View Full Version : XBOX360 OR PS3?

12-04-2007, 10:05 PM
What console should I get for my bday.

12-04-2007, 10:08 PM
Get what you want, I'd go for 360 if I were you, PS3 has nothing good yet, wait for it to get cheaper, most of the other people you'll be getting biased comments from so just get what you feel is good enough for what you want, online gaming you want 360, for movies get PS3, it's up to you in the end posting here just turns it into a huge battle of "xbox 360 is gay" "if you like ps3 your a loser" and tbh it's getting annoying people constantly treating there consoles like they lost there virginity to them, research them, find what games you might find intresting and get the console that suits your needs

12-04-2007, 10:10 PM
Wel the XBOX 360 is a great console, havent used the PS3 so i cant say bout it, but for a good console id go with 360

12-04-2007, 10:52 PM
X-Box 360 all the way, Halo 3 Is out later this year and it is going to be UNREAL :D

12-04-2007, 10:56 PM
360 imo.

12-04-2007, 10:58 PM
The 360 is clearly superior (also it doesn't force you to spend extra on a built in blu ray player (which is crap))

13-04-2007, 07:08 AM
put it this way:

you can either get an xbox 360 and still have the money left to buy a nintendo wii if that takes your fancy, or you can blow it all on a ps3, which currently boasts no good titles whatsoever.

Mr Macro
13-04-2007, 05:50 PM

Theres your answer.

Agent 47
13-04-2007, 05:55 PM
360 ftw. The 360 make you want to play games more and more due to these things called "Achievements" where you gain points for playing the game and this builds up how good you are at games and so on.

13-04-2007, 07:37 PM
Get the 360, ive got both but the 360 has better games and more choise. Most ps3 games are out in october, I saw the game release list that only game staff are ment to see :)

Next month is seeming pretty rubbish with such stuff as spider man.

13-04-2007, 07:42 PM
Ps3, 360 sucks ;/

13-04-2007, 07:57 PM
PS3 are cool, Never played Xbox 360

13-04-2007, 10:32 PM
Ps3, 360 sucks ;/

Go away, no one cares for fan boys tbh

13-04-2007, 10:36 PM
Well i've played on both, and I have a PS3 - simply because I like 360's but I wouldn't like to buy one, if I got one for free sure, but i've always been a fan of playstation, ever since the Playstation 1 came out.

It's entirely up to you in the end, don't let the opinions of others sway your decision.

13-04-2007, 11:26 PM
What annoys me is when people say "xbox 360 is the best ps3 sucks" no one says anything but when its the other way round and someone says "xbox 360ucks ps3 is the best" people wet their knickers.

Get whatever you think you will enjoy most.

14-04-2007, 02:00 AM
Playstation 3 dont get a xbox 360 reason is in this youtube video at the bottom & also the PS3 has 512MB of graphics & a 360 only has 10MB


14-04-2007, 03:56 PM
at above^^^^ Its all true.

My 360 has been messed up ever since I played gears of war on it. It has no red lights but most games now crash, it ****** it well up.

My ps3 has been fine, no crashes, xbox360 costs less but will break pretty soon.

14-04-2007, 04:29 PM
xbox 360 ftw ;;
watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98qC0fd_1w

14-04-2007, 04:30 PM
I voted 360. It appeals to me more. Better games, really, more exclusives.

But if you really like the PS3 then get it. It is 200$ more though.

14-04-2007, 05:38 PM
Ps3, 360 sucks ;/

Go away fan boy, doesnt look like you have ANY evidence.

I have a 360 and the games on that are pretty cool. The online game play will not be beaten for a couple of years till Sony copy it ;) The only thing your paying for on the PS3 is the Blu Ray which I might add is a complete waste of money. In may xbox are adding a new upgrade to the live, adding messanger so you can play on your 360 while on msn. But Sony are adding the 'home' where your a 3D pixel where you can talk to other PS3 gamers. I would still go
for the 360 though. ;)

14-04-2007, 10:57 PM
Playstation 3 dont get a xbox 360 reason is in this youtube video at the bottom & also the PS3 has 512MB of graphics & a 360 only has 10MB


Lol, yea...10Mb of graphics :rolleyes: can I just say one thing...You're an idiot? If it had 10Mb graphics it could probably barly run an xbox game let alone a 360 game :rolleyes:
Provide proof for a believable source and I'll believe you, until then you're an idiot

at above^^^^ Its all true.

My 360 has been messed up ever since I played gears of war on it. It has no red lights but most games now crash, it ****** it well up.

My ps3 has been fine, no crashes, xbox360 costs less but will break pretty soon.

That isn't a reason not to get an xbox 360 tbh, 2 of my mates have had it since release and they've not had problems, I've had it about 2 months and no problems with it, PS3 does have problems aswell, not every console is perfect, I know for a fact that PS3 can crash and have hardware failures because just about everything does in the end, plus PS3 is a waste, all you're paying for is a 360 with a piece of hardware you will never use (blu-ray)

15-04-2007, 12:54 AM
I've had 2 360's die on me, but if you're under warranty the customer service is superb!

15-04-2007, 01:13 AM
Ps3, 360 sucks ;/

yh, not rly.

15-04-2007, 11:01 AM
I Got My 360 In Febuary For My Birthday And Its Unreal I Have Played A Ps3 But Didnt Like It So I'd Go For The 360

15-04-2007, 11:27 AM
someone saying about the 360 breaking and ps3 not.
sony had an extra year to iron out their problems. microsoft may have released faulty console but they are solving the problem by replacing them within a week. i have had 3 xbox die on me but im not ZOMG!!!11 IM GOING TO BUY A PS3 COZ THIS KEEPS BREAKING.
people need to stop treating console like their almighty. its a games machine, its like when two kids fight about how good their dads are: "well my dads got a rocket launcher", "well my dads got a mini gun". just trying to top each other.
people should buy the console they want, not a console which other people want.

peace out!

15-04-2007, 05:46 PM
Wheres the undecided.

15-04-2007, 09:03 PM
well my mate has a 360 an ive got a ps3, and tbh, i prefer the ps3. and just to clear a few things up, compared to the 360 at launch, the ps3 is not that much more than an xbox.

1 xbox360 with 20gb hdd, wireless controller etc at launch price
1 hd-dvd player for xbox

total £410

1 ps3 blu-ray ready and 60 gb hdd and wireless controler

total £425, now £400 with xmen 3 blu-ray at gamestation

but seriously its up to you mate.

15-04-2007, 09:14 PM
well my mate has a 360 an ive got a ps3, and tbh, i prefer the ps3. and just to clear a few things up, compared to the 360 at launch, the ps3 is not that much more than an xbox.

1 xbox360 with 20gb hdd, wireless controller etc at launch price
1 hd-dvd player for xbox

total £410

1 ps3 blu-ray ready and 60 gb hdd and wireless controler

total £425, now £400 with xmen 3 blu-ray at gamestation

but seriously its up to you mate.

Funny, wasn't the launch price something close to £500-£600 for the PS3?

16-04-2007, 09:27 AM
Funny, wasn't the launch price something close to £500-£600 for the PS3?

no it was definatly 425 pound

16-04-2007, 09:32 AM
Oh well, thing is it doesn't matter how much 360 did cost because now you can get premium with 3 games, headset and HDTV adapter for like £300, and now they have released The Elite the PS3 has even more to compete with because blu-ray wasn't quite as big as they hoped

16-04-2007, 12:26 PM
It depends what games you want. If you want games which you can easily play with family/friends without getting all confused; Go for the Xbox 360. If you want something which is so ridiculously shiny, go for the PS3. :) I have an xbox 360 and I'm gonna be honest with you, my first 360 broke. It sucks I know but I waited a week or so and ta-dah I have a new Xbox 360 and it never crashes, breaks or anything like that.

Personally though, I'd just save your money for May-June time as the 360 Elite will be coming out (A black 360, very cool) and it's got a new processor and everything to better the PS3. :) Oh and to all the PS3 boys out there saying about how their graphics are amazing, here's some news to you:

Consoles are about games, not graphics.

That my 360, PS3 and Wii friends, is where most next-gen consoles will fail; They'll forget about playability and go for the graphics.

Seriously just go for the 360, it may be a risky choice with all the negativity around it with crashing and such, but if you're lucky then you'll get a good one like I did.. Or just wait for the 360 upgrade ^_^

Ps. PS3 boys, 4D graphics don't exist :rolleyes:

16-04-2007, 02:00 PM
360. www.Play.com Sells It For £290 + 3 Games Premium Package.
Saves Alot Of Money And Better Games Atm!

16-04-2007, 02:00 PM
I'm an xbox fan myself. ;) And they are cheaper...

16-04-2007, 02:05 PM
Go away, no one cares for fan boys tbh

no one cars for xbox fan boys.

16-04-2007, 02:08 PM
tbh there both the same i love the ps3 for its stuff inside (graphics and music etc) and 360 for the games and achivements and the games and movies you can buy!

16-04-2007, 02:15 PM
no one cars for xbox fan boys.

Lol, I'm not an xbox fanboy so shut up? :)

16-04-2007, 08:29 PM
us ps3 fans better be scared of the 360 elite.

with it being the same colour as the ps3, bet it breaks before a month with its hdd being too big for its case.

16-04-2007, 08:33 PM
Personally though, I'd just save your money for May-June time as the 360 Elite will be coming out (A black 360, very cool) and it's got a new processor and everything to better the PS3. :) Oh and to all the PS3 boys out there saying about how their graphics are amazing, here's some news to you:

Consoles are about games, not graphics.

That my 360, PS3 and Wii friends, is where most next-gen consoles will fail; They'll forget about playability and go for the graphics.
Isn't the Wii still going for playability? The Wii-mote and fun games are what Nintendo care about. The graphics aren't that good on the Wii anyway "/ They're just right!

16-04-2007, 08:36 PM
tbh there both the same i love the ps3 for its stuff inside (graphics and music etc) and 360 for the games and achivements and the games and movies you can buy!
You can stream music off your mp3 and burn it onto the hard drive on xbox?

16-04-2007, 08:38 PM
us ps3 fans better be scared of the 360 elite.

with it being the same colour as the ps3, bet it breaks before a month with its hdd being too big for its case.

LMAO "bet it breaks before a month with its hdd being too big for its case."
Wow that is the dumbest thing I've ever seen xD

Isn't the Wii still going for playability? The Wii-mote and fun games are what Nintendo care about. The graphics aren't that good on the Wii anyway "/ They're just right!

I don't think the Wii has gone wrong anywhere, Nintendo have never had perfect graphics with any of the consoles, well I think the N64 did because it was competeing against the PS1, Wii has good gameplay, I don't know about gameplots but I can't imagine many of them being very large or in depth but I think the graphics are amazing, they don't look real, they're not really meant to, they're smooth and make the games look more appealing

16-04-2007, 08:55 PM
I don't think the Wii has gone wrong anywhere, Nintendo have never had perfect graphics with any of the consoles, well I think the N64 did because it was competeing against the PS1, Wii has good gameplay, I don't know about gameplots but I can't imagine many of them being very large or in depth but I think the graphics are amazing, they don't look real, they're not really meant to, they're smooth and make the games look more appealing
It's irritating when people diss Wii graphics when it is plainly obvious cell shading is needed in a game like Wario Ware or simply when the game is just trying to make the game look appealing or fun. And when they have the weird 3D graphics which obviously are not being serious. The Wii is for fun, not a glorified multi-media centre strangely called a console "/ It vaires on the game I suppose. Zelda on the Wii had amazing graphics, I think over doing it would add too many pointless features or things you don't really want to notice. Extreme graphics and detail would be a distraction to the otherwise important game play...

16-04-2007, 08:56 PM
Lol, I'm not an xbox fanboy so shut up? :)


16-04-2007, 09:02 PM

So having my GamerTag in my name means I'm an xbox fanboy? o.O Doesn't make sense, I don't have a Nintendo Wii yet so I can't really put my Wii account name thing in can I? And I don't have a PS3 so I can't put that in either, I own a 360 so it seems to make more sense to put that in

It's irritating when people diss Wii graphics when it is plainly obvious cell shading is needed in a game like Wario Ware or simply when the game is just trying to make the game look appealing or fun. And when they have the weird 3D graphics which obviously are not being serious. The Wii is for fun, not a glorified multi-media centre strangely called a console "/ It vaires on the game I suppose. Zelda on the Wii had amazing graphics, I think over doing it would add too many pointless features or things you don't really want to notice. Extreme graphics and detail would be a distraction to the otherwise important game play...

Yep, good graphics makes a game look nice but with Nintendo games they don't focus so much on it, in a way you can compare Nintendo to SlipKnoT, Nintendo doesn't show of graphics so players can get into the game and not what it looks like which is how SlipKnoT feel about there music (they wear masks so people pay attention to the music not the band)

I have to admit though, Zelda has amazing graphics :P I was looking at SSBB trailer and it looks so awesome

16-04-2007, 09:16 PM
Lol, yea...10Mb of graphics :rolleyes: can I just say one thing...You're an idiot? If it had 10Mb graphics it could probably barly run an xbox game let alone a 360 game :rolleyes:
Provide proof for a believable source and I'll believe you, until then you're an idiot

Sorry to say it but it only has 10MB of graphics ram, but loads of System RAM which is fast.

16-04-2007, 09:32 PM
Sorry to say it but it only has 10MB of graphics ram, but loads of System RAM which is fast.

Yea I saw, amazing how games can run on it, PS3 is 256Mb not 512Mb

17-04-2007, 12:15 AM
Lets just end this now.
Both consoles have their pros and cons,
but this is splitting the gaming community.
We should be sticking together, trying to find ways of improving this business and help each other,
not moan about silly little details like children.
I for one am getting tired of this whole conflict of
"Xbox Sucks!"
"Err No Ps3 sucks!".
Maybe when people stop trying to make people feel bad because of which console they prefer,
we can get back to good ol' gaming.
Anyway these are just my thoughts and opinions
Carry on this stupid debate if you find it necessary to prove you are right


p.s sorry for this long moan but this is really starting to annoy me

22-04-2007, 09:08 PM
X-Box 360 all the way, Halo 3 Is out later this year and it is going to be UNREAL :D
Thats one reason why I want it :p

23-04-2007, 05:49 PM
Ok a few points. I have a 360 and a PS3 and the Ps3 wins.

A. Better Graphics
B. More applications
C. The next generation of multimediablu-ray
D. Blu-ray = 50GB, HD-DVD (xbox 360) = 18GB
E. The online gaming is FREE
F. Better User interface
G. Linux YD operating system out soon for the PS3.

Sorry dude. It's just the truth.

The xbox360 was yesterdays news and is dying.

23-04-2007, 05:53 PM
Ok a few points. I have a 360 and a PS3 and the Ps3 wins.

A. Better Graphics
B. More applications
C. The next generation of multimediablu-ray
D. Blu-ray = 50GB, HD-DVD (xbox 360) = 18GB
E. The online gaming is FREE
F. Better User interface
G. Linux YD operating system out soon for the PS3.

Sorry dude. It's just the truth.

The xbox360 was yesterdays news and is dying.
I dont have either but 360 games own the ps3s

23-04-2007, 05:58 PM
I own a 360 and a PS3. For me ... the PS3 wins it. It just feels like a more rounded console.

23-04-2007, 06:03 PM
Ok a few points. I have a 360 and a PS3 and the Ps3 wins.

A. Better Graphics
B. More applications
C. The next generation of multimediablu-ray
D. Blu-ray = 50GB, HD-DVD (xbox 360) = 18GB
E. The online gaming is FREE
F. Better User interface
G. Linux YD operating system out soon for the PS3.

Sorry dude. It's just the truth.

The xbox360 was yesterdays news and is dying.

Wth "D. Blu-ray = 50GB, HD-DVD (xbox 360) = 18GB"
That doesn't make sense at all, Blu-ray and HD-DVD are DVD players 360 has 20Gb but only like 14Gb is actually useable, the Elite gives the expanded space which is 120Gb
The online gaming is free because it sucks btw
More applications? Like what?
PS3 and 360 almost have identical UI's that I've heard, PS3's UI is meant to be the same as the PSP's and the PSP's is like 360's
The 360 may be "yesterdays news" but it's not dying because PEOPLE ARE STILL BUYING THEM which means it can't be dying, the 360 is probably outselling the PS3 because it's a £400 PS2 with a stupid DVD player no one needs and better graphics
PS3 has good features but you make it seem like the best console about, wanna know something...IT'S NOT £400 for the piece of junk and all you're paying for is "blu-ray" which may give better quality than HD but it doesn't matter it's a console, it's made to play games, yea the 360 has it's problems but I'd rather pay £300 for a decent console with no stupid addons and is fun online

23-04-2007, 06:13 PM
Wth "D. Blu-ray = 50GB, HD-DVD (xbox 360) = 18GB"
That doesn't make sense at all, Blu-ray and HD-DVD are DVD players 360 has 20Gb but only like 14Gb is actually useable, the Elite gives the expanded space which is 120Gb
The online gaming is free because it sucks btw
More applications? Like what?
PS3 and 360 almost have identical UI's that I've heard, PS3's UI is meant to be the same as the PSP's and the PSP's is like 360's
The 360 may be "yesterdays news" but it's not dying because PEOPLE ARE STILL BUYING THEM which means it can't be dying, the 360 is probably outselling the PS3 because it's a £400 PS2 with a stupid DVD player no one needs and better graphics
PS3 has good features but you make it seem like the best console about, wanna know something...IT'S NOT £400 for the piece of junk and all you're paying for is "blu-ray" which may give better quality than HD but it doesn't matter it's a console, it's made to play games, yea the 360 has it's problems but I'd rather pay £300 for a decent console with no stupid addons and is fun online

Oh yes you certainly aren't a fan boy. :rolleyes:

How is the PS3 a £400 PS2 with a different disc drive, I could say the 360 is a xbox with the same disc drive but it isn't... Its a totally different, amazing, console. Its the same with the PS3. And unless you have played the PS3 online, and you obviously haven't, please refrain from commenting. Its not as rounded as live but its still a fully functional online that works great. Resistance gives 20v20 team deathmatches... that is much more than anything seen on the 360 ;)

Overall -> The 360 wins on online play. Thats why you pay. Resistance fall of man was 20gb on the disc. That means that the game is IMPOSSIBLE for the 360 without using multiple discs. So how can you not say that a next gen format is needed. Besides, the 360 HD-DVD is a £120 addon. £280 -> premium 360, + HD-DVD drive = £400. £25 less than a ps3, the ps3 has a larger hard drive, bluetooth compatibility, memory card readers and a fully fledged HDMI port. Suddenly, the PS3 is not such a bad buy after all.
Also "a stupid dvd drive no-one needs" yes they do. Gamers do if they want uncompressed sound and textures in their games ;) Movie watchers need it for the ultimate in HD playback.

Oh but yes its junk. Grow up and get your facts correct next time.

23-04-2007, 06:13 PM
Ive played both. and even though ps3 is twice the price. im saving p gradually for it :D

Its deifntly wroth the money! :D ( owns the xbox )

23-04-2007, 06:16 PM

Same price as xbox (if you think about it) but you get a $700 blu-ray drive and a ton of excellent PS3 exclusive games, and Little big planet, and Home, and PS store is free.

23-04-2007, 06:28 PM
Resistance gives 20v20 team deathmatches... that is much more than anything seen on the 360 ;)

Besides, the 360 HD-DVD is a £120 addon. £280 -> premium 360, + HD-DVD drive = £400. £25 less than a ps3

Ok first, Resistance is a GAME not the console, Sony don't choose how many people are in the game room so why the hell does that matter? 360 Games could do that but tbh I don't see the point, 20v20 would lag the hell out of most people

Telling me to get my facts right lol you can get premium 360 and 3 games for £300 now so how about..You get your facts right? :o

23-04-2007, 06:36 PM
no one cars for xbox fan boys.
He backs his points up, whilst clearly the guy he was aiming at didn't have a clue about it, nor life it seems.

23-04-2007, 06:45 PM
Ok first, Resistance is a GAME not the console, Sony don't choose how many people are in the game room so why the hell does that matter? 360 Games could do that but tbh I don't see the point, 20v20 would lag the hell out of most people

Telling me to get my facts right lol you can get premium 360 and 3 games for £300 now so how about..You get your facts right? :o
You could argue the 360 is overprice compared to the wii. But I agree with you. Blu ray isnt needed yet and by the time its worthwhile buying it will be around £100 for players, just the same as dvds and ps2s.

23-04-2007, 06:49 PM
What console should I get for my bday.
Hey Hannah Montana's Kewl lol
I Dont really know if you should get PS3 or XB0X 360 But my brother has a XBOX360 There quite good.
Speak Soon
Katie :)

23-04-2007, 07:01 PM
You could argue the 360 is overprice compared to the wii. But I agree with you. Blu ray isnt needed yet and by the time its worthwhile buying it will be around £100 for players, just the same as dvds and ps2s.

Yea I'm sure Blu-ray will give more for people in the future and compared to buying a Blu-ray player PS3 is a good deal but it just seems like a stupid arguement with people saying "PS3 is better because it has blu-ray"

Thing with 360 costing more than the Wii is because the Wii doesn't use stuff the 360 uses, I'm not 100% sure on the hardware but I know it's nothing compared to 360

By the way, Josh-H I'm not an xbox fanboy, I only defend the xbox because idiots make stupid claims about it, I have almost all the Nintendos missing the Wii, both xboxs, PS1, PS2 and PSP so right now I own almost all the main consoles and you say I'm an xbox fanboy?

23-04-2007, 10:29 PM
Hey Hannah Montana's Kewl lol
I Dont really know if you should get PS3 or XB0X 360 But my brother has a XBOX360 There quite good.
Speak Soon
Katie :)

First Hannah montana ownz <333 - (Im a boy :P)

Xbox360's are awsome and saw the contents, Im getting premium.

Also, If anyone can find any cheap premium xbox360's ON EBAY and can post on here Ill rep+ its my mates bday soon. Im willing to pay &#163;100 - &#163;120.

P&P MAX limit &#163;20.

REP++++ TO person(s) who send links to item thanks

25-04-2007, 07:59 PM
Sorry for DP - Update.

Ok. If someone can find a xbox360 on ebay for 140+£ p&p 30max.

Ill rep+ :) Tyvm! I need for friends bday soon

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