View Full Version : I have NO idea whats going on...

03-05-2007, 04:03 AM

I've been planning to make a habbo fansite called headhabbo.com. Some of you might already know that because I had www.headhabbo.com (http://www.headhabbo.com) - COMING SOON in my sig for awhile. I've bought the hosting and template. I've made all of the content already.

The hosting was provided by packagehosts (tenatious). And the layout was provided by UrbanSlixor. It is a greyish nav styled one.

I haven't bought the domain headhabbo.com because I haven't got the money yet, and I was planning to get it soon. My friend, randomly said to me, after around 1 week of not mentioning the coming soon of headhabbo, "You finally bought headhabbo.com!". I did not buy headhabbo at all. The iFrame is redirected to my under construction page and now, they added this very ugly shadow everywhere. Also, a few people I've asked say packagehosts.com works, and it doesn't seem to work for me? All the pages still link to www.sbosma.packagehosts.com (http://www.sbosma.packagehosts.com) which is mine. It even has my copyright info on the bottom, which hasn't been changed at all.

NO one even knows much about the sub domain www.sbosma.packagehosts.com (http://www.sbosma.packagehosts.com), so I'm wondering, whats up? The only people I've told about it are people I trust. Why I told you about me not being able to access www.packagehosts.com (http://www.packagehosts.com) is maybe, I'm banned somehow and someone screwed me over?

To make a long story short, I'm telling you this because if this stolen site goes anywhere, It's mine, and you'll know that. Visit it, to see that it the links still go to www.sbosma.packagehosts.com (http://www.sbosma.packagehosts.com), and it has my name (Spencer) in the copyright info. Sorry if I've wasted your time at all, but I'm just making sure this doesn't continue, and if it does then It won't go anywhere.




Can people please tell me if www.packagehosts.com (http://www.packagehosts.com) works?

03-05-2007, 05:05 AM
Sounds like somebody bought the domain and ripped the layout.

Package hosts is a good host, just recently there was a bit of downtime, as they got a faster server.

03-05-2007, 05:37 AM
sounds like u got owned.

03-05-2007, 10:23 AM
Who ever bought it is from Netherlands (Or just regestered it in Netherlands)

03-05-2007, 11:56 AM
It contains hos email, email him.

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