View Full Version : 1 May 2007 - Bots and real-world trading

01-05-2007, 08:53 AM
Over the last couple of weeks we've had a sudden increase in reports of people apparently using 'bots' to play the game automatically (which is in breach of Rule 7 (http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarticle.ws?article_id=2077)). Firstly, we want to let all our honest players (and that's the vast majority of you) know that we are aware of this problem, and that we are taking immediate steps to tackle it. We currently ban about 8000 accounts every week for trying this sort of cheating, and for a long time that kept things under control. Things have clearly moved on, however, and that is no longer enough, so we are in the process of upgrading our detection and prevention systems. We also have logs of historical activity, so will be able to make sure that dishonesty doesn't pay. Please bear with us while we sort it out! There are also ways you can help us, so please read on.

What's happening is more complex than it first seems. What's actually going on is that the VAST majority of the level-3 characters you see playing the game repetitively and not talking to anyone, are actually people from countries such as China and Korea, who are trying to collect RuneScape gold to sell for real world money (obviously against the rules). Some of them aren't even using bots, they are just playing the game very repetitively with a single-minded purpose to collect gold. These people have no interest in playing the game properly, and therefore don't care if they get banned. The final effect is the same, though – it spoils the game for everyone else.

We can (and do) ban them - including using IP bans - but they still find ways to make accounts. We seized 6 billion in RuneScape gold by banning real-world traders last week! Unfortunately, these people are obliged to work such long hours and are paid such low wages that if even a tiny fraction of gold makes it to the market, those running the sweatshops will be encouraged to continue. This is why we are now further increasing our efforts.

So how to stop it? The answer is clearly to tackle the black market. As long as there is the potential to make money, they won't stop trying, even though it damages the game for everyone else. Of course, if nobody spent real world money on RuneScape gold these unwelcome groups would just switch to a different game.

Therefore, we are going to be cracking down HARD on people who breach Rule 12 (http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarticle.ws?article_id=2082) (no real world trading). We can catch people who break this rule, because we have a sophisticated trade monitoring system and we can trace suspicious activity all the way back to the original bot accounts.

If you break Rule 12 and buy RuneScape gold you are directly funding this problem. You are funding underground gangs who run Chinese sweatshops, and creating the black market which causes this botting problem. Therefore, this rule will now be enforced as a priority, with no second chances. If you break Rule 12 and we catch you, then you will not only lose the money you spent, but also your entire account. Obviously, we will always be careful to make sure nobody is banned in error.

Finally, we have noticed some 3rd party sites, which call themselves 'fansites', but then advertise black market trading sites. This will no longer be tolerated. By running such advertising these sites are directly supporting these gangs, and are thus causing the botting problems they then complain about! We don't consider sites that encourage our players to break the rules and endanger their own users to be 'fansites'. (i.e. They're advertising things to their users, which, if the advertising works, will serve to get their users banned!) We consider them cheat sites, and they will be treated accordingly. True fans of the game don’t encourage cheating!

This brings us to the last point. HOW YOU CAN HELP! You can help us by:

Using the in-game 'report abuse' facility to tell us about players you see breaking rule 7. Of course we're not going to ban anyone just on the basis of a player report and will always thoroughly check them ourselves, too - but such reports still help us know who we should be checking up on.
Boycott any corrupt 'fansites' which advertise RuneScape gold for sale. There are plenty of genuine fansites out there who don't support cheating in this way, and we fully support those sites. Use those ones instead. Also, don't advertise, link to, or talk about any of these corrupt fansites. Obviously, if they stop supporting cheating, you can start using them again.
Under absolutely no circumstances buy RuneScape gold/items for real money! Doing so causes this whole problem, and we'll ban you if we catch you doing it. The number of honest players still far, far outweighs the tiny minority causing trouble. Now we’re on the case you can be sure we’ll have this sorted out asap.

01-05-2007, 09:07 AM
its about time they did this. im getting sick of the amount of autoers i see around the game, everywhere i go theres always a lvl 3 bot.

ok yes some of the level 3s are honest players who have made a pure skiller, fair play to them. i just hope they dont get banned by accident.

im sure many people will love this update. i just hope its enough to cut down the number of bots around the game :D

01-05-2007, 11:27 AM
If you walk around free to play worlds by any yew trees there is always autoers,
They all have the "default" look and will not reply to anything you say, and also take awhile to run away from randoms, and it does get annoying if your trying to cut the yews as well.
Very happy with this as hopefully it will cut down on the bots.

01-05-2007, 12:07 PM
I'm all in favor f this update, even tho i auto'd twice and got banned within a few days, most peopel are still running around and auto'ing, And people on this forum [Xiwl], and lol at the people using r/s to make real life cash, sado's who have no life.

01-05-2007, 03:19 PM
Lol yay finally a update to get rid of autoers :D

01-05-2007, 03:24 PM
Wth @ that Chinese gangs? :s

01-05-2007, 03:25 PM
bit over the top isnt it? chinese sweatshops who make people play runescape lol i can see that happening :l
good news about the new detection system but chinese sweatshops lol
Like everyone boycott habbox forum it advertises Rs Gold!!!

01-05-2007, 03:27 PM
bit over the top isnt it? chinese sweatshops who make people play runescape lol i can see that happening :l
good news about the new detection system but chinese sweatshops lol
Like everyone boycott habbox forum it advertises Rs Gold!!!
That banner is put onto the site by google adds , habbox cant choose to display it.

01-05-2007, 03:30 PM
im joking? and anyway i dont think runescape will care about habbox anyway its initially a habbo forum with a small sub-forum of runescape

01-05-2007, 03:32 PM
LOL? they must be joking on how many bans they get.. I've added about 10 bots reported them at least once an hour and none of them have been banned for MONTHS

02-05-2007, 02:13 AM
I guess they can track down membership buyers so when I'm buying, I'm gonna lose in the duel arena :)

02-05-2007, 06:56 AM
lol when i brought my mil's i had this chinese people serve me she was like

'hi what want? have you paypal?" wth?

02-05-2007, 02:45 PM
If you break Rule 12 and buy RuneScape gold you are directly funding this problem. You are funding underground gangs who run Chinese sweatshops, and creating the black market which causes this botting problem. Therefore, this rule will now be enforced as a priority, with no second chances. If you break Rule 12 and we catch you, then you will not only lose the money you spent, but also your entire account. Obviously, we will always be careful to make sure nobody is banned in error.

they calling me chinese now?

pretty offencive people Jagex are..

02-05-2007, 03:14 PM
does this mean habbox forum has to get rid of there adverts up there ^ saying gold & items for sale!

Ashley 12344
04-05-2007, 05:49 PM
does this mean habbox forum has to get rid of there adverts up there ^ saying gold & items for sale!

Nope, although it potentially means Google do.
Its a bit of an exageration to create guilt IMO.

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