lol
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: sean- on irc whoever he is
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player:
Funniest Runescape Player: xiwl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor lol
03-04-2007, 02:42 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Rachel simply because she has made here account a good all round and hasent really been bother on getting loads of 99's :)
Best Lurer: Erm probs Callum or Jake
Best Pker: Sean/ Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mrcrans
Most Anoying Runescape Player: dont want to say
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan/Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Dont want to say
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Dont want to say
Worst No-Lifer: not sure
Nicest Runescape Player: Evryone in thier own special way
Funniest Runescape Player: Again evryone in thier own special way :)
Most Experienced Fisher: Stress Fr33
Best Overall Runescape Player:Hysteria
Best Lurer:Jay
Best Pker:Neil
Most Determined Runescape Player:Distad
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Dan
Most Mature Runescape Player:Me
Worst Runescape player:Rachel
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:David
Worst No-Lifer:Crans
Nicest Runescape Player:Distad
Funniest Runescape Player:yr gran
03-04-2007, 02:46 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Alex (Youheard)
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Conor
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Xiwl or Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Xiwl or Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl or Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Matty (Mattych)
Nicest Runescape Player: Callum.
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor
Most Experienced Fisher: Xiwl or Distad
03-04-2007, 04:01 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer:Moi
Best Pker:Sean
Most Determined Runescape Player:Alex
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player:Rachel
Worst Runescape player:Xiwl
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Xiwl + Distad
Worst No-Lifer:Mattych
Nicest Runescape Player:Kooldude2 3
Funniest Runescape Player:N/A
03-04-2007, 04:08 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Youheard
Best Lurer:Calum
Best Pker:Sean
Most Determined Runescape Player: Dunno
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player:Rashelly
Worst Runescape player:Xiwl
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Hoax
Worst No-Lifer:Mattych
Nicest Runescape Player:Dunno
Funniest Runescape Player: Mitch (Yesum)
03-04-2007, 04:09 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Youheard/Dan.
Best Lurer: Jake.
Best Pker: Mrcrans.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Distad :) (1 Day.)
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan.
Worst Runescape player: Whit111
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Not Sure.
Worst No-Lifer: Not Sure.
Nicest Runescape Player: Jake/Dan/Matty.
Funniest Runescape Player: Me.
03-04-2007, 04:23 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan/Rachel/Youheard
Best Lurer: Callum/Jake
Best Pker: Crans/Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Matty/Youheard
Most Annoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: DJ-Vimto/Dan/Jake
Worst Runescape player: Xiwl/Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: idk.
Nicest Runescape Player: DJ-Vimto/Dan/Mika/Cymbran
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor/Mitch
03-04-2007, 04:26 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Xiwl
Best Lurer: Xiwl
Best Pker: Xiwl
Most Determined Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Mature Runescape Player: Xiwl
Worst Runescape player: Youheard
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Youheard
Nicest Runescape Player: Xiwl
Funniest Runescape Player: Xiwl
*Text Removed*
Edited by J1MI (Super Moderator) - Please don't avoid the filter.
03-04-2007, 04:30 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Xiwl
Best Lurer: Xiwl
Best Pker: Xiwl
Most Determined Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Mature Runescape Player: Xiwl
Worst Runescape player: Youheard
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad
Worst No-Lifer: Youheard
Nicest Runescape Player: Xiwl
Funniest Runescape Player: Xiwl
*Text Removed*
I laughed, I should've put you down as Funniest Runescape Player now!
03-04-2007, 04:34 PM
I laughed, I should've put you down as Funniest Runescape Player now!
yh ino
Rach r most determined & -=cool=- is pretty funny there my votez xox
03-04-2007, 04:36 PM
Rach r most determined & -=cool=- is pretty funny there my votez xox
Edited by Nick- (Forum Super Moderator): Do not insult other members.
Best Overall Runescape Player: Alex/Dan/Rach/Matty/ Shane (All so Helpful :)).
Best Lurer: Dont know.
Best Pker: Mrcrans.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mrcrans.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach.
Worst Runescape player: Dont know.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl.
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller.
Nicest Runescape Player: Alex/Matty.
Funniest Runescape Player: Most people in irc are funny, can't choose.
03-04-2007, 05:11 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: There is no overall best RS player, everyone is good at RS in there own way, it's very difficult to pick the "best".
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Brody (No offence, just dont like you).
Most Mature Runescape Player: Alex/Charles/Rachel/Mickey/James(Barwy)/James (Gigitir).
Worst Runescape player: Joxed
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Pass. Next question.
Nicest Runescape Player: Alex/Ste
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor. He makes me giggle.
Best Overall Runescape Player: MrCrans
Best Lurer: Dunno =]
Best Pker: MrCrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: AnyoneButDistad.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Hoax
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Me tbh.
Nicest Runescape Player: xoxmikaxox (Bubbling27 on rs)
Funniest Runescape Player: Xiwl
03-04-2007, 05:23 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:
Best Lurer: not sure
Best Pker: sean / calum
Most Determined Runescape Player:matty/rachel/alex/sean
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad or me
Most Mature Runescape Player: alex/rachel/mickey/barwy/ jake
Worst Runescape player: me
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: hoax
Worst No-Lifer: baby-
Nicest Runescape Player: davii / conor / jake
Funniest Runescape Player: davii / conor /jake
Best Overall Runescape Player: There is no overall best RS player, everyone is good at RS in there own way, it's very difficult to pick the "best".
Best Lurer: Calum
Best Pker: Sean-
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Brody (No offence, just dont like you).
Most Mature Runescape Player: Alex/Charles/Rachel/Mickey/James(Barwy)/James (Gigitir).
Worst Runescape player: Joxed
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Pass. Next question.
Nicest Runescape Player: Alex/Ste
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor. He makes me giggle.
Oh kl i thought u h8ed me
03-04-2007, 05:31 PM
Oh kl i thought u h8ed me
Me? Hate you? Never. ;)
03-04-2007, 05:33 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: All the ops in #Habbox-chat + Matty
Best Lurer: lurers are lame tbh
Best Pker: sean because he a wannabe pure and matt because he called me a negro a lots
Most Determined Runescape Player: matt because he my bf irl and got 99 str :)
Most Anoying Runescape Player: that grap guy
Most Mature Runescape Player: sean and shane
Worst Runescape player: dingo and runescript cos he mean he called me a fish without fins :(
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: conor
Best No-Lifer: matt with love babe and dan :D
Nicest Runescape Player: sean(he is nice at heart) matt(for real) shane(he dont make fun of my OG-ness) brody a gud guy at heart tbh
Funniest Runescape Player: conor he r a brit from florida like
Best Overall Runescape Player: All the ops in #Habbox-chat + Matty
Best Lurer: lurers are lame tbh
Best Pker: sean because he a wannabe pure and matt because he called me a negro a lots
Most Determined Runescape Player: matt because he my bf irl and got 99 str :)
Most Anoying Runescape Player: that grap guy
Most Mature Runescape Player: sean and shane
Worst Runescape player: dingo
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: conor
Best No-Lifer: matt with love babe and dan :D
Nicest Runescape Player: sean(he is nice at heart) matt(for real) shane(he dont make fun of my OG-ness) brody a gud guy at heart tbh
Funniest Runescape Player: conor he r a brit from florida like
Whats wrong with my attitude >;[
03-04-2007, 05:37 PM
Whats wrong with my attitude >;[
just ignore him hes a *Text Removed*
Edited by J1MI (Super Moderator) - Please don't insult other forum members.
03-04-2007, 05:42 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan/Ste/Rach/Every1
Best Lurer: Who? I don't follow luring, I ignore it when sum1 chats bout it
Best Pker: crans or sean idk i suck anywayz
Most Determined Runescape Player: um alex sean rach dan crans um
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: alex
Worst Runescape player: lvl 3s
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: distad
Worst No-Lifer: jake
Nicest Runescape Player: steve shane
Funniest Runescape Player: everyone
03-04-2007, 05:43 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan/Ste/Rach/Every1
Best Lurer: Who? I don't follow luring, I ignore it when sum1 chats bout it
Best Pker: crans or sean idk i suck anywayz
Most Determined Runescape Player: um alex sean rach dan crans um
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: alex
Worst Runescape player: lvl 3s
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: distad
Worst No-Lifer: jake
Nicest Runescape Player: steve shane
Funniest Runescape Player: everyone
Thanks ;).
03-04-2007, 05:55 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Not sure
Best Lurer:Calum
Best Pker:Mrcrans/sean
Most Determined Runescape Player:Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Irraplacable
Most Mature Runescape Player:Charles,Rachel,Dan,Jake.
Worst Runescape player:Irraplacable
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer:Irraplacable
Nicest Runescape Player:Every one except, Irraplacable
Funniest Runescape Player: Not sure.
03-04-2007, 05:56 PM
Thanks ;).
It's ok lol. :)
03-04-2007, 06:04 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky (Faradomir)
Best Lurer: Me and ryan tbh
Best Pker: Sean(imnotpure44) tbh *cough* wannabe pure *cough*
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me likes
Worst Runescape player: Conor
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller
Nicest Runescape Player: Sean <333 (imnotpure44)
Funniest Runescape Player: Conz0r
Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky (Faradomir)
Best Lurer: Me and ryan tbh
Best Pker: Sean(imnotpure44) tbh *cough* wannabe pure *cough*
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me likes
Worst Runescape player: Conor
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller
Nicest Runescape Player: Sean <333 (imnotpure44)
Funniest Runescape Player: Conz0r
O fnkz
03-04-2007, 06:21 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Rachel
Best Lurer: Distad
Best Pker: crans/mrcrans/mike/rebblious
Most Determined Runescape Player: ME even though i dont play no more
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad - hes so gunna win that lol
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: sean- on irc whoever he is
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player:
Funniest Runescape Player: xiwl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor lol
For them awards ive highlighted purple
Id like to say i wasnt trying to insult anyone from that.
was doing it as a joke.
Sorry if they feel upset about it.
03-04-2007, 06:24 PM
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rachel & Dan
I don't post in here much so I can't really comment on the other cats, I think you should take the bad awards out, mainly as its a form of abuse to the people picked.
03-04-2007, 06:25 PM
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mentioned by anyone apart from some noob called conor who is very funny :P but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(
03-04-2007, 06:26 PM
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mention by anyone aprt from some noob called conor but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(
Lol most unknow, how will anyone know who to pick?
03-04-2007, 06:28 PM
Lol most unknow, how will anyone know who to pick?
exactly :'(
Sorry but time for me to trun into noob of the year hahahaha :D
03-04-2007, 06:30 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player:Not sure
Best Lurer:Calum
Best Pker:Mrcrans/sean
Most Determined Runescape Player:Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player:Irraplacable
Most Mature Runescape Player:Charles,Rachel,Dan,Jake.
Worst Runescape player:Irraplacable
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer:Irraplacable
Nicest Runescape Player:Every one except, Irraplacable
Funniest Runescape Player: Not sure.
Best Overall Runescape Player: Micky (Faradomir)
Best Lurer: Me and ryan tbh
Best Pker: Sean(imnotpure44) tbh *cough* wannabe pure *cough*
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rachel
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me likes
Worst Runescape player: Conor
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Hoax
Worst No-Lifer: Baby_skiller
Nicest Runescape Player: Sean <333 (imnotpure44)
Funniest Runescape Player: Conz0r
Fnku babiez
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mentioned by anyone apart from some noob called conor who is very funny :P but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(
I lol`d
03-04-2007, 06:38 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Mrcrans ftw!!!!
Most Determined Runescape Player: Unsure
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Cod (and chips)
Funniest Runescape Player: Bob aka God doesn't play rs
People dont take this sirously its only for fun i mean i dont complain that i aint mentioned by anyone apart from some noob called conor who is very funny :P but like i think next time there should be a reward for unknow player of the year i will win that 4 sure altho no one will rember me :'(
I donno, only like 3 people actually know who I am and I've been using this forum along time, been playing RS a long time too :P
03-04-2007, 06:55 PM
I donno, only like 3 people actually know who I am and I've been using this forum along time, been playing RS a long time too :P
Ye its wierd aint it but its mainly because most of the hxf users use irc/ss so they alwyas tallking to eachother and get to know eachother more but we dont so we dont really get noticed
Ye its wierd aint it but its mainly because most of the hxf users use irc/ss so they alwyas tallking to eachother and get to know eachother more but we dont so we dont really get noticed
Its a pitty coz ur 'well' funny
03-04-2007, 07:07 PM
Its a pitty coz ur 'well' funny
Init anywas can i have back my 2 mill
03-04-2007, 07:12 PM
What 2m ?
The 2 mill coz i am threatening to tell evryone on hxf about you know what coz i iz super sad and like pixel money it gives me thrils
The 2 mill coz i am threatening to tell evryone on hxf about you know what coz i iz super sad and like pixel money it gives me thrils
Oh u spammer
03-04-2007, 07:19 PM
Oh u spammer
What no i dont spam i was just thanking niel that he is like me
Thanks niel
What no i dont spam i was just thanking niel that he is like me
Thanks niel
IV known u ages i remember someone made an acount with ur runescape name and spammed loads.
03-04-2007, 07:22 PM
IV known u ages i remember someone made an acount with ur runescape name and spammed loads.
Ye they spammed Jakes pm but it wasent me and he left now anywas well i think he has and his name was jay 2k6 not jay y2k6
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Mrcrans ftw!!!!
Most Determined Runescape Player: Unsure
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Cod (and chips)
Funniest Runescape Player: Bob aka God doesn't play rs
Omgz0r lies tbh.
Ta bbz ;) (I'll pay you tomorow for voting for me, just dont tell anyone i asked u to k.)
03-04-2007, 09:20 PM
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p
03-04-2007, 09:24 PM
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p
Hiiiiii :D
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Unsure
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rach and Dan
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan and Rach
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy and Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Nice people in #habbox-chat
Funniest Runescape Player: unsure
03-04-2007, 09:24 PM
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p
That doesnt show him getting the mask :P just killing some innocent person.
Best lurer: Coner / stress_1p
Lol the good ol' days :(
03-04-2007, 09:28 PM
Hiiiiii :D
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Unsure
Best Pker: Unsure
Most Determined Runescape Player: Rach and Dan
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan and Rach
Worst Runescape player: Jackboy and Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: ?
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Nice people in #habbox-chat
Funniest Runescape Player: unsure
That doesnt show him getting the mask :P just killing some innocent person.
Some 'pro lurer' tryed luring defenceless conor but anywho.
Lol the good ol' days :(
yeeee ;'[
Some 'pro lurer' tryed luring defenceless conor but anywho.
yeeee ;'[
Dya remember i braught loads of buckets and other junk with me
03-04-2007, 09:44 PM
Dya remember i braught loads of buckets and other junk with me
ye i picked it all up i was so happy
ye i picked it all up i was so happy
Soz the video says otherwise
Best Lurer: Callum
Best Pker: N\A
Most Determined Runescape Player: Distad
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad again
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach
Worst Runescape player: Distad? (Apart from the fact he is rich)
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Idno?
Worst No-Lifer: Me haha
Nicest Runescape Player: Dan
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor or Me xD
Most Experienced Fisher: Chaz? LOL Conor fo sho <3
03-04-2007, 10:20 PM
Best Overall Player: Rach
Best Lurer: Callum
Best Pker: Mike
Most Determined Runescape Player: Matty or Mike
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Shane, Rach, Jamie and Brad
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Ryan
Worst No-Lifer: Matty (sorry)
Nicest Runescape Player: Shane
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor
03-04-2007, 10:41 PM
I win no lifer award, thx for votes. :D
03-04-2007, 10:46 PM
I win no lifer award, thx for votes. :D
true :P
03-04-2007, 10:46 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Rachel / Rashelly
Best Lurer: Conor
Best Pker: Conor
Most Determined Runescape Player: NOT Distad, Me =]
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Me Duh?
Worst Runescape player: Dan
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: lDeclan
Worst No-Lifer: Distad
Nicest Runescape Player: Ew? =/
Funniest Runescape Player: Distad
*Text Removed*
Edited by J1MI (Super Moderator) - Please don't accuse other members of scamming.
03-04-2007, 11:12 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: n/a
Best Lurer: n/a
Best Pker: n/a
Most Determined Runescape Player: n/a
Most Anoying Runescape Player: n/a
Most Mature Runescape Player: n/a
Worst Runescape player: n/a
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: n/a
Worst No-Lifer: n/a
Nicest Runescape Player: n/a
Funniest Runescape Player: n/a
hope my vote helps :)
Best Overall Runescape Player: n/a
Best Lurer: n/a
Best Pker: n/a
Most Determined Runescape Player: n/a
Most Anoying Runescape Player: n/a
Most Mature Runescape Player: n/a
Worst Runescape player: n/a
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: n/a
Worst No-Lifer: n/a
Nicest Runescape Player: n/a
Funniest Runescape Player: n/a
hope my vote helps :)
Hillarious =/
04-04-2007, 12:00 AM
wow davii is that sad to bad rep me
How does that make him sad.
04-04-2007, 12:16 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: dunno
Best Pker: Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: not sure
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: not sure
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: dont know any
Nicest Runescape Player: base (Iyyer.), Dan, most of the people on my friends list
Funniest Runescape Player: base (Iyyer.)
Best Overall Runescape Player: dan/micky/sean/jack/mitch/jack/ross/shayne/anyone who i like tbh.
Best Lurer: conor cos he spent 2months no lifing luring fish tbh.
Best Pker: baby-skiller
Most Determined Runescape Player: mitch da skiller nub.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: micky/dan
Worst Runescape player: baby-skiller cos he cant get past level 3 combat.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: eww thats easy mitch :[.
Worst No-Lifer: pansy cransie.
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone who rawrs at me.
Funniest Runescape Player: distad
Most Experienced Fisher: conor
Best Overall Runescape Player: dan/micky/sean/jack/mitch/jack/ross/shayne/anyone who i like tbh.
Best Lurer: conor cos he spent 2months no lifing luring fish tbh.
Best Pker: baby-skiller
Most Determined Runescape Player: mitch da skiller nub.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: micky/dan
Worst Runescape player: baby-skiller cos he cant get past level 3 combat.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: eww thats easy mitch :[.
Worst No-Lifer: pansy cransie.
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone who rawrs at me.
Funniest Runescape Player: distad
Most Experienced Fisher: conor
*wants to be nice*
*wants to be nice*
theres a gurrd lad.
04-04-2007, 11:24 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player: dan/micky/sean/jack/mitch/jack/ross/shayne/anyone who i like tbh.
Best Lurer: conor cos he spent 2months no lifing luring fish tbh.
Best Pker: baby-skiller
Most Determined Runescape Player: mitch da skiller nub.
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: micky/dan
Worst Runescape player: baby-skiller cos he cant get past level 3 combat.
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: eww thats easy mitch :[.
Worst No-Lifer: pansy cransie.
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone who rawrs at me.
Funniest Runescape Player: distad
Most Experienced Fisher: conor
Are you callin me fat? No more beef for you :'[ *emocry
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan is pretty firteen
Best Lurer: idk?! I dont c people lure much
Best Pker: ME I PK'D 87 BLACK KNIVERS THE OTHER DAY. then got kiled.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Anyone who makes me giggle?! in places i dont want people to make me giggle OMG WDF LOL!11!1 <-weirdo
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad gawd.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Yesum, i think he's mature in all maters of respect and co-ordination.
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: probs me, im nice to cool people, just not to noobs. i tend to go sik irl. its like DIE!
Worst No-Lifer: Idk im not on enough to watch everyones hxf symbol go green. ive got beta fings t0 do.
Nicest Runescape Player: Jackbuddy *Rawr* and Cod =]] There was this one time at band camp, and i stuck a flute up my... SORRY WATCHED AMERICAN PIE AND REMINDED ME OF U :]
Funniest Runescape Player: omg i cant remeber. sean makes me laff irl. coz im crazy kl like that
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Xiwl?
Best Pker: me, think your better lets pkay?
Most Determined Runescape Player: hmm well distad looses here. myself
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD!!!
Most Mature Runescape Player: me
Worst Runescape player: DISTAD
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:ME
Worst No-Lifer: DISTAD?
Nicest Runescape Player: ME :)
Funniest Runescape Player: ME :)
Most Experienced Fisher: stress free?
04-04-2007, 12:12 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Conor Or Dan
Best Lurer: Noone
Best Pker: Mccrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Fatjoe
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Mccrans
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Distad, Not taking advice
Worst No-Lifer: Me Probz =]
Nicest Runescape Player: David
Funniest Runescape Player: =S
Most Experienced Fisher: Rachel =]
why is everyone saying worst-no-lifer is Distad? no-lifers stick to their goals and being the worst one means that you no-life all the time, so Distad is realy not the worst no-lifer :s
04-04-2007, 12:35 PM
Vote me more i r sêxy
04-04-2007, 02:06 PM
why is everyone saying worst-no-lifer is Distad? no-lifers stick to their goals and being the worst one means that you no-life all the time, so Distad is realy not the worst no-lifer :s
maybe it means worst no-lifer is when you no-life and dont get anywhere, and a best no-lifer is where you no-life and achieve something:S
04-04-2007, 07:23 PM
I should of put Distad for WORST no lifer he sets loads of 99 goals then leaves them D;
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dno
Best Lurer: Dno
Best Pker: Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mattych
Most Anoying Runescape Player: BobX/Ingoe/Xiwl/Distad/Davii
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach
Worst Runescape player: Ingoe
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: All the people that put me <3
Worst No-Lifer: :]
Nicest Runescape Player: Mattych
Thanks for all the votes :P
Best Overall Runescape Player: Rach/Alex/Steveh nubbit :P
Best Lurer: sean, he lured me good :o
Best Pker: sean cos he never gives up :P
Most Determined Runescape Player: micky :P
Most Anoying Runescape Player: distad
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach/Alex/Charles
Worst Runescape player: distad tbh
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: umm dunno ;o
Worst No-Lifer: matty tbh ;)
Nicest Runescape Player: everyone in habbox-chat :D
Funniest Runescape Player: yesum lolol :P
Most Experienced Fisher: Jake :P
what have i done to annoy you? just curious so i can stop =D
04-04-2007, 10:26 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dno
Best Lurer: Dno
Best Pker: Mrcrans
Most Determined Runescape Player: Mattych
Most Anoying Runescape Player: BobX/Ingoe/Xiwl/Distad/Davii
Most Mature Runescape Player: Rach
Worst Runescape player: Ingoe
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: All the people that put me <3
Worst No-Lifer: :]
Nicest Runescape Player: Mattych
idiot 1. im better than a lot of people on this forum
2. you only put that because i put you
and 3 . minus rep for the pointless one you gave me
idiot 1. im better than a lot of people on this forum
2. you only put that because i put you
and 3 . minus rep for the pointless one you gave me
Shall i lock this thread now ? arguements are starting to occur.
1) ingoe isnt the worst.
2) bobx never annoys anyone.
edit: thats to hoax
05-04-2007, 04:18 AM
Best Overall Runescape Player:idk
Best Lurer:jojo3000(his vid owns)
Best Pker:mrcrans.
Most Determined Runescape Player:idk
Most Anoying Runescape Player:distad
Most Mature Runescape Player:idk
Worst Runescape player:distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players:idk
Worst No-Lifer:distad
Nicest Runescape Player:idk
Funniest Runescape Player:abyss arrow(pked me a whip and gave it back :))
Just cos I quit Rune doesn't mean you can't vote for me :'(
06-04-2007, 07:04 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Charles/Alex
Best Lurer: Uh..Ingoe told me to say him
Best Pker: Sean/gigitir(james)
Most Determined Runescape Player: Alex probably, 99 WC is mental
Most Annoying Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Mature Runescape Player: Charles
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Dan, but not anymore, since he has a job
Nicest Runescape Player: Shane/Alex/Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor makes me gigle like a schoolgirl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor...But I'm going to catch him up
Best Overall Runescape Player: Charles/Alex
Best Lurer: Uh..Ingoe told me to say him
Best Pker: Sean/gigitir(james)
Most Determined Runescape Player: Alex probably, 99 WC is mental
Most Annoying Runescape Player: Xiwl
Most Mature Runescape Player: Charles
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl
Worst No-Lifer: Dan, but not anymore, since he has a job
Nicest Runescape Player: Shane/Alex/Charles
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor makes me gigle like a schoolgirl
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor...But I'm going to catch him up
ilu2 my e-boyfriend xox
1) ingoe isnt the worst.
2) bobx never annoys anyone.
edit: thats to hoax
i think ingoe is the worst ;} he's almost equal to distad
06-04-2007, 10:46 PM
Are you callin me fat? No more beef for you :'[ *emocry
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan is pretty firteen
Best Lurer: idk?! I dont c people lure much
Best Pker: ME I PK'D 87 BLACK KNIVERS THE OTHER DAY. then got kiled.
Most Determined Runescape Player: Anyone who makes me giggle?! in places i dont want people to make me giggle OMG WDF LOL!11!1 <-weirdo
Most Anoying Runescape Player: Distad gawd.
Most Mature Runescape Player: Yesum, i think he's mature in all maters of respect and co-ordination.
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: probs me, im nice to cool people, just not to noobs. i tend to go sik irl. its like DIE!
Worst No-Lifer: Idk im not on enough to watch everyones hxf symbol go green. ive got beta fings t0 do.
Nicest Runescape Player: Jackbuddy *Rawr* and Cod =]] There was this one time at band camp, and i stuck a flute up my... SORRY WATCHED AMERICAN PIE AND REMINDED ME OF U :]
Funniest Runescape Player: omg i cant remeber. sean makes me laff irl. coz im crazy kl like that
haha i didnt noticer that
06-04-2007, 10:57 PM
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Dunno
Best Pker: Me Pl0x
Most Determined Runescape Player: Dunno
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl :(
Worst No-Lifer: ME :D
Nicest Runescape Player:Dj-Vimto
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor
Best Overall Runescape Player: Dan
Best Lurer: Dunno
Best Pker: Me Pl0x
Most Determined Runescape Player: Dunno
Most Anoying Runescape Player: DISTAD
Most Mature Runescape Player: Dan
Worst Runescape player: Distad
Worst Attitude Towards Other Players: Xiwl :(
Worst No-Lifer: ME :D
Nicest Runescape Player:Dj-Vimto
Funniest Runescape Player: Conor
Most Experienced Fisher: Conor
Who is this conor guy people keep voting for
06-04-2007, 11:09 PM
Who is this conor guy people keep voting for
if u saw down his pants u'd die.
its lyk bigger dan distads goals. srsly.
if u saw down his pants u'd die.
its lyk bigger dan distads goals. srsly.
ye i av erd people av fainted
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