View Full Version : Im so dumb and we all are read here about to DO WITH SONICMOUSE!

01-05-2005, 01:34 PM
Rumors yes he was on but is it him we know all that
is it blood
dionysus we dont know that
but dionysus is pretty nasty you ask to go on pannel he kicks you
dionysus probbaly wouldnt hack but this is what im getting onto.

so dionysus is being called a wicked person
budy and moonglowgirl mr and mrs habbo right
but only budy gets hacked not moonglowgirl
is budy truely getting hacked for a reason
because if u hack budy then you would want to hack moonglowgirl trophy wouldnt you so its arther someone hates budy or someone just playing silly jokes nicking his furni or leaveing stickys i will look for more clues ok but dionysus is my suspect

01-05-2005, 01:40 PM
No way, dionysus wud loose his job. He gets PAIED for what he does. he wouldnt risk his job on something silly like tht

01-05-2005, 01:44 PM
Randy you need to stop posting the same threads over and over again! I can't understand half of what you're saying anyway! :rolleyes:

01-05-2005, 01:53 PM
Dionysus isn't some pro hacker, he's STAFF, meaning he gets FREE FURNI anyway, he can get himself ANY rare he wants for free, including the H-A-B-B-O trophies, so no he wouldn't 'hack' people. :rolleyes:

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