View Full Version : :D good news :D and bad news :(

24-04-2007, 07:12 PM
My stomach ulcer has cleared up now :) So Im really happy about that, It was caused because of taking too much ibuprofen, because Ive got a problem with my feet called platarfasciaitis(Sp?) Its basically the tendon under my foot was getting swollen badly and permanatly, so I was on ibprofen for about 3-4 months having 5 tablets a day, thats what caused the stomach ulcer. But now my stomach's cleared im not aloud to take ibuprofen because it can make the ulcer come back :l So now im stuck with paracetamol which is crap and tastes like crap :( Im not telling my doctor or my parents about my feet getting worse as I will just have to get a cortizone injection in the back of my heel, which I dont want as ive got Aichmophobia :( so im just gonna have to live with it I guess :(

24-04-2007, 07:15 PM
just tell.

may get worse and your foot may need to be amputated?

i dunno. but its a possibility

24-04-2007, 07:16 PM
They had to put me on gas an air when I had a flu jab :P I have a really bad phobia, Im just gonna leave it, They wouldnt take it as far as being amputated just an operation, Im just keeping it quiet and see what happens as I could grow out of it still :)

24-04-2007, 07:22 PM
how many needles for an operation?

i had a tumor and i had 1 in my foot, 2 in my arms and 2 in my hands..

best way/painfull way

24-04-2007, 09:16 PM
Some tips.

There are many ways to overcome a phobia. The best is to probably imagine the funniest or happiest moment of your life and put your fear in it but try to use it as a good thing.
ALso try putting ther funniest face you can on a syringe.

27-04-2007, 07:53 PM
wd on the ulcer!!
it's a bit rubbish not being able to take ibrupofen, and i can't either, but calpol tastes nicer :']

27-04-2007, 10:38 PM
Sometimes you have to live with phobias. I hate injections. (At school I usually go home after them) cause I go all crap, but I still have them.

27-04-2007, 10:41 PM
If it gets a lot worse you should definitely tell them.

27-04-2007, 10:43 PM
congrats with ulcer but if your feet get worse, tell your parents. dont leave it to the last minute.

27-04-2007, 11:16 PM
Didn't understand that - there was too many big words.

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