View Full Version : How Do You Deal With Stress?

27-04-2005, 06:33 PM
I really wanna find out how you deal with stress... Especially seeing as exams are coming up so soon! I get really aggravated when it comes close to tests etc. And I need to know what you do to stop yourselves from going crazy!

27-04-2005, 06:34 PM
Hey Sylvia =D.

How to deal with stress. For myself, i just listen to some heavy music, Play football, or go skating! =P.

It works most of the time xD.

27-04-2005, 06:35 PM
the computer ;) go outside and hang with friends or go for a walk outside believe me any of those work :)

27-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Each night have a warm bath and a glass of coke :) Just relax andf maybe some music just relax and good luck :)

27-04-2005, 06:38 PM
Ahakz. =D. A glass of coke sure is a good way to relieve stress. :P

the wombats
27-04-2005, 06:39 PM
to deal with stress i beat the hell out of ma bed room, ( full of holes in door and walls ), stay in ma bed room, runaway ( for 5mins ) hit someone

27-04-2005, 06:40 PM
Thanks guys... Im gonna try some of these out :)
I already play my music like REALLY loud... That does kinda help actually.
And the thing about computers... My problem is when I get on - I cant get off! xD
Thanks so far guys :)

27-04-2005, 11:50 PM
I deal with stress by just thinking about something good. Like stealing donald trump's credit card and being able to max it out :p

28-04-2005, 12:07 AM
i usually go to the gym and beat the living bejebus out of the punching bag. really
helps or go for a really long run :D

28-04-2005, 03:43 PM
A long run works, also, if you like football, get a ball and kick it as hard as you can against a wall for as long as you need.

29-04-2005, 03:41 PM
One word: Yoga

30-04-2005, 10:04 AM
Go out Trials biking... Or play a good old game with with friends Of DELTA FORCE BLACK HAWK DOWN WOOT!

30-04-2005, 10:20 AM
Sometimes I Get Stressed, When I Have To Do Work Which I Don't Understand or when tests are coming up, but I've learnt to avoid getting annoyed, with my top ways of dealing with Stress. :eusa_danc

My Top Ways Of Dealing With Stress:

1. Reading a Book
(When in a mood, or in a mega stress, reading a book calms me down. And it takes me into a little fantasy inside the book, which helps me to take my mind of the things that I'm not happy about.

2. Listening to Music
(When I'm in a mood with something at school etc, I always come home and normally find my favourite CDs, like Akon etc and listen to them. They help me take my mind of things and be happy again.)

3. Go on the Computer
(I'm addicted to the Computer, so whenever I'm upset about something, I always go on the computer and come on all my favourite websites. It helps me be happy again, and it calms me down.)

4. See your gang of friends!
(When your stressed, always call round your mates for a nice old chat together, it will help take your mind of things, and you'll have bunchs of fun!)

Anyway, I hope you pass your exams, I hasve some soon too! And, I hope my top tips on Stress works for YOU! :eusa_danc Even if my tips didn't work for you, they do for me!


30-04-2005, 12:09 PM
I go to sleep .. While Listening to franz Ferdinand


03-05-2005, 03:35 PM
To relieve my stress I either, listen to nice music like r&b love songs, txt my m8z or sleep! It helps and it you feel wiked afterwards. Hello Stacels, Curlz, nixxy3oo0, Steffums, MagicalNerd, Davie!, gringle and everyone who knows me! xxx

03-05-2005, 03:40 PM
Go upstairs get my mobile and start doing prank phone calls on them.

03-05-2005, 04:48 PM
Ideally I'd like to take a large iron bar to some of the people in my class/year/school.

Unfortunately, due to certain laws, I am unable to use that as a suitable pastime.

So I guess I'm kinda stuck as to what to do, unless San Andreas is sitting in the tray, then you put on the weapons cheats and blow the living hell out of just about everything in sight!!!

I hope I gave you a nice insight into my leisure activities.


03-05-2005, 04:56 PM
EDIT: I posted the wrong link because i am a moron.

here is the real thing :@


03-05-2005, 04:58 PM
I punch the sofa, and grit my teeth so hard, in fact I think I grit my teeth about 100 times everday.

03-05-2005, 04:59 PM
hmm writing in a diary is a good way to stop stress. just write out what you feel in there :p

03-05-2005, 05:05 PM
Well.... i aint a great sufferer of stress. But when i get them days where i feel like running head first into a large brickwall i normally just play my guitar.
My guitar is my baby! I love it so much!


Oh god i need to get out more.


03-05-2005, 05:16 PM
I just made sure that, with my exams, I only took a little time with each subject, because if you overload it causes you to become very frustrated to remembering all the things that are vital for the test.
Like with english, if you're doing say ten or more poems then make sure you take say 30 minutes understanding the poem and writing what it's about and how it makes you feel. It's really good practice.

the wombats
03-05-2005, 05:18 PM
go in a even bigger stress and trash my bedroom, and break my knuckles

03-05-2005, 05:20 PM
*Edges Away From Craig*

03-05-2005, 05:52 PM
go in a even bigger stress and trash my bedroom, and break my knuckles

Yeah, that sounds good.
I force my hand onto the door really hard so the door shakes too, or I kick the bedside table over and then I get in a big stress cause I have to clean the magazines up that fell out, then I cry and hit the wall again, and it's a never ending viscious circle...:@

03-05-2005, 07:23 PM
Hmm I get a lot of stress, I usually sit on my bed and cry lol, it doesn't help I recomend you have a walk outside and listen to your ipod (if you don't have a ipod BUY ONE! lol, say to your mum it will help you relieve your stress lol!) and if its a hot day have a ice cream or go to your friends and try and forget about your stress, it may be difficult but its amazing how time flys when stress isn't hanging over you! give it a go! lol

03-05-2005, 07:26 PM
go in a even bigger stress and trash my bedroom, and break my knuckles

sounds good ^_^ i'll give it a go lol

17-05-2005, 10:22 PM
I goto bed or kick a wall "/

17-05-2005, 11:17 PM
Well during my exams, I listened to some peaceful calming music such as Eva Cassidy. I just lay on my bed listening to her, controlling my breathing. I learned about this when I done step aerobics earlier this year. Very calming and useful for during stressful times :) Good luck with exams everyone, I get my year report soon :)

20-05-2005, 06:34 PM
Umm, I go into a frenzy.

Jim Rotates
21-05-2005, 12:21 AM
1. Watch Friends

2. Listen to music

3. Go on to my favourite websites and get my extra fix of Friends mainly

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