View Full Version : 9/11 Conspiracies - What do you think happened? - [Closes 13/05/07]

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23-04-2007, 03:08 PM
But why would the American Government want to kill people of their own kind? If they did, you'd think they'd "demolish" other skyscrapers.

Uh, I was being sarcastic. I'm very AGAINST this whole conspiracy junk.

23-04-2007, 03:10 PM
Uh, I was being sarcastic. I'm very AGAINST this whole conspiracy junk.

Same ^^

24-04-2007, 01:48 AM
me too.

out of ALL of the conspiracy theories, not one of them gives me a valid reason why the goverment would do it.

01-05-2007, 06:29 AM
Didn't read whole thread but my opinion on September eleventh is.. (Throughout here ill state why i feel this happened/feel about it)

Al-Quada/Taliban/Terrorists had abouslty nothing to do with it And it was all planed out by the American Government

Reasoning why they attacked World trade centers and not other buildings they needed some main buildings known across the world and with Osama already attacking them in the past it helps the situation.

Jeb Bush, Bushes brother was also in charge of control of the twin towers which would make it even more easier to pick as location

Al-Quada/Taliban/Osama are the type of groups/People who want to be known for the havok they cause. They wouldn't think twice about not taking free credit for a brilliant thought of plan that would make them biggest and most wanted terrorism group

Why hasn't Osama been caught? Because America isn't after him. Osama has already attacked USA before and if you think they would lose track of a threat to America you would have to be kidding. Since the 1993 world trade center attack USA has known the were abouts of Osama the whole time.

Its a win/win situation USA gets a great cover up and Osama yet again becomes famous and most wanted man in the world.

President Bush needed reason to go to war. He wants to known for something. He had no reasoning to go with war unless he was attacked. Gave him reasoning to go straight up the dictatorship in Iraq. After failure to find Osama in Afghanistan which was never gonna happen

9/11 was all done for political gain and support in the Bush administration in attempt to keep his reign as president

Its been proven that it wasn't a plane that hit the pentagon and isn't it just wonderful that the area of the pentagon that was hit there was no one?

Dunno if it was mentioned in this topic but anyone bring it up it was an American Missie from Aircraft that hit Pentagon? Not getting into details im keeping my 9/11 Thoughts brief but just wondering

Flight 93 was Cover up as "Brave Americans took down the Terrorists"

I do however believe the Al-Quada did the Spain and London bombers but notice how pathetic those attacks look compared to the genius masterminded 9/11?

Why would America does this to themselfs? Government doesn't care about the citizens. They can get away with anything they want. As long as it benefits there country they will do it. This brought the country together

Sad thing is no one will ever be able to prove USA was behind it. Partly is look at past things which many believed Americans where behind but yet to be proven and whenever someone comes close to proving them behind they magicly disipear off the face of the earth.

If Americans fake a Moon landing to get to space before Russians or even kill there own president they will gladly destroy two skyscrapers and kill inocent civilians.

Oh Also USA didn't join World War Two for the longest time because they wanted Russia to get weaker as at the time it was Russia was basically depended on to win the war and save europe which they didn't fail to do but USA takes credit for winning war even tho they didn't join until the Russians had the Nazis retreating already when Americans joined the war.

Anyway done with my Rant anyway remember this is all opinions and no opinion is right or wrong

01-05-2007, 10:54 PM
Didn't read whole thread but my opinion on September eleventh is.. (Throughout here ill state why i feel this happened/feel about it)

Al-Quada/Taliban/Terrorists had abouslty nothing to do with it And it was all planed out by the American Government

Reasoning why they attacked World trade centers and not other buildings they needed some main buildings known across the world and with Osama already attacking them in the past it helps the situation.

Jeb Bush, Bushes brother was also in charge of control of the twin towers which would make it even more easier to pick as location

Al-Quada/Taliban/Osama are the type of groups/People who want to be known for the havok they cause. They wouldn't think twice about not taking free credit for a brilliant thought of plan that would make them biggest and most wanted terrorism group

Why hasn't Osama been caught? Because America isn't after him. Osama has already attacked USA before and if you think they would lose track of a threat to America you would have to be kidding. Since the 1993 world trade center attack USA has known the were abouts of Osama the whole time.

Its a win/win situation USA gets a great cover up and Osama yet again becomes famous and most wanted man in the world.

President Bush needed reason to go to war. He wants to known for something. He had no reasoning to go with war unless he was attacked. Gave him reasoning to go straight up the dictatorship in Iraq. After failure to find Osama in Afghanistan which was never gonna happen

9/11 was all done for political gain and support in the Bush administration in attempt to keep his reign as president

Its been proven that it wasn't a plane that hit the pentagon and isn't it just wonderful that the area of the pentagon that was hit there was no one?

Dunno if it was mentioned in this topic but anyone bring it up it was an American Missie from Aircraft that hit Pentagon? Not getting into details im keeping my 9/11 Thoughts brief but just wondering

Flight 93 was Cover up as "Brave Americans took down the Terrorists"

I do however believe the Al-Quada did the Spain and London bombers but notice how pathetic those attacks look compared to the genius masterminded 9/11?

Why would America does this to themselfs? Government doesn't care about the citizens. They can get away with anything they want. As long as it benefits there country they will do it. This brought the country together

Sad thing is no one will ever be able to prove USA was behind it. Partly is look at past things which many believed Americans where behind but yet to be proven and whenever someone comes close to proving them behind they magicly disipear off the face of the earth.

If Americans fake a Moon landing to get to space before Russians or even kill there own president they will gladly destroy two skyscrapers and kill inocent civilians.

Oh Also USA didn't join World War Two for the longest time because they wanted Russia to get weaker as at the time it was Russia was basically depended on to win the war and save europe which they didn't fail to do but USA takes credit for winning war even tho they didn't join until the Russians had the Nazis retreating already when Americans joined the war.

Anyway done with my Rant anyway remember this is all opinions and no opinion is right or wrong
Oh, and you're willing to tell all that to a family member of someone who died in the event?

The government wouldn't of done this, what about all the deaths!

01-05-2007, 10:57 PM
Its been proven that it wasn't a plane that hit the pentagon and isn't it just wonderful that the area of the pentagon that was hit there was no one?

since when, they found debris?

01-05-2007, 11:04 PM
Didn't read whole thread but my opinion on September eleventh is.. (Throughout here ill state why i feel this happened/feel about it)

Al-Quada/Taliban/Terrorists had abouslty nothing to do with it And it was all planed out by the American Government

Reasoning why they attacked World trade centers and not other buildings they needed some main buildings known across the world and with Osama already attacking them in the past it helps the situation.

Jeb Bush, Bushes brother was also in charge of control of the twin towers which would make it even more easier to pick as location

Al-Quada/Taliban/Osama are the type of groups/People who want to be known for the havok they cause. They wouldn't think twice about not taking free credit for a brilliant thought of plan that would make them biggest and most wanted terrorism group

Why hasn't Osama been caught? Because America isn't after him. Osama has already attacked USA before and if you think they would lose track of a threat to America you would have to be kidding. Since the 1993 world trade center attack USA has known the were abouts of Osama the whole time.

Its a win/win situation USA gets a great cover up and Osama yet again becomes famous and most wanted man in the world.

President Bush needed reason to go to war. He wants to known for something. He had no reasoning to go with war unless he was attacked. Gave him reasoning to go straight up the dictatorship in Iraq. After failure to find Osama in Afghanistan which was never gonna happen

9/11 was all done for political gain and support in the Bush administration in attempt to keep his reign as president

Its been proven that it wasn't a plane that hit the pentagon and isn't it just wonderful that the area of the pentagon that was hit there was no one?

Dunno if it was mentioned in this topic but anyone bring it up it was an American Missie from Aircraft that hit Pentagon? Not getting into details im keeping my 9/11 Thoughts brief but just wondering

Flight 93 was Cover up as "Brave Americans took down the Terrorists"

I do however believe the Al-Quada did the Spain and London bombers but notice how pathetic those attacks look compared to the genius masterminded 9/11?

Why would America does this to themselfs? Government doesn't care about the citizens. They can get away with anything they want. As long as it benefits there country they will do it. This brought the country together

Sad thing is no one will ever be able to prove USA was behind it. Partly is look at past things which many believed Americans where behind but yet to be proven and whenever someone comes close to proving them behind they magicly disipear off the face of the earth.

If Americans fake a Moon landing to get to space before Russians or even kill there own president they will gladly destroy two skyscrapers and kill inocent civilians.

Oh Also USA didn't join World War Two for the longest time because they wanted Russia to get weaker as at the time it was Russia was basically depended on to win the war and save europe which they didn't fail to do but USA takes credit for winning war even tho they didn't join until the Russians had the Nazis retreating already when Americans joined the war.

Anyway done with my Rant anyway remember this is all opinions and no opinion is right or wrong

Most of those are complete lies/made up facts/stupid logic, and Im not even going to humor you with going through the facts of each of those.

01-05-2007, 11:11 PM
I spotted a few w/out even looking into it, quite a lot of it seems your own opinion, yet you seem so solid that that is what happened.

02-05-2007, 09:55 AM
But why would the American Government want to kill people of their own kind? If they did, you'd think they'd "demolish" other skyscrapers.

ever heard of a false enemy?
one thats been created for the people to rally against...especially in a time like this?

and sorry but no, its not true :( it was not staged or a conspiracy im sorry
and sorry to say again but we did go to the moon before russia...since you know they kinda stopped about 1/2 way before we even got to the moon

this all sounds kinda funny coming from me since im like an anarchist...kinda wants me to rethink myself or somthing, maybe go read a book or 2

02-05-2007, 10:01 AM
Well, I was watching some video on Youtube.
And it actually showed that the planes had missles and that it
fired a missle before it went into the towers.
It also had a Army logo, I think.

Let me find this video.


02-05-2007, 05:35 PM
Well, I was watching some video on Youtube.
And it actually showed that the planes had missles and that it
fired a missle before it went into the towers.
It also had a Army logo, I think.

Let me find this video.

No you didnt, stop makeing stuff up, and your video link is of flight 93 that didnt even go near the twin towers o.0

02-05-2007, 06:10 PM
If Americans fake a Moon landing to get to space before Russians or even kill there own president they will gladly destroy two skyscrapers and kill inocent civilians.

im offtopic but who cares

are you another person who thinks the whole ma on the moon was fake?

people like that i just laugh at them

03-05-2007, 05:33 AM
im offtopic but who cares

are you another person who thinks the whole ma on the moon was fake?

people like that i just laugh at them

me too, does there have to be a conspiracy for everything nowadays?

03-05-2007, 06:51 PM
If Americans fake a Moon landing to get to space before Russians or even kill there own president they will gladly destroy two skyscrapers and kill inocent civilians.

What I find funny about this one is that in his head, faking a moon landing is far worse than killing almost 3000 people. And the moon landing isnt fake.

04-05-2007, 04:22 AM
I can't see how they could fake the moon landing really...

04-05-2007, 03:16 PM
I can't see how they could fake the moon landing really...
i know i feel the same

i heard that people who reckon its fake said it was filmed on a studio

when i heard that i was like


04-05-2007, 10:18 PM
well it was a long time ago, I'm pretty sure todays technology would be able to spot if it was fake..

04-05-2007, 10:38 PM
well it was a long time ago, I'm pretty sure todays technology would be able to spot if it was fake..

Your also stuck with trying to answer the question of how the moon lander got there, if we never went o.0

05-05-2007, 12:35 AM
rofl, I think the whole moon landing conspiracy is total **.

06-05-2007, 06:19 PM
I am think it is a lye and yes i think so that opinion because it is to magical to be a real story, its a old wife stale and because i think this because why would a peep kabomb a big castle when tony blare might have let them live inside it if theigh had been a nice and not kabombed it!11?

09-05-2007, 05:33 AM
I am think it is a lye and yes i think so that opinion because it is to magical to be a real story, its a old wife stale and because i think this because why would a peep kabomb a big castle when tony blare might have let them live inside it if theigh had been a nice and not kabombed it!11?

oh funny.

09-05-2007, 06:45 AM
im offtopic but who cares

are you another person who thinks the whole ma on the moon was fake?

people like that i just laugh at them



09-05-2007, 04:59 PM
Everything today is planned :S

Extra : Open MS Word/Wordpad
Type Q33 NY (the first plane to hit the towers)
Highlight the text, change to size 48 then change font to Wingdings.

09-05-2007, 10:35 PM
Everything today is planned :S

Extra : Open MS Word/Wordpad
Type Q33 NY (the first plane to hit the towers)
Highlight the text, change to size 48 then change font to Wingdings.

Q33? what? Ive never heard of a plane with a letter in the flight, that just confuses people. I'd like to see some proof that thats what the plane was. I just looked it up and nothing.

10-05-2007, 04:57 AM
Everything today is planned :S

Extra : Open MS Word/Wordpad
Type Q33 NY (the first plane to hit the towers)
Highlight the text, change to size 48 then change font to Wingdings.

lol at you.

Q33 NY wasn't even a flight number babes.

10-05-2007, 03:19 PM
AFAIK it was :S

10-05-2007, 04:49 PM
Everything today is planned :S

Extra : Open MS Word/Wordpad
Type Q33 NY (the first plane to hit the towers)
Highlight the text, change to size 48 then change font to Wingdings.

1) thats not the flight number.
2) the star of David is a Jewish symbol, not an Islamic one.

13-05-2007, 06:19 AM
AFAIK it was :S

the flight number?

no it wasn't..

the hint is in the name, flight NUMBER.

13-05-2007, 07:11 AM
the flight number?

no it wasn't..

the hint is in the name, flight NUMBER.

He may be talking about the tail number but that wasn't it either.

haha I found this:
Coincidences though. It's not like anyone had control over the number of people who died in the planes.

13-05-2007, 07:25 AM
those considences are stupid, as if they'd attack new york because it is the 11th state.

13-05-2007, 01:39 PM
He may be talking about the tail number but that wasn't it either.

haha I found this:
Coincidences though. It's not like anyone had control over the number of people who died in the planes.

This is what bothers me about those stupid math things:

1) New York City has 11 letters

Where's the 9?

2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.

Where's the 9?

3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.

Where's the 9?

4) George W Bush has 11 letters.

Where's the 9?

5) The two twin towers make an "11"

Where's the 9?

1) New York is the 11th state.

Where's the 9?

2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number


Where's the 9?

3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11

Where's the 9?

4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers.

6+5 = 11

Where's the 9?

5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1+ 1 = 11

Where's the 9?

6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911.

9 + 1 + 1 = 11.

Where's the 9?

1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. >2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

Where's the 9?

2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year.

Again 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

Where's the 9?

3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11.

Where's the 9?

4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers

The one above is the only coincidence I can see. How come the rest were just connected to the number 11?... uh, so? If they were all connected to the number 911, you'd have a point, but what the hell does just 11 mean?

Anyone can make numbers out of anything, and make it seem like a coincidence. You have to re-think these things in your mind, and you'll realize that they make no sense

Susie Dent
13-05-2007, 04:50 PM
Well last time I talked about the Twin Towers I got called a heartless monster or something so I'd best not say...

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