View Full Version : 2 new green vs grey warrier comps

11-05-2007, 06:31 PM
yeah click here (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/inspection/competition.html), disarno wants you to spend loads on green stuff for your homepage and UKchaseral wants you to build another room

Ukchaseral challenges you!

http://www.habbo.co.uk/habbo-imaging/avatar/8460920512240082850230001014400dbe98fc28f80b45b11f 18b9e337f32d2.gifWin the support of Ukchaseral - energetic, resourceful and born with the gift of the gab, Ukchaseral is the ideal Habbo Staff to help find solutions and new members for your group with his cheeky charm!

Ukchaseral has challenged you to build a room for your team. Your room will need to be designed to look good AND also to be practical and of use to your team's goals. Ukchaseral is looking for rooms which help your team spread their message - perhaps an information centre, helpdesk debate stage or planning room?

Your opportunity to wow Ukchaseral starts now, so what are you waiting for?
Rooms should be submitted by email to:

Email: [email protected] ([email protected])
Subject: Ukchaseral Comp - [name of team: Green Teas or Grey Pixels]
Closing Date: Midnight (BST) Sunday 13th May.

The ONE winning room will be displayed on the winning Team's page and will be linked by 'porter to the team's base/commune.

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album162/tipitii_team.gifAll entries will be viewed by your team's leader so make sure you use the right team name in your email subject line. HelKat and Lost_Witness will then choose the room's they think best argue their respective cases and will show them to Ukchaseral. Ukchaseral will then choose his favourite room and will dedicate his support to the winner's team. There will be five Green Tea Elementals and five Grey Pixel Warrior badges awarded to the users whose rooms are selected to represent their team.

Disarno Challenges You!

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album1054/disarno_001.gifWin the support of Disarno - creative, playful, stackmeister and wordsmith extraordinaire, Disarno is the ideal Habbo Staff to help jazz up pages, rooms and your groups mood!

Disarno has challenged you to let your Habbo Home (or your groups) do the talking for your team. Your home will need to be designed to look good AND also to give information about your team and what they stand for, or which help your team spread their message.

What does your team stand for?
What does your team believe in?http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album1175/living_planet.gif
Use your home page to show how beautiful your team could make the hotel!

Your opportunity to wow Disarno starts now, so what are you waiting for?

The ONE winning home will be linked to on the winning Team's page and the winner will be one of the 5 of their team to get a badge for their efforts!

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album1180/hab9000.gifAll entries will be viewed by your team's leader so make sure you sign their guestbook letting them know you'd like to enter! HelKat and Lost_Witness will then choose the page's they think best argue their respective cases and will show them to Disarno. Disarno will then choose his favourite room and will dedicate his support to the winner's team. There will be five Green Tea Elementals and five Grey Pixel Warrior badges awarded to the users whose Habbo Homes are selected to represent their team.

11-05-2007, 06:34 PM
You know where it says you will be awarded a badge, Does that mean you will be let into your teams group?

11-05-2007, 06:40 PM
When do these comps end?

11-05-2007, 07:00 PM
22nd i think, and i think that the badge might just be your group badge but perm or something silly like that

12-05-2007, 11:08 PM
Nice find, too lazy to make one though ;P

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