View Full Version : Where is the collection office

14-05-2007, 08:58 PM
Hi i died and lost my full mithril armour but when i went back to get it it was gone so i was wonder where the lost and found oiffice is so i can go claim my stuff back and possibly lie and snatch myself some addy or something ;)

14-05-2007, 09:01 PM
Far north of edgeville.

14-05-2007, 09:02 PM
Oh that place, I was wondering what you were talking about.

Ok you know "The wilderness ditch" well you go past that and keep going north for awhile untill you come to this fence type thing, follow it untill you find a gate.
Go through the gate head north untill you come to the coast then head west untill you come to this arena type place. (Make sure you have brought a knife or a weapon that can slash) and you will see a little hut type thing with spiderwebs in. Slash them then you will see a red lever. Don't pull it wait untill someone comes out and ask them for your stuff. If nobody comes out try hoping worlds untill you find someone.


14-05-2007, 09:02 PM
Far north of edgeville.

lol mean

14-05-2007, 09:51 PM
I was woundering the same. :(

Also Cwbran I went to the place and this guy attacked me and I found myself back in lumbridge where I started..

14-05-2007, 09:56 PM
I was woundering the same. :(

Also Cwbran I went to the place and this guy attacked me and I found myself back in lumbridge where I started..

:O You must have gone to the wrong guy or place.
Try again.

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