View Full Version : [Idear][Currentlymaking] Habads

16-05-2007, 07:54 PM
ok habads will be 100% FREE where you can advertise your fansites or website in flash or image or even text and link adverts.
jsut link google adsence.
how this works is if you put 1 type of ad on your website you will get one space of advertisement space. same if you put a link to our hab ads website you will get advertisement space ect.
so every 1 link you put on 1 website you get 1 space to advertise.
But if you choose the advertisements you get 1 per advertisement box.
here are the sizes:


i had this idear while ago started doingi t but dident continue so as i now have mroe knolage of html/php nd stuff i fort id have another go! Acorse there will be parts where you can buy in furni or paypal advertisement space without any links or advertisement.

16-05-2007, 07:57 PM
Sounds like a decent idea but you would have to see how much use it would get and how many people would have a level of interest in it. Nice idea though and good luck. :)

16-05-2007, 08:01 PM
There are thousands of these on the internet that are already popular infact most of them are better because they link:
Site A (yours) <-> (random person who has also signed up) Site B
Opposed to
Site A (yours) <-> Habads <-> (random person who has also signed up) Site B
What makes yours unique?

16-05-2007, 08:05 PM
ok habads will be 100% FREE where you can advertise your fansites or website in flash or image or even text and link adverts.
OK - start of a sentence and is abbreviated; thus should both letters be capitals.

Habads - it's the name of a site so it has a capital letter.

Use comma's to make lists, not or, or, or ect.

The idea already springs to mind a thread made in `Show off your website` forum not so long ago.

jsut link google adsence.

how this works is if you put 1 type of ad on your website you will get one space of advertisement space. same if you put a link to our hab ads website you will get advertisement space ect.
How* - capital letter for the start of a sentence.

Habads - again, capital letter for the name of a site.

so every 1 link you put on 1 website you get 1 space to advertise.
But if you choose the advertisements you get 1 per advertisement box.
here are the sizes:


i had this idear while ago started doingi t but dident continue so as i now have mroe knolage of html/php nd stuff i fort id have another go! Acorse there will be parts where you can buy in furni or paypal advertisement space without any links or advertisement.
I* - capital for the start of a sentence


It, grammatically, makes no sense as you use no punctuation thus it makes no sense.


I* - capital for `I` as always

I'd* - apostrophe to tell you there are missing letters [I have - I'd]
Of course*

Sorry, that just annoyed me; I wish you luck.

16-05-2007, 08:26 PM

gd luck anywayu..

16-05-2007, 08:44 PM
OK - start of a sentence and is abbreviated; thus should both letters be capitals.

Habads - it's the name of a site so it has a capital letter.

Use comma's to make lists, not or, or, or ect.

The idea already springs to mind a thread made in `Show off your website` forum not so long ago.


How* - capital letter for the start of a sentence.

Habads - again, capital letter for the name of a site.


I* - capital for the start of a sentence


It, grammatically, makes no sense as you use no punctuation thus it makes no sense.


I* - capital for `I` as always

I'd* - apostrophe to tell you there are missing letters
Of course*

Sorry, that just annoyed me; I wish you luck.

Gd luck w/e.[I]

16-05-2007, 09:06 PM
OK - start of a sentence and is abbreviated; thus should both letters be capitals.

Habads - it's the name of a site so it has a capital letter.

Use comma's to make lists, not or, or, or ect.

The idea already springs to mind a thread made in `Show off your website` forum not so long ago.


How* - capital letter for the start of a sentence.

Habads - again, capital letter for the name of a site.


I* - capital for the start of a sentence


It, grammatically, makes no sense as you use no punctuation thus it makes no sense.


I* - capital for `I` as always

I'd* - apostrophe to tell you there are missing letters [I have - I'd]
Of course*

Sorry, that just annoyed me; I wish you luck.
He is right you know, I thought of it upon reading your post but decided not to comment because your from swindon and we swindoners stick together.

17-05-2007, 03:36 PM
He is right you know, I thought of it upon reading your post but decided not to comment because your from swindon and we swindoners stick together.

Yes, we do :D

Alex ill help

17-05-2007, 03:59 PM
hmm i like the sound of this, but i think you should charge people, so like

If there someone with ur company advertising on there site - they get 1p for evertime someone clicks a link.

If they are someone wanting to advertise there company they pay you 2p for everytime someone clicks on there link
Then your getting 1p from every time someone clicks there link and your paying people to have it.
I probs would be intrested in investing in this.

17-05-2007, 04:51 PM
OK - start of a sentence and is abbreviated; thus should both letters be capitals.

Habads - it's the name of a site so it has a capital letter.

Use comma's to make lists, not or, or, or ect.

The idea already springs to mind a thread made in `Show off your website` forum not so long ago.


How* - capital letter for the start of a sentence.

Habads - again, capital letter for the name of a site.


I* - capital for the start of a sentence


It, grammatically, makes no sense as you use no punctuation thus it makes no sense.


I* - capital for `I` as always

I'd* - apostrophe to tell you there are missing letters [I have - I'd]
Of course*

Sorry, that just annoyed me; I wish you luck.
We're not in an English lesson. :)

Edited by opensourcehost (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

17-05-2007, 05:00 PM
Yes, we do :D

Alex ill help
Your not from swindon

17-05-2007, 05:02 PM
Your not from swindon

Yes I am, I was born in Swindon, lived there 5 years and moved away, then 3 years ago moved back - Even ask Alex, I know him in real life.

17-05-2007, 05:11 PM
Ok im freaked out now, I messaged him. Firstly I went to the same school as Jamie. or bondie who I used to be ace freinds with and worked on the commision, jango city etc with and now I live within walking distance of ryan.

17-05-2007, 05:18 PM
Gr! Why couldn't anyone live near chester/cheshire oaks :'[

17-05-2007, 05:21 PM
Gr! Why couldn't anyone live near chester/cheshire oaks :'[
Cause its rubbish [you cant say anything or my possy will gang up on you :)]

17-05-2007, 05:53 PM
There are thousands of these on the internet that are already popular infact most of them are better because they link:
Site A (yours) <-> (random person who has also signed up) Site B
Opposed to
Site A (yours) <-> Habads <-> (random person who has also signed up) Site B
What makes yours unique?
Rewards like my flash games ect, lottery for furni, news, games, movies and and someother stuff that i havent fort of jsut yet but i will. Also blob ill pm and stuff about it.
And were not in an english lesson and sorry for my poor english. (even though im good at it at school and i cba to on a PC)

Site A (yours) <-> (random person who has also signed up) Site B
Opposed to
Site A (yours) <-> Habads <-> What the hell r you on about :P

18-05-2007, 01:29 AM
it might not be an english lesson, but it is still important to use proper grammar, especially when putting an idea accross, or advertising something.

if your spelling is so poor in your posts, i dread to think what it is going to be like on the actual site

18-05-2007, 01:34 AM
To be honest, you need to learn how to spell and proper grammer.

Also, who would want a whole page of ads?

Its Adsense not adcense


18-05-2007, 06:38 AM
I* - capital for the start of a sentence

No, "idea", it's not at the start of a sentence.
As with most of the other words you decided to nitpick at.

I'd* - apostrophe to tell you there are missing letters [I have - I'd]
Major fail right there. Indeed it's to inform the reader of missing characters, but where the hell did you get the 'd' from?! I'd = I would/had.

ie: I'd have. I would have. Not I'd. I have is "I've".

I'm not normally one to give a damn about spelling on internet forums (particularly ones where the average age is 12), but don't correct grammar/punctuation/spelling if you aren't brilliant either.

18-05-2007, 04:26 PM
My grammer is quite good if i can be asked to do it right. Like right now my english is ok, so it will be like im doing right now.

I've started the template alredy and Blob hopefuly is doing the php script.
Till then ill use a random ad Javascript code and people will have to send me there ads till i got the php script.

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