View Full Version : uhm... diabeties?

28-04-2007, 03:20 PM
Uhm... could I have diabeties?
One.I never drink water.... or squash just coke or fizzy drinks
Two.I've been drinking coke for about 6 months without any other drinks
Three.My Pluse feels weird like pressure in it

28-04-2007, 03:23 PM
Diabetes isn't just about your diet (although from what you siad it sounds aweful). You can get a free Diabetes test at boots.

28-04-2007, 03:26 PM
Best going to boots or seeing a doctor.


28-04-2007, 03:27 PM
Okai... But thing is >.< I don't want anything injected into me?

28-04-2007, 04:27 PM
Okai... But thing is >.< I don't want anything injected into me?
You only have an injection of insulin if you're type 3 diabetes anyway I think.

28-04-2007, 04:30 PM
If you have Diabetes, you will most likely have to have an injection or two, its about controlling your blood sugar and if you have too much sugar you need to get an insulin injection to lower it.

29-04-2007, 02:53 PM
You only have an injection of insulin if you're type 3 diabetes anyway I think.

Type 2 diabetes. Someone in my immediate family has it.

29-04-2007, 03:19 PM
You only have an injection of insulin if you're type 3 diabetes anyway I think.
No that is type 1 and sometimes you end up going on injections if you have type 2 also. Basically I doubt you have diabetes, do you have the following symptoms ;

extreme thirst
extreme hunger
frequent tiredness
always urinating
losing weight
mood changes
blurry vision

& to the person above, injections is more commonly accosiated with type 1 diabetes actually, type 2 is more commonly controlled by diet and exercise.

29-04-2007, 03:53 PM
No not diabetes, unhealthy. :rolleyes:
Also, I doubt you have solely drank coke and no other type of drink over the past 6 months. :rolleyes:

29-04-2007, 03:58 PM
extreme thirst
extreme hunger
frequent tiredness
always urinating
losing weight
mood changes
blurry vision

OMG! The ones in bold are the ones I have! & italics sometimes have. :(
But I could never give myself an injection, its something I could never do!

09-05-2007, 07:36 PM
OMG! The ones in bold are the ones I have! & italics sometimes have. :(
But I could never give myself an injection, its something I could never do!
Fine, if you even have diabetes the decision would be up to you, as un-controlled diabetes for a great period of time can cause your toes/fingers to fall off, blindness and other sorts of health complications.

09-05-2007, 11:09 PM
Most diabetes is sorted by diet especially type 2. Next stage is tablets.
After that injections but only really for the minority that are usually born with the problem. You need to have a chat with somebody about it because worrying about it can cause the same symptoms. :D

09-05-2007, 11:11 PM
Right. Firstly, the person who said about Type 3 diabetes, lol, Theres only type one and type two. My sister is diabetic, and she has TYPE ONE which means you must take injections. Also, there are ways to find out if you are diabetic. Symtoms include Drinking TOO MUCH water, very thirsty, going to the toilet (no. 1) loads.. If you have these, I suggest you go to your doctor immediatly. Type two is only gotten when your older. You dont have to be born with type one, it can come later on in life up till your around 40.

09-05-2007, 11:45 PM
Right. Firstly, the person who said about Type 3 diabetes, lol, Theres only type one and type two. My sister is diabetic, and she has TYPE ONE which means you must take injections. Also, there are ways to find out if you are diabetic. Symtoms include Drinking TOO MUCH water, very thirsty, going to the toilet (no. 1) loads.. If you have these, I suggest you go to your doctor immediatly. Type two is only gotten when your older. You dont have to be born with type one, it can come later on in life up till your around 40.

What I meant was that you ususally have a pre-disposition to it to get type 1 i.e. something genetic in your make up when you are born. You usually get type 2 when you are older but this isn't always the case as its becoming more common with overweight children and is sometimes associated with Affro/Carribeans too. :D

10-05-2007, 06:55 AM
Try stop drinking fizzy drinks! i used to drink cola and feel crap. Ive stopped now and i feel a lot better. Coke isnt good for you, and i think i read somewhere it can make you infertile =S

10-05-2007, 06:56 AM
You only have an injection of insulin if you're type 3 diabetes anyway I think.
..There are two types of diabetes :S

10-05-2007, 11:13 AM
Okai... But thing is >.< I don't want anything injected into me?
The test is just a tiny purick on your finger. Doesnt hurt.
My uncles diabetic so i just nick his blood sugar level tester kit thingy.

Thers supposed to be only 2 types of diabetes but they are talking about a type 3. For people who dont fit in to either group like my uncle.
They said he was type two but hes not fat or black.

Diabetes is quite confusing me thinks.
He has to take tablets and inject himself and he was only diagnosed this year (His sugar level was over 20 when he was diagnosed thou)
and we have to make sure he doesnt have hypo's. Havnt seen him have one yet so duno what they r. Oooh and he has to eat all the time but he cant have sugar and some other bolucks.
Its all really confusing, not a nice thing tbh.

10-05-2007, 11:35 AM
i'd definately take a test if you have any doubts whatsoever.

10-05-2007, 06:35 PM
Most diabetes is sorted by diet especially type 2. Next stage is tablets.
After that injections but only really for the minority that are usually born with the problem. You need to have a chat with somebody about it because worrying about it can cause the same symptoms. :D

No dear the not a minority use injections, all of type 1 diabetes sufferers have insulin injections and not because they are born with the 'problem' because a majority aren't

& typo their are more than two types of diabetes lmao, ever heard of water diabetes? obviously not.

10-05-2007, 07:55 PM
you want to becareful of drinking that much coke because of the caffine also that would explain the high blood pressure:rolleyes: i know a guy who was addictade to the caffine in coke maybe talk to ya parents about it

11-05-2007, 10:09 AM
From your drinking habits, better see a doctor.

11-05-2007, 04:52 PM
Too much caffeine ;)

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