View Full Version : [Bobba] Hobba's banning for rubbish reasons (Yes again!)

01-05-2005, 02:59 PM
Ok - I was in soapbox today, and I made a joke about working with Dionysus being a bo.oby prize (Yes, I had to put a dot in it). 2 minutes after it, the 'A hobba has kicked you out the room' screen came up. I was shocked. I don't see how this at all offensive, as it is a term found in the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY.

This will tarnish the chance I've got to be a hobba (If I apply in the future, but I probably won't) thanks to heavy handed hobbas/staff not reading what I said properly.

Pfft. 2 hours.

01-05-2005, 03:10 PM
well believe it or not avoiding the bobba filter is a banable offence. you knew it would come up with bobba so you tried to avoid it.

Words you could of used

or any other word that doesnt come into the bobba filter

i hoped that helped

01-05-2005, 03:12 PM
Most words are in the dictionary, doesn't mean you can use them on Habbo though.

At the end of the day the bobba filter is there for a reason; you avoid it, you get banned.

01-05-2005, 03:15 PM
dude all the bad words are in the dictionary...thats how they have a meaning..lol............trying to avoid the filter is definatly agaisnt the habbo way and you do get banned for it :)

01-05-2005, 03:16 PM
I'm afraid, he's right.. You may not have used it offensively but it's still included in the bobba filter, and as Seacat said, it's there for a reason so you got banned for avoiding it!

01-05-2005, 03:32 PM
That's like saying 'That Watched' - It comes up as 'thabobba ched' So of course you put a dot in.

I used 'bo.oby prize' in context.

Bo.oby Prize a prize given as a joke to someone who comes last in a contest

I would understand if it was because I put the dot in to swear but I didn't!

01-05-2005, 03:38 PM
It won't effect your record , You are allowed 2 minor bans (2hours) but that is it I believe. There are certin words that hobba's are not allowed to ban you for however , Saying Ars.enal and esse.x etc.

01-05-2005, 03:56 PM
bigbutsound, i thought it was any ban would effect your chances...same with mutes.......

01-05-2005, 04:00 PM
What happens if I avoid the bobba filter?

If you avoid the bobba filter you will be banned from Habbo Hotel.

It doesnt say if you swear you will get banned it says if you avoid it. Which you have clearly done. Maybe this is a lesson that you should learn!

Read this http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/help/faq/faq_search/?q=habbo%20way#20

01-05-2005, 04:27 PM
It doesnt say if you swear you will get banned it says if you avoid it. Which you have clearly done. Maybe this is a lesson that you should learn!

Read this http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/help/faq/faq_search/?q=habbo%20way#20
So Habbo have so restricted your freedom, you're not aloud to say 'I support Ar.senal' without getting banned?!

Man this is getting bad...

01-05-2005, 04:54 PM
Well Arsenal isn't the word that you would be avoiding. It's :rude:. And yes as Seacat as said many words are in the dictionary such as :rude:, :rude:, :rude: and :rude:.

01-05-2005, 04:56 PM
u know wat i notice hobbas ban us for swearing yet never ban scammers i wunder why?

01-05-2005, 11:31 PM
That's like saying 'That Watched' - It comes up as 'thabobba ched' So of course you put a dot in.

This is because 'That Watched' has a bad word in the middle of it, and seeing as you can't say that word on Habbo, it comes out as 'bobba'.

01-05-2005, 11:35 PM
Not heh'
A hobba banned me for saying im a newbie
thats just taking it to the next level
"You have been banned for avoiding the bobba filter. WayHey: Shout: " I'm a newbie :)"

Now c'mon
That aint avoiding the filter

01-05-2005, 11:37 PM
like i said they only seem to ban for swearing not scammers wat is going on in this pixelated hotel, corupt cops and rich kids that get all the perks? :s

02-05-2005, 12:15 AM
newbie aint even a swear tho, or else it would come up bobba


02-05-2005, 12:20 AM
Most words are in the dictionary, doesn't mean you can use them on Habbo though.

At the end of the day the bobba filter is there for a reason; you avoid it, you get banned.
Well put.

02-05-2005, 12:28 AM
Well put.

Can't say it any better

02-05-2005, 12:39 AM
So Habbo have so restricted your freedom, you're not aloud to say 'I support Ar.senal' without getting banned?!

Man this is getting bad...
Actually, that is called a cheap bobba filter

02-05-2005, 12:45 AM
Actually, that is called a cheap bobba filter

Trust gomme... he knows his stuff!

02-05-2005, 02:50 AM
well believe it or not avoiding the bobba filter is a banable offence. you knew it would come up with bobba so you tried to avoid it.

Words you could of used

or any other word that doesnt come into the bobba filter

i hoped that helped

That has nothing to do with "****y" and its not rude.
****y Prize. Whats so bad about that ? i remmeber my days playing neopets :P Yes Shutup. and TOMBOLA "You have won a ****y prize" God.

02-05-2005, 02:51 AM
Omg Habbo U Filtered "Boo//by Prize " >:( Sad.

02-05-2005, 09:39 AM
Habbo has gone KERRRRRRRRAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYY! It comes up as bobba if u put hitler in (no joke) and got water cos it has the t word in the middle of it. and if u can cos it looks like the f word- HOW? man, the bobba filter is just bein stupid now! Any1 agree with me?

02-05-2005, 01:46 PM
I agree with you i myself have just been banned for 2 hours why i am still not sure but it was somthin to do with my mate typing somthin on habbo ........... 2 long boring 2 hours any body got any ideas?

02-05-2005, 02:11 PM
Most words are in the dictionary, doesn't mean you can use them on Habbo though.

At the end of the day the bobba filter is there for a reason; you avoid it, you get banned.

Hear Hear! :D

08-05-2005, 06:42 PM
Honestly, if you think that's bad, I got muted for calling someone a '******'.

'******' Isn't even in the Bobba Filter!


Ah, Ok, Sorry for that. I didn't know it was in the filter.
Sorry for that.

14-05-2005, 05:06 AM
It is foolish, just like cancer being a censored word is foolish. They will ban you for just avoiding the filter at all, so better safe than sorry and use a different word or do like me and just purposely spell it wrong, 90% of people can usually decipher the word as long as u use all the correct letters from the word in a rearranged way, at least that way there is no justification to ban you.

14-05-2005, 09:38 AM
i think i've been banned for 30 or so hrs- 24 fer racial comments (which i didnt make), 4 fer swearing and 2 fer avoidin the filter.
And cancer is bobba'd cos ppl mite kno other ppl whu hav died of cancer. Thts why its filtered.
But seriously, saying Sussex, Essex and Wessex and having Susbobba, Esbobba and Wesbobba is stupid! Now u cant say whack cos hack is filtered! man, bobba filter's gone bonkers!

14-05-2005, 10:39 AM
Hack isn't actually filtered on the help centre floor :p

14-05-2005, 10:52 AM
well believe it or not avoiding the bobba filter is a banable offence. you knew it would come up with bobba so you tried to avoid it.

Words you could of used

* boring,

* uninteresting,

* tedious,

* dull,

* tiresome,

* unexciting

or any other word that doesnt come into the bobba filter

i hoped that helped
It didn't help actually, the term 'Bo.oby prize' has no alternatives! I know they have to filter 'knockers' but why do they have to ban me for using the term bo.oby prize?! How many times have you said bo.oby prize and got put in detention for swearing. Surely you'd be pee'd off.

Most words are in the dictionary, doesn't mean you can use them on Habbo though.

At the end of the day the bobba filter is there for a reason; you avoid it, you get banned.
But I wasn't going around shouting "F-Off!" I used the term BO.OBY PRIZE! Here it is in context, how I said it:

"Working with Dionysus would be a bo.oby prize though, wouldn't it!!"

It's not a bloomin prize of 'knockers' it's a:

Bo.oby Prize - a prize given as a joke to someone who comes last in a contest


14-05-2005, 11:37 AM
It's true though. It may be in the dictionary. But if it is in the bobba filter, you can get banned.

But Pizza being bobba'd [For pizz] and dice [for dic] is idiotic.

14-05-2005, 11:46 AM
Just remember, Habbo is for teens in a kiddies environment.

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