View Full Version : Quit =]

25-04-2007, 01:53 AM
Ive quit for good, dropped everything even my holiday items

only things i havnt dropped are deagles axe and some other stuff that im giving to deagle for lending me his axe

im giving green to a friend and i might be giving blowzle away or i might sell it im not sure yet

anyways i may pop in here from time to time but i dont know

So, ya :8

friends if you wanna keep in touch pm me for my msn 8)

25-04-2007, 01:55 AM
you dropped everything?!? :o

its a shame you want to quit, but i guess its goodbye and good luck :)

25-04-2007, 02:01 AM
you dropped everything?!? :o

its a shame you want to quit, but i guess its goodbye and good luck :)
everything that im not giving away to deagle and my friend

25-04-2007, 02:05 AM
apart from the untradable stuff it would have made more sense to sell it all off, then give the cash to whoever you think deserves it.

its what i would have done, but each to their own i guess

25-04-2007, 02:12 AM
apart from the untradable stuff it would have made more sense to sell it all off, then give the cash to whoever you think deserves it.

its what i would have done, but each to their own i guess
not many ppl deserve my stuff except (no offence to any1 not on the list, its my true friends only):


they would probz be the only 1's deserving

25-04-2007, 03:40 AM
Thanks dude, sad and glad to see you go. Rock On

25-04-2007, 03:52 AM
ye man, i will everyday of my life

25-04-2007, 06:44 AM
Why you leaving greg :'(

25-04-2007, 08:59 AM
not many ppl deserve my stuff except (no offence to any1 not on the list, its my true friends only):


they would probz be the only 1's deserving

If you mean me thanks <333 dont leave!

25-04-2007, 10:00 AM
why Gregster why :'(

25-04-2007, 12:58 PM
Why you leaving greg :'(
Bcos 5 years is enough anyway my bank is empty i even dropped my chicken and my yoyo

If you mean me thanks <333 dont leave!
No soz I don't know you :S

why Gregster why :'(
Bcos 5 years is enough anyway my bank is empty i even dropped my chicken and my yoyo

25-04-2007, 01:01 PM
seeya, good luck in life.

25-04-2007, 01:09 PM
Bcos 5 years is enough anyway my bank is empty i even dropped my chicken and my yoyo

No soz I don't know you :S

Bcos 5 years is enough anyway my bank is empty i even dropped my chicken and my yoyo

You mean Jeff. on these forums?

25-04-2007, 01:09 PM
Bcos 5 years is enough anyway my bank is empty i even dropped my chicken and my yoyo

No soz I don't know you :S

Bcos 5 years is enough anyway my bank is empty i even dropped my chicken and my yoyo

you know that u can get chicken and yoyo from diango right?

25-04-2007, 01:34 PM
You mean Jeff. on these forums?
Deagle = Jeff

you know that u can get chicken and yoyo from diango right?
nope the only things you can get from diango tell you that if you want another one to talk to diango

the chicken and yoyo didnt

25-04-2007, 01:46 PM
Have a nice life :)

25-04-2007, 01:46 PM
What about 99 woodcutting? :(

Cya dude, probably see you on the forum from time to time :D

25-04-2007, 03:43 PM
Deagle = Jeff

nope the only things you can get from diango tell you that if you want another one to talk to diango

the chicken and yoyo didnt
Yes, yes they did. You cant get them from Diango.

Gl in whatever you do :D

25-04-2007, 03:46 PM
good luck and don't do drugs.

(otherwise you'll be like the dude above)

25-04-2007, 06:38 PM
Aww ohwel never liked you anyway :p (Just kiddin)

25-04-2007, 10:31 PM
What about 99 woodcutting? :(

Cya dude, probably see you on the forum from time to time :D
Ye man, gl on 99wc bro.

Yes, yes they did. You cant get them from Diango.

Gl in whatever you do :D
Meh, thanks man!

good luck and don't do drugs.

(otherwise you'll be like the dude above)
Who says I don't already :p lol jk, thanks man

Aww ohwel never liked you anyway :p (Just kiddin)
lol hush up

25-04-2007, 10:57 PM
See ya man, I'm gonna miss ya u were uber cool annd ncie

25-04-2007, 11:15 PM
See ya man, I'm gonna miss ya u were uber cool annd ncie
+1 to u bro

26-04-2007, 12:37 AM
You got 200 views, PEOPLE LOVE YOU lol

26-04-2007, 12:41 AM
i have to spoil the atmosphere, but i think the majority of the views were from nubs expecting a giveaway.

26-04-2007, 12:44 AM
You got 200 views, PEOPLE LOVE YOU lol
lolz ya

i have to spoil the atmosphere, but i think the majority of the views were from nubs expecting a giveaway.
i dont know im pretty famous on habbox i been around for a while, I know like everyone, only 1 person hates me (that I know of) at thats :Jamie

26-04-2007, 01:09 AM
just noticed a typo in my last post, its meant to say "hate" not "have" :l lol

26-04-2007, 01:10 PM
just noticed a typo in my last post, its meant to say "hate" not "have" :l lol
lol I never even noticed :p

26-04-2007, 10:09 PM
not many ppl deserve my stuff except (no offence to any1 not on the list, its my true friends only):


they would probz be the only 1's deserving


26-04-2007, 10:19 PM
scince when do you use habbox :p

26-04-2007, 10:20 PM
scince when do you use habbox :p

Since now!

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