View Full Version : UK Market Decline

13-05-2007, 08:42 PM
It seems the UK Rares Market is slumping at the moment when it should be strong and rising.

I think this is because of the UK Hotels declining visitor numbers so there are more things avalible to 6,000 people rather than 13,000 people.

Anyone else agree?

Hammocks and Holiday Romances are struggling to sell for 3 CS each and Aloe Vera's have dropped along with most other summer rares.

13-05-2007, 08:44 PM
Yes. Everything is extremely hard to sell, especially at the prices habbox are posting. I think the RVR's are over inflating everything by way too much, which is causing people to buy everything, and then when they struggle to sell they rapidly lower prices.

13-05-2007, 08:46 PM
Yeah I agree and also Nelly's are doing very badly, they should be around 12 CS at the moment but they are struggling to sell for 6 CS sometimes.

Even Credits and HC Sofas seem to be losing popularity!

13-05-2007, 08:54 PM
Yeah I agree and also Nelly's are doing very badly, they should be around 12 CS at the moment but they are struggling to sell for 6 CS sometimes.

Even Credits and HC Sofas seem to be losing popularity!

yh i agree i find nellys and silver birdbaths extremely hard to sell:(

13-05-2007, 09:16 PM
It was really hot last May, so everyone was in the summery mood, so i guess thats why this time last year they was shooting up. No one wants summer furni much atm i guess it could rise in a few months but idk. From what i have seen Gold bars seem to be selling well at 5HC quite well at the moment! (Trade City, i have noticed that).

13-05-2007, 09:18 PM
IMO I think everyone is getting that bit smarter. Many more people look for pure hcs, and I think we're lucky to of gotten into mostly thrones before hcs.

13-05-2007, 09:27 PM
Yeah I agree and also Nelly's are doing very badly, they should be around 12 CS at the moment but they are struggling to sell for 6 CS sometimes.

Even Credits and HC Sofas seem to be losing popularity!

This is something I've noticed in the Super Rare trading market as well.

This week alone, Supers that I expected to peak extremely soon have been dropping like flys. By now, I personally expected the Red/Blue Bird Baths to have hit 4 Throne - They're still at around 3T 2hc each.

The Yellow Amber has dropped, even though that's a key summer item. I've picked up 6 this week for just 3T each.

It's already made me reconsider my plans for investing for summer time furniture. I was originally going to buy 80 yellow ambers - That's just abruptly changed.

What you say about Supply and Demand is starting to make sence, as well. Back when super rares were worth 30T each, there were upto 15,000 people online. Now, 7,500 is around the peak. Hugely less users, exact same (slightly more due to release) amount of supers, huge price decrease.

Personally, I feel the only safe investment is the petal patch.

13-05-2007, 11:11 PM
Yah i agree too. Last year habbo was peaking at around 12,000 a day at one point. habbo struggle to get 7000 people now. And when it does get to around 7000 people the hotel is starting to lag, LOADs. Like dan said.
13,000 trading furni has gone down to 6-7000 people so their is loads more for people to trade.

14-05-2007, 07:07 AM
Anything at the moment is hard to sell to people in trade rooms or shops unless you offer millions of hc profit.

norms (like yukkas pineapples etc) at the moment are the easist to sell to anyone

and after joining late last year i have seen at the most about 7,000 online.

14-05-2007, 07:10 AM
Tbh I think full on trading is dying really, I can't think of one item that is rising really strong..

14-05-2007, 02:57 PM
I can't believe that a throne is worth 32CS or whatver. I remember the time when you could get one for 14CS.

I think it would be a good idea to remove the Habbox Rare Values page for a few weeks. See how trade reacts.

14-05-2007, 03:20 PM
;3486915']I can't believe that a throne is worth 32CS or whatver. I remember the time when you could get one for 14CS.

I think it would be a good idea to remove the Habbox Rare Values page for a few weeks. See how trade reacts.

last time that happend (when habbox was hacked) most people just stopped trading.

14-05-2007, 03:21 PM
last time that happend (when habbox was hacked) most people just stopped trading.

True that. What suprized me was that even the super rare traders stopped, as well.

14-05-2007, 03:38 PM
I wonder what would happen if the trade broke.
Habbo would be habbo again.. and not just about the furniture.

14-05-2007, 03:41 PM
I wonder what would happen if the trade broke.
Habbo would be habbo again.. and not just about the furniture.
I actually want that to happen, All people care about on habbo is furni, furni, furni... Not fun?

14-05-2007, 03:45 PM
well re-releasing old rares kinda puts off the richers habbos who have lots of petals and stuff. So they go. And the recolurs are just crap really. What was the last good rare habbo put out. That was just a new rare, not a recolour, seaonal, re-release. They seem to just run out of ideas now. Its stupid. i mean foreign hotels get a lot more interesting furni. By the time was get it, everyone will have left.

14-05-2007, 03:46 PM
last time that happend (when habbox was hacked) most people just stopped trading.

agreed most shops stopped trade rooms were lost. the people who carried on trading were doing it for what they thought.
like a hc for things no one would even consider with values.

14-05-2007, 03:56 PM
well re-releasing old rares kinda puts off the richers habbos who have lots of petals and stuff. So they go. And the recolurs are just crap really. What was the last good rare habbo put out. That was just a new rare, not a recolour, seaonal, re-release. They seem to just run out of ideas now. Its stupid. i mean foreign hotels get a lot more interesting furni. By the time was get it, everyone will have left.

I don't think it's the recolours that are affecting the market, at the start of the recolour era we had 10,000+ people on our UK Hotel and as we saw from things like Red Pillows and Black Smokes many were bought and then slided down to 0.2 - 0.5 because there were so many of them, then about 1 week later there was a craze on them and they would rise - We don't see this any more.

Black Monoliths and Red Dragons are a good example as they would be higher if our hotel was bigger, Blac Monolith: 4.5 CS and Red Dragon: 3 CS but since we're losing visitors they seem to be struggling, Black Monoliths are slowly creeping down and down and Red Dragons have hit 1.5

What currently happens with new rares that come out is that how ever many are bought they seem to stick and 1 CS and don't move at all, new rares have become unteresting in their value pattens.

And good point about the supers, they seem to be dropping a A LOT, I predicted Birdbaths would hit 2T this year but now that seems very likely.

The Professor
14-05-2007, 03:56 PM
Yes. Everything is extremely hard to sell, especially at the prices habbox are posting. I think the RVR's are over inflating everything by way too much, which is causing people to buy everything, and then when they struggle to sell they rapidly lower prices.

RVRs do their best to provide accurate prices, so don't start on it. One of the problems is that when Ymo was manager the rare values page was updated rarely, but now we have new management it should run more smoothly.

IMO I think everyone is getting that bit smarter. Many more people look for pure hcs, and I think we're lucky to of gotten into mostly thrones before hcs.

I've also found that getting pure HCs for unpure is next to impossible these days. This is probably the main reason; because people want pures so much for betting and dealing etc the price of unpures has fallen as desperate people are trying to sell.

This is something I've noticed in the Super Rare trading market as well.

This week alone, Supers that I expected to peak extremely soon have been dropping like flys. By now, I personally expected the Red/Blue Bird Baths to have hit 4 Throne - They're still at around 3T 2hc each.

The Yellow Amber has dropped, even though that's a key summer item. I've picked up 6 this week for just 3T each.

It's already made me reconsider my plans for investing for summer time furniture. I was originally going to buy 80 yellow ambers - That's just abruptly changed.

What you say about Supply and Demand is starting to make sence, as well. Back when super rares were worth 30T each, there were upto 15,000 people online. Now, 7,500 is around the peak. Hugely less users, exact same (slightly more due to release) amount of supers, huge price decrease.

Personally, I feel the only safe investment is the petal patch.

I dont think the super rares are falling for the same reason. A good reason I can think of is because the rich people are getting richer, which is removing a lot of spending power from the economy. People just dont have the furni to buy supers these days, and can only offer small amounts or unpure for supers. Super rare traders dont like this and hang on to the supers, making the super rare trading market stand still or decline further as when they do want to sell, their prices are too high and they have to lower.

The rising price of the throne is another problem. It doesn't necassarily (sp?) mean the price is falling, but as the price of supers has to be reajusted to match the price of the throne it can seem that way.

;3486915']I can't believe that a throne is worth 32CS or whatver. I remember the time when you could get one for 14CS.

I think it would be a good idea to remove the Habbox Rare Values page for a few weeks. See how trade reacts.

The throne would be around 45HC if certain events hadn't lowered the price dramatically (it being released accidentally and the "orb of doom" vote being 2)

last time that happend (when habbox was hacked) most people just stopped trading.

Above quote answers the second point to the one above that.

I actually want that to happen, All people care about on habbo is furni, furni, furni... Not fun?

If you go in trading rooms yes, that is what they care about. A sizable portion of the habbo community also goes in non-trading rooms: mafias, chill rooms etc.

Also, playing habbo without any furniture isn't really worth it unless you have a room you go to all the time. You cant make your own rooms, which is where half the fun is.

well re-releasing old rares kinda puts off the richers habbos who have lots of petals and stuff. So they go. And the recolurs are just crap really. What was the last good rare habbo put out. That was just a new rare, not a recolour, seaonal, re-release. They seem to just run out of ideas now. Its stupid. i mean foreign hotels get a lot more interesting furni. By the time was get it, everyone will have left.

Why are recolours bad? It just means your favourite type of furniture has a better chance of fitting in with a room you want to make. Re-realeasing old rares will always be a good profit maker by sulake because people want things for cheap, therefore they will buy the rare, meaning there are more of them, meaning the price will reduce and stay there for a while as there is high demand. This will probably keep happening for a while to come, if not forever.

New rares that have been released in the last year: Sleeping bag, road barrier, traffic light, lazer gate, solariums, moon rug, snow rug, sand patch, shrubbery stuff, gothic range, asian range, new HC furni, inflatable chair.
Add that to: Ecotron, habbo exchange, recoloured mode and iced and new iced furniture, I dont think we've had a bad run of new furnis

14-05-2007, 04:03 PM
its kinda odd tht we are all talking about the callapse of the habbo "economy" when reall all it is a virtual furniture on a computer screen deep in cyberspace...

The Professor
14-05-2007, 04:07 PM
its kinda odd tht we are all talking about the callapse of the habbo "economy" when reall all it is a virtual furniture on a computer screen deep in cyberspace...

If you think the game is that pathetic, don't play it. The fact is that all games that have trading have some sort of economy. Would you trade your throne for a green fan? Would you ask for a typo instead of a gold trophy for it?

Thats economy.

14-05-2007, 04:19 PM
Rares such as Majestics are even falling which I didn't expect them to a month or two ago, they don't fetch 3 CS

Also New HC Furni has dropped so much because there isn't that much demand for them because there are less people, it was clear they were going to drop but i'm suprised at the rate the HC Furni is dropping.

Eid Posters also don't seem to be doing the usual 3 CS - 8 CS pattern anymore.

I think the market it heading for a collapse in both Normals and Supers very soon, it may be slow but it could happen very quickly also.

It's already starting to fall, only thing that cna stop it is more users and that doesn't look likely for the UK Hotel at the moment.

14-05-2007, 04:24 PM
Rares such as Majestics are even falling which I didn't expect them to a month or two ago, they don't fetch 3 CS

Also New HC Furni has dropped so much because there isn't that much demand for them because there are less people, it was clear they were going to drop but i'm suprised at the rate the HC Furni is dropping.

Eid Posters also don't seem to be doing the usual 3 CS - 8 CS pattern anymore.

I think the market it heading for a collapse in both Normals and Supers very soon, it may be slow but it could happen very quickly also.

It's already starting to fall, only thing that cna stop it is more users and that doesn't look likely for the UK Hotel at the moment.

The market is already collapsing for the Super Rares. It's no longer possible to buy a super and expect it to go up, to make a profit from it.

What does it do? Drop.

In all honesty, I'm considering scrapping it all and just having 300 pure thrones. At least that way I know I'm not losing "wealth" while I bloody sleep.

14-05-2007, 04:27 PM
The market is already collapsing for the Super Rares. It's no longer possible to buy a super and expect it to go up, to make a profit from it.

What does it do? Drop.

In all honesty, I'm considering scrapping it all and just having 300 pure thrones. At least that way I know I'm not losing "wealth" while I bloody sleep.

Agreed, it seems once a super drops it doesn't pick up again, it just drops.

Thrones are probably the best at the moment, BUT if people want to take a gamble they COULD buy all old rares and cheap supers now and just hope that UK numbers pick up and they'll make a lot - But it seems unlikely.

I think the best Habbo Markets to invest in at the moment are Canada, USA and SG purely for their growing popularity.

14-05-2007, 04:38 PM
i wasnt saying it was a bad thing. Just noticing it was odd... relax mate. I dont have a throne anyway XD. I dont think habbo is pathetic and pointless. i was mearly noticing how everyone is getting worried over it.

Edit: anyway. If the habbo market did collapse i think there would be a lot of rich habbos when it picks up again, well IF it every picks up. I think the habbo uk staff will have do something soon about the falling numbers. I mean i remember ages ago when every other ay there was a hotel alert "X amount of habbos online, a new habbo uk record"

14-05-2007, 06:43 PM
I think it's time to wake up that it's Habbox that's the problem. If people stop trading because habbox is down, then please stop saying it's a guide, because it's not. How on earth the price of the throne is going up, when less people visit habbo is beyond me.

Habbo and it's rares are a joke. A throne is worth FAR too much in real cash for how many there are in circulation. I knew the bubble willl burst and this is it. The Orb Of Doom incident was a warning that it would get out of control. Just pull the plug on these stupid rare values for 2 weeks.

14-05-2007, 08:05 PM
I'm just wondering.. when you guys are talking about say, making a profit, well, what does that mean?

What I'm trying to say is there isn't a currency in habbo.. someone might say the HC sofa is one but there are more of them coming into the hotel all the time and they are not a real currency

The Professor
14-05-2007, 08:13 PM
;3488264']I think it's time to wake up that it's Habbox that's the problem. If people stop trading because habbox is down, then please stop saying it's a guide, because it's not. How on earth the price of the throne is going up, when less people visit habbo is beyond me.

Habbo and it's rares are a joke. A throne is worth FAR too much in real cash for how many there are in circulation. I knew the bubble willl burst and this is it. The Orb Of Doom incident was a warning that it would get out of control. Just pull the plug on these stupid rare values for 2 weeks.

We did and we know the results. Habbox went down when it was hacked and the whole of the trading section just stood still. No-one wanted to trade anything because they didnt know what it was worth; they didnt have a GUIDE to guide them.

Even if habbox took theirs down, HHGS would continue to provide theirs and Im sure many smaller fansites do too. There will always be a rare values guide, if there wasnt there would be no economy.

14-05-2007, 08:46 PM
There will always be a rare values guide, if there wasnt there would be no economy.

You just admitted that the whole economy is based on these guides, which aren't used as guides, they are used as what they are 'worth' to most habbos, which in turn are sold for 'profit' which is then recorded by reporters and up the price, and people therefore sell for 'profit' again. Tbh, you should scrap the whole HC/CS system, because it just results in inflation as more club sofas come into circulation. You should base it on credits, as they have an exchange rate to real cash.

14-05-2007, 08:55 PM
Personally i think the number of visitors has gone down due to the fact of the release of the new hotels (USA, Canada ect). USA & Canadian people dont have to go on at stupid times on the UK version to go on a t peak time, they will just go on there own hotel at peak time if you get me. Basicly peak tim on habbo is around 7-9pm GMT. his means that people in the US would have to go on up to as late as 8am in the morning, which is near enough impossible due to school and stuff.

The Professor
15-05-2007, 03:56 PM
;3489364']You just admitted that the whole economy is based on these guides, which aren't used as guides, they are used as what they are 'worth' to most habbos, which in turn are sold for 'profit' which is then recorded by reporters and up the price, and people therefore sell for 'profit' again. Tbh, you should scrap the whole HC/CS system, because it just results in inflation as more club sofas come into circulation. You should base it on credits, as they have an exchange rate to real cash.

The economy IS based on the guides in the same way that the guides are based on the economy. The guides report on what people are prepared for an item, the people check the guide to check theyre not being ripped off then trade for what theyre prepared to trade for. Reporters report this, the cycle continues. The guides alone arent responsible for prices, but they help people with less knowledge of the economy get a fair price.

We will not scrap the HC/CS system any time soom because changing a well established system doesnt work. We learnt that when we thought of putting the throne, holoboy and samovar in the super rares section. We really don't want another one of those, and as this system seems to work well I dont see any reason to change it.

EDIT: I agree totally with the post above.

15-05-2007, 04:38 PM
To be honest there are too many rares on the hotel them and rares arent really rare any more and same with supers u see supers in most rooms now this could have something to do with it aswell every week theres something released

15-05-2007, 04:50 PM
Nellys now go for 5 CS each and Orange Parasols are collapsing along with basically everything else.

I wonder if we'll see another summer like summer 2006 in the rares market? :(

15-05-2007, 05:20 PM
may i ask what happened summer 2006?

15-05-2007, 05:25 PM
We saw all rares hit there highest ever prices, it lasted all summer :)

White Birdbath: 17 CS
Green Birdbath: 15 CS
Nellys: 13 CS
Hammocks and Holiday Romances: 4.5 - 5 CS
Petals: 5.2 CS

Many more that had risen during that summer aswell.

15-05-2007, 05:34 PM
I'll definetly be selling for thrones, from reading this thread. I remember when rare furni were rare, and you might only see one in say, every 5-10 rooms. Now, at a quick count, there's over 300 different pieces?

15-05-2007, 05:40 PM
We saw all rares hit there highest ever prices, it lasted all summer :)

White Birdbath: 17 CS
Green Birdbath: 15 CS
Nellys: 13 CS
Hammocks and Holiday Romances: 4.5 - 5 CS
Petals: 5.2 CS

Many more that had risen during that summer aswell.

Ahhhhh i see, thanks for that :)

15-05-2007, 05:43 PM
if habbox values dissapeared

another immitation would pop up

all sites vying for rare value stardom..

15-05-2007, 05:48 PM
The economy IS based on the guides in the same way that the guides are based on the economy. The guides report on what people are prepared for an item, the people check the guide to check theyre not being ripped off then trade for what theyre prepared to trade for. Reporters report this, the cycle continues. The guides alone arent responsible for prices, but they help people with less knowledge of the economy get a fair price.

We will not scrap the HC/CS system any time soom because changing a well established system doesnt work. We learnt that when we thought of putting the throne, holoboy and samovar in the super rares section. We really don't want another one of those, and as this system seems to work well I dont see any reason to change it.

EDIT: I agree totally with the post above.

I think you should post how many credits normal rares are worth as well as HC/CSs. That way, you'll set the credits at a fixed rate.

15-05-2007, 05:51 PM
I think Habbo could fix this problem. Simple, release the current recolour's as normal furni. = more people buying. Then, when they release rares say, 4 times a year = more demand = more people buying.

15-05-2007, 05:53 PM
I think Habbo could fix this problem. Simple, release the current recolour's as normal furni. = more people buying. Then, when they release rares say, 4 times a year = more demand = more people buying.

Habbo don't give two craps about values, they only care about making money. More Rares = More Money.

15-05-2007, 06:27 PM
All in all, why do people buy rares?

If we're honest, we do it to show off. For instance, if you had a Throne and say a few Mochas and Blue Inflatable Chairs... and your throwing a party, your going to make sure the Throne is there, aren't you?

People want profit to buy more expensive things, expensive things are a sign of wealth. Now, we have an increasingly "poor" Habbo population, who survive on giveaways and donations. They don't tend to show off their wealth.

Overall, less people are trading the expensive rares. If there are no people wanting to buy your throne (and this is obviously a long way off, but it's happening to some rares), your going to drop the price to sell it. That's the problem I think we have. The problem lies in less people buying credits, which snowballs into less people buying rares and super rares, coupled with more rich Habbos leaving and keeping their rares locked away. This can mean two things.

1) Less Super Rares to trade, pushing their values up.
2) Less Super Rare Traders, keeping the value down.

Overall, this process has kept the market stable for a while. Fewer traders means less people willing to pay the price, but lower availabilty pushes the value up. I think the market is starting to feel the pinch.

A prime example is =Ice-T= (owner of the Throne Pyramid). He had hundreds of thrones, but has now disappeared. This means there is one less rich dealer willing to pay the price, but less thrones, which means the value goes up.

That's my theory, anyway. Probably wrong.

15-05-2007, 07:10 PM
Yes were did that throne pyramid go?

My mate said he always sees hc sofas and throne sofa pyramids why not thrones?

I said search =Ice-T= and there is one.

He couldn't find and neither could I.

The prices of credits are to expensive to spend so I think that is why not as many people buy credits.If people buy credits then instead of buying hc for 30credits and getting 1 hc sofa they would buy 3 10 credit coins to get 3 hc sofas.

The rares that Sulake release now is to make money because every rare I personally have seen (Only about 5 of them) The first was the new years rocket, basically the black one but different colour and name?, one was the aqua icm, recolour of the gold icm, The green birdbath, re-release and then the petal patch and moon patch, re-release and then finally a NEW rare!

15-05-2007, 08:50 PM
It seems the UK Rares Market is slumping at the moment when it should be strong and rising.

I think this is because of the UK Hotels declining visitor numbers so there are more things avalible to 6,000 people rather than 13,000 people.

Anyone else agree?

Hammocks and Holiday Romances are struggling to sell for 3 CS each and Aloe Vera's have dropped along with most other summer rares.

I think it's because of the lack of build up to rares these days. Ever since last year after certain happenings, there has been absolutely no build up with a personal touch to build up anticipation to these rares, it's always now hotel alert-news post, not do quest x to find the new rare or anything.

Rares such as Majestics are even falling which I didn't expect them to a month or two ago, they don't fetch 3 CS

Also New HC Furni has dropped so much because there isn't that much demand for them because there are less people, it was clear they were going to drop but i'm suprised at the rate the HC Furni is dropping.

Eid Posters also don't seem to be doing the usual 3 CS - 8 CS pattern anymore.

I think the market it heading for a collapse in both Normals and Supers very soon, it may be slow but it could happen very quickly also.

It's already starting to fall, only thing that cna stop it is more users and that doesn't look likely for the UK Hotel at the moment.

Agreed, it seems once a super drops it doesn't pick up again, it just drops.

Thrones are probably the best at the moment, BUT if people want to take a gamble they COULD buy all old rares and cheap supers now and just hope that UK numbers pick up and they'll make a lot - But it seems unlikely.

I think the best Habbo Markets to invest in at the moment are Canada, USA and SG purely for their growing popularity.

Wrong. As an international hotel visitor (heh...fansite) I think you'll find ALL Habbo's have suffered greatly in terms of members. UK being the most notable, granted. Habbo UK has gone from a 14,000 peak (even sometimes 15,000) to a 6,400 peak time - even on weekends.

Habbo SG struggles to get 800 people online at peaktimes, even on weekends.
Habbo AU no longer is in the 2-3,000 margin, it's 1,800.
Habbo CA doesn't even get 3,000 people, not even 2,000 people often. It gets about 1,700.
Habbo US as the commercial hotel should have been growing - it hasn't. It's gone from a 10,000 peak time to a 7,000 peak time - on weekends.

This goes for every other hotel too.

at the person who mentioned the new stuff that came out this year - all of that is recolours. Road Barriers, Traffic Lights, Bubble Chairs, Sleeping Bags, new iced/area/mode are all recoloured and more will come out. Road stuff & bubble chairs are not even rare - they're meant to be 'accessories' (hence the 6-10 credit pricing). Solariums are iced furni, not rare.

I think people are wisening up where it comes to the recolour rubbish. When it comes to recolours. Recolours are fine, people liked the parasol/birdbath era of recolours - Sulake went over the top in creating 10 recolours for every v7 rare (some which look almost identical to other pieces) and then continued to go over the top when they made all these future furnitures with recolours. Traffic Lights have about 6 colours, Road Barriers = 3 colours, Bubble Chairs = 8 colours, Area/Mode/Iced = 8 colours, Glass = 8 colours and the list goes on...

15-05-2007, 09:04 PM
I think it's because of the lack of build up to rares these days. Ever since last year after certain happenings, there has been absolutely no build up with a personal touch to build up anticipation to these rares, it's always now hotel alert-news post, not do quest x to find the new rare or anything.

Wrong. As an international hotel visitor (heh...fansite) I think you'll find ALL Habbo's have suffered greatly in terms of members. UK being the most notable, granted. Habbo UK has gone from a 14,000 peak (even sometimes 15,000) to a 6,400 peak time - even on weekends.

Habbo SG struggles to get 800 people online at peaktimes, even on weekends.
Habbo AU no longer is in the 2-3,000 margin, it's 1,800.
Habbo CA doesn't even get 3,000 people, not even 2,000 people often. It gets about 1,700.
Habbo US as the commercial hotel should have been growing - it hasn't. It's gone from a 10,000 peak time to a 7,000 peak time - on weekends.

This goes for every other hotel too.

at the person who mentioned the new stuff that came out this year - all of that is recolours. Road Barriers, Traffic Lights, Bubble Chairs, Sleeping Bags, new iced/area/mode are all recoloured and more will come out. Road stuff & bubble chairs are not even rare - they're meant to be 'accessories' (hence the 6-10 credit pricing). Solariums are iced furni, not rare.

I think people are wisening up where it comes to the recolour rubbish. When it comes to recolours. Recolours are fine, people liked the parasol/birdbath era of recolours - Sulake went over the top in creating 10 recolours for every v7 rare (some which look almost identical to other pieces) and then continued to go over the top when they made all these future furnitures with recolours. Traffic Lights have about 6 colours, Road Barriers = 3 colours, Bubble Chairs = 8 colours, Area/Mode/Iced = 8 colours, Glass = 8 colours and the list goes on...

;o so no wonder Sulake are rushing versions, it seems like all the Hotels are in meltdown in visitor numbers.

I miss having 14,000 people online :(

15-05-2007, 09:14 PM
;o so no wonder Sulake are rushing versions, it seems like all the Hotels are in meltdown in visitor numbers.

I miss having 14,000 people online :(
Yeah ;o

There obviously rushes versions to bring more money in. I understand now! It took us 6 months to get V11 after V9 and only 2-3 months to get V12 after V11. Numbers have decreased in the last year, I think its better having more people online, Habbo becomes more fun for some reason:).

15-05-2007, 09:21 PM
Anyway it looks like our Normals Market is already in meltdown and the super one is starting to get worse.

15-05-2007, 09:23 PM
Yeah ;o

There obviously rushes versions to bring more money in. I understand now! It took us 6 months to get V11 after V9 and only 2-3 months to get V12 after V11. Numbers have decreased in the last year, I think its better having more people online, Habbo becomes more fun for some reason:).
Exactly ;)

They've noticed their losing their visitors which equally results in losing profit.

It's possibly the reason why hotels such as CA&US charge more for furni such as glass, recoloured mode/area/iced, gothic (generically 1 credit more than every other hotel)

They even went as far as charging 25 credits for an Iced Roller door.

It's why there's a lot more original furni that doesn't come with recolours, the habbowood stuff, japanese stuff etc.

Romantique is a new furni line that again comes in recolours - lets hope its not as outrageously prices as gothic (which they also expect people to pay the same amount of credits as the red set for the other 6 colours of it) ;)

15-05-2007, 10:08 PM
Anyway it looks like our Normals Market is already in meltdown and the super one is starting to get worse.

Well, I just jumped out of the Super Market yesterday. Looking at the trades going on, it will be a matter of days before the Dino drops below 3 thrones.

@ Andy - Sulake are too slow at keeping up with the competition. Music has been suggested on the hotel since day one. It's take six years... Six years too long.

le harry
18-05-2007, 09:22 AM
Let's face it, Habbo is dieing. There are so many rares in the hotel now, it's not even significant owning one. I remember the days where I would celebrate after getting a HC Sofa. Now I get 20 for free and don't give a toss.

The super rare trades are controlling everything, people like Telux & Slure + more own all the super rares, they are becoming less popular.

It's partly, well mostly the staff's fault. The hotel is so damn boring now, they hold zilch events, its all just a massive waste of time.

18-05-2007, 03:41 PM
Habbo doesn't need lots of versions to get more players it needs good, active staff who host lots of events, quests, and competitions.

18-05-2007, 04:54 PM
I'm new here on Habbox. Aside from that all this reminded me of one short witty story. I'm sure you've all heard it =)

''This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody
wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.''

Just thoughts.

Habbo is going to collapse sooner or later anyway. Think about it
It's not exactly a long term thing. The audience of it all for starters is
12-18. That means the people who started playing habbo at 12, even they
are now going due to jobs and in general, due to life. The new people coming along
get sucked into the traditions already on Habbo, and indeed, there is a tradition.
Which means that there is no fresh blood to it all to keep up the excitement.

A throne is 30 quid in credits.
30 quid buys you a decent game on most consoles.

Also there are other MMORPGs cropping up on the internet.
Second Life for example. Or World of Warcraft. Compare Habbo to them
and it's almost a joke. Charging teenagers so much money for dinky
little graphics is hilarious. I'm not criticizing anyone I'm just
stating the facts. What effort in it all deserves that much money?

As for the super rare trading, I'm not any part of that but all
I can say is that I think all the prices are quite literally
insane and what's the point of having a super rare when the
only people who are rich enough to buy them are in fact the
people who have them anyway..?

Just thoughts.

Anywho, thanks for listening - if you did =)

19-05-2007, 10:26 AM
Habbo doesn't need lots of versions to get more players it needs good, active staff who host lots of events, quests, and competitions.

unfortantly habbos nowadays hate quests which are running up to a rare being released. :@ before the sea dragon came out (i know it was ages ago but still) there was a quest, there were more people rioting about having to wait for a rare to come out than people taking part in the quest :rolleyes: when a few years ago there was a quest before every release of a rare.

anyway there are now more supers/rares and less people playing meaning the prices will drop.

19-05-2007, 09:36 PM
Personally, I feel the only safe investment is the petal patch.

I find that funny, about a month ago I invested in one (5 HCs), and it got re-leased causing the value to drop quite a bit

The rare market is suffering probably because of the decline in visitors. Last summer there was a huge boom in the rare trade market, now there is a huge slump. Bring it all down to what there is to do: Nothing. Think about the GTE v GPW competition. Both home pages mention Jenova and Tea A, 2 teams from a competition held about a year and a half ago.

At that time all the habbo staff (as their were seberal other teams) were trying to build up support for their team, they spent masses of time online and made the competition quite popular.

Helkat and Lost_Witness are hardly ever online and both team bases are deserted. Things weren't like this when Callie was still manager.

Im starting to realise why Callie was so popular, Lost_Witness isn't putting in as much effort. The hotel is becoming more furni orentated and now with fewer visitors the market is starting to collapse. I recently bought a petal patch and an aloe vera, both a dropped by at least one HC in value, I got a Gothic throne for a Hc a few months ago, its worth half that now.

With less demand for furni the rare market is starting to collapse, the only stable value is the HC sofa and it always has the same value. My view is that when rare trading crumbles into nothing the UK hotel will probably last about a month.

PS: the process has already begun, although I am looking at least a year into the future
PSS: Compare Habbo Hotel to America in the 1920s and 1930s

21-05-2007, 07:31 PM
lol if habbo is america in the thirties, in the great depression

all we need now is a habbo war to jumpstart the economy

just like in the good ol' us of a

21-05-2007, 07:37 PM
That or a New Deal, and a Hotel Manager that goes by a name that sounds like Roosevelt or FDR

21-05-2007, 07:47 PM
Is it me or are numbers slowly and i mean very slowly creeping up to 6000 most nights at peak times?

Last few nights I noticed this.

Just me?

21-05-2007, 07:58 PM
Big Deal, there used to be well over 10,000 (i think) on at peak times

24-05-2007, 07:43 PM
i think they need continus comp/chats/whatever else and they need to do them more fairly i.e they should give a week be4 the event anybody wanting to go put there name forward and are chosen. also when they do an event you go get there proper fast and its full or they lock it and be4 its even open and theres maybe 15 people there already and its a 25 person room it just makes you not want to go even look next time maybe they should open bigger special rooms that open for these events with no chat to help lag or somthing they need somthing like a cinima where you can watch a film or design things for ya room or habbo maybe even using the food in the cafe's to change ya habbo ie make u fatter/thinner taller or shorter they just need to keep you continusly wanting you to go on habbo with ya friends when they have that more people will want a nice room to meet there friends in and maybe the rare values will go up

and really they do need more better things tat ya habbo react to or just look well cool

24-05-2007, 09:04 PM
Games and Events are part of the problem but not really, it's versions and advertising that will keep sulake wealthy.

They need to update the game and continue doing it and also advertise a lot, otherwise for the first time, I don't see a future for Habbo Hotel.

Look at our Market now, it's worse than in winter.

25-05-2007, 04:40 PM
Games and Events are part of the problem but not really, it's versions and advertising that will keep sulake wealthy.

They need to update the game and continue doing it and also advertise a lot, otherwise for the first time, I don't see a future for Habbo Hotel.

Look at our Market now, it's worse than in winter.

When there were the top amount of users on (around 13,000) was when v9 was around that was there for about 6 months but the users didn't go down much. They went down alot when L_W became manager as he held minimum events and many people became bored.

27-05-2007, 02:56 PM
All i'll say is bring callie back,

A old arguement i know, but atleast she wasn't a little kid jumped up on jellie babies, Just jafa cakes. :P

Habbo will continue, Just with the rares market decreasing there is a increasing number of scammers!

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