View Full Version : microsoft banning modded xbox360s

18-05-2007, 02:27 PM


18-05-2007, 02:34 PM
Good I guess...Not sure what modded 360's let you do but it can't be legal so it's good

18-05-2007, 02:37 PM
Modded xboxs lets you play unofficial games. So they normally cost £40 but you get them much cheaper.

Mine isn't banned (yet).

And idc, i'd rather have the choice to buy games at £5 rather than go on live.

18-05-2007, 02:42 PM
live makes xbox i probs wouldnt play 360 if i didnt have live, and i have just baught another 12 month card :( hope im not banned.. but im not trying it lol

18-05-2007, 02:45 PM
I haven't been banned :S.

And loads of people on the xbox forum says it's to stop cheats, even though the disk can't be modded it is just copied discs of the game. And the only reason I find xbox fun is because I get games cheap. £40 a game's a bit dear, and when you want a variety of games, it soon works up.

18-05-2007, 02:58 PM
I'd rather pay £40 for a game than lose the ability to play games online tbh..I'd prob get another 360 in the future, get it modded and get cheap games just to play but I wouldn't do it to my current, I enjoy being able to play games with my friends to much xD

18-05-2007, 03:25 PM
Live makes the 360, Same i wudnt play on my xbox 360 if there wasnt live.

Agent 47
18-05-2007, 03:28 PM
Good. Getting games for cheap is illegal, and it doesnt support the developers at all. What do you think would happen if no one bought any games? No one would make any, therefore making the xbox obsolete.

18-05-2007, 03:50 PM
Good. Getting games for cheap is illegal, and it doesnt support the developers at all. What do you think would happen if no one bought any games? No one would make any, therefore making the xbox obsolete.

Oh what a shame... :rolleyes: *is ps3 fanboy*

Agent 47
18-05-2007, 03:55 PM
Oh what a shame... :rolleyes: *is ps3 fanboy*
ew. *slap*

18-05-2007, 04:00 PM
He's just upset because the PS3 is already obsolete

18-05-2007, 04:11 PM
Ha, too right. I thought you meant they're banning modded 360's in the terms of covers & all that. :P

18-05-2007, 04:15 PM
I just had mine flashed about 3 days ago. And now this...

18-05-2007, 04:18 PM
Oh that sucks, I got mine flashed last week. :(

18-05-2007, 04:21 PM
Flashed? :S I've never heard of it before, is that like the PS1's chipping thing which was highly popular? If so... Oh dear.

18-05-2007, 04:49 PM
Yeah my mate has his flashed, and i'm proper winding him up about it, he's bricking it.

18-05-2007, 05:21 PM
Oh what a shame... :rolleyes: *is ps3 fanboy*
The same thing would happen is nobody bought ps3 games... :rolleyes:

19-05-2007, 10:01 AM
Just don't download / play Halo 3

19-05-2007, 10:20 AM
Why not?

20-05-2007, 06:11 AM
Well Xbox Live makes me play on the 360 more than the PS3. Losing that feature would mean that I reside to saying the PS3 is better as I feel the 360 software is better but the PS3's hardware is. (Personal opinion - don't flame me)

If I lost the ability to have private chats while playing games or playing crackdown with my friends... it all seems.. less worthwhile.

20-05-2007, 08:26 AM
microsoft are a software company so it would be, sony are a hardware company so their hardware IS better. Xbox have released 3 versions of the xbox, because they needed a hard drive to keep with the ps3. They are both evenly matched, altho the lack of a bluray/HDDVD drive in the xbox wil lat some point limit the xbox, so there will be another version. Plus ps3 you dont have to pay to use their network

20-05-2007, 09:05 AM
microsoft are a software company so it would be, sony are a hardware company so their hardware IS better. Xbox have released 3 versions of the xbox, because they needed a hard drive to keep with the ps3. They are both evenly matched, altho the lack of a bluray/HDDVD drive in the xbox wil lat some point limit the xbox, so there will be another version. Plus ps3 you dont have to pay to use their network

There hardware is better because they delayed it for ages to put better hardware in the PS3, the xbox 360 does have a HD DVD drive, but it's optional, which makes buying the 360 will cost less, see..Microsoft thought about this, Sony didn't, they stuck a stupid blu-ray player in there system and didn't make it optional meaning they wont get as many buyers as the 360, you pay to play 360 online because when it comes to Sony all there games online are hardly hosted by Sony, it's normally the developers having to sort out the online section of the game, Microsoft pays because it's worth it, you're not getting a half assed attempt of online gaming you're getting the best, PS3 has some good sides yea, better graphics (because it was delayed), Motorstorm (the only reason I'll ever buy a PS3) and well...That's it really, I guess having a cheap blu-ray DVD player would be a pro but that's hardly important to me because I don't watch movies all the time, especially on my GAMES console :rolleyes:

20-05-2007, 09:42 AM
its more than a games console. Its multimedia hub/computer. The optional dvd drive is stupid. And if u want ahard drive you need a microsoft one to go in an xbox which is more expensive. The xbox has to be upgraded whereas the ps3 is alredi good enough to last the next 7 years comfortably.

20-05-2007, 09:42 AM
I got banned whislt playing my normal xbox live with mod games :(

20-05-2007, 09:50 AM
its more than a games console. Its multimedia hub/computer. The optional dvd drive is stupid. And if u want ahard drive you need a microsoft one to go in an xbox which is more expensive. The xbox has to be upgraded whereas the ps3 is alredi good enough to last the next 7 years comfortably.

So you buy PS3 to watch movies? What's the point, it's a GAMES console, what idiot would buy a GAMES console to watch movies :rolleyes:
Optional DVD drive isn't stupid, it lowers the cost of the xbox itself but Sony are too stupid to think about that and put some stupid DVD player that no one needs in rather than thinking about the people who plan to buy the console

20-05-2007, 10:19 AM
Bluray is better than a normal dVD drive anyway. Your xbox is obsolete. i didnt buy it to watch movies, i bought it because it does more than xbox, it looks better than xbox and it is built better. It is quieters than your 50 fan xbox's and it dont break like people i knows xboxs.

20-05-2007, 10:28 AM
I must agree with both Circuitry and Neil.

Circuitry - Yes, they are quieter and I havn't had a problem with my PS3 yet. Hasn't froze etc. Also yes the Blu-ray is needed. The final storage amount for resistance fom was 20GB. Impossible on the 360. Blu ray wasn't just a movie decision, it was a games decision.

Neil - Online ... you do get what you pay for. Xbox Live is far far far superior to the playstation network.

20-05-2007, 10:42 AM
Bluray is better than a normal dVD drive anyway. Your xbox is obsolete. i didnt buy it to watch movies, i bought it because it does more than xbox, it looks better than xbox and it is built better. It is quieters than your 50 fan xbox's and it dont break like people i knows xboxs.

The 360 only breaks down because Microsoft are too greedy to sort the problems out, they're basically taking the money for xboxs they know are faulty, if they sorted the problems out the 360 would easily be better than PS3, and the PS3 hardly does more than the 360 :S what does the PS3 do the 360 doesn't? "Six axis" last I heard it was hard as hell to use that? The PS3 looks more like a fancy mirror/grill than a games console, the 360 looks cool, the PS3 just looks stupid, you can hardly say the 360 is obsolete when the 360 is still getting more sales than the PS3, just about everything is out selling the PS3 now, as far as I see it Wii is on top because of amazing gameplay, 360 after because it's online is just unbeatable and PS3 is at the bottom because it has good graphics which DO NOT make a game any better, I play DOOM on my 360 because, IT IS A GOOD GAME graphics really do not matter do they

20-05-2007, 10:44 AM
The xbox has to be upgraded whereas the ps3 is alredi good enough to last the next 7 years comfortably.

The xbox has been out, what, 2 years longer than a PS3? That gives Sony two years to think of things to put in a PS3 to make it better than an xbox (which they still failed to do, imo).

20-05-2007, 12:06 PM
I got banned! :'(

21-05-2007, 11:28 PM
you can hardly say the 360 is obsolete when the 360 is still getting more sales than the PS3, just about everything is out selling the PS3 now, as far as I see it Wii is on top because of amazing gameplay, 360 after because it's online is just unbeatable and PS3 is at the bottom because it has good graphics which DO NOT make a game any better, I play DOOM on my 360 because, IT IS A GOOD GAME graphics really do not matter do they
and you missed the part about how ps2 still outsells all of those each month..

22-05-2007, 08:38 AM
Hmmm, seems like an argument between Xbox 360 and PS3, with the Wii sitting in the corner getting crowned for glory.

The PS3 is awful, they make it too ridiculously expensive, but for the right reason. The Blu-Ray tech inside is new and powerful. But is this necessary in a Games Console? Not really. It's to play games for enjoyment, not to make them look nice. The PS3 may need less upgrading, but they have had more time and that extra time hasn't exactly made it that much better? Looking at an Xbox 360 and listening to some peoples opinions, it would appear to me that the Xbox 360 has about as good graphics as the PS3 for alot less. Microsoft have done the good gamer thing, by releasing a console for its players to enjoy, rather than holding it back a few years making people get bored of the phase.

The only reason I would ever buy a PS3 is for the cheap Blu-Ray technology. Finding it in a DVD player costs alot more, so why not get something that is alot cheaper and has about the same good use?

The PS2 was the best console Sony brought out. Good game play and one of this worrying too much about graphics. Where did they go wrong I wonder,,,

22-05-2007, 09:03 AM
I'd not get mine modded anyway so idc :)

22-05-2007, 10:50 AM
Good. Getting games for cheap is illegal, and it doesnt support the developers at all. What do you think would happen if no one bought any games? No one would make any, therefore making the xbox obsolete.
but the games do get expencive... Think about it you can get a 360 with a few games for around £275.00 and games cost £40 but 7 games cost just as much as the consol... even more. I can see why people would mod their 360's

22-05-2007, 02:15 PM
I haven't been banned :S.

And loads of people on the xbox forum says it's to stop cheats, even though the disk can't be modded it is just copied discs of the game. And the only reason I find xbox fun is because I get games cheap. £40 a game's a bit dear, and when you want a variety of games, it soon works up.
Problem with games is that they are priced way too high and yet they are targetted at kids and teenagers which obviously do not have 40 pounds to spend on a game every week or so. They should really think about lower the price, that will probably bring them in more money as less people would go for the copied disks.

22-05-2007, 02:31 PM
Problem with games is that they are priced way too high and yet they are targetted at kids and teenagers which obviously do not have 40 pounds to spend on a game every week or so. They should really think about lower the price, that will probably bring them in more money as less people would go for the copied disks.
basicly what i put :P we iz thinking alike ye

22-05-2007, 02:46 PM
Yeah they get expensive for the fact that they're improving hardware. I personally think PS3 could've easily have outsold the Xbox 360 IF it had removed its blue-ray disc. It was a silly mistake tbh, which cost them dearly. How did this get onto PS3 again? It's a Xbox360 thread, not a PS3 one thus the title 'Microsoft banning modded 360's'.. Which sucks for them.

22-05-2007, 03:16 PM
Thyere expensive but it keeps the developers making even better games with better gfx etc

22-05-2007, 03:17 PM
Yuh a few people in my year have been banned. Shame on them.

22-05-2007, 04:08 PM
Havent Microsoft always banned Modded Xbox's?

As far as I remember on the original Xbox, If you went onto Live the console would automatically stop connecting to live if the console had been modded?

They brought out mod chips with switches on them and I believe fixed the problem but I'm not sure.

22-05-2007, 05:06 PM
Games are expensive but not that expensive. I pick up most games for about 30 - 35 quid from most online shops. And I think you'll find that quality games are not released weekly. The last real big title I bought was Crackdown, the next game i'm getting is Shadowrun which is out on June 1st, then I won't be buying much until Bioshock later this year.

22-05-2007, 11:14 PM
Havent Microsoft always banned Modded Xbox's?

As far as I remember on the original Xbox, If you went onto Live the console would automatically stop connecting to live if the console had been modded?

They brought out mod chips with switches on them and I believe fixed the problem but I'm not sure.

So far as i remember they did yeh.

Although i never had my own xbox on live only the 360 mind my mates got banned i swear it did.

Anyway lets face facts

This is a 360 thread lets stay on topic?

360 Owns ps3 always will.

Sony should just be bought out and all ps3s binned cos thts practically wht is needed.

Flame at me? Idc ps3 is crap always has always will imo.

Anyway unlucky chucky to all them peeps who got banz0red from live. ;D

23-05-2007, 03:57 PM
so +44 why should all ps3's be binned?

really sad act fanboys like you should get binned, theyre only consoles fgs not your life

get out of your little nerdy xbox bubble, have you even got a ps3? if not you have little opinion really

I have both and do agree the 360 is currently better but its been out 2 years and the ps3 2 months. So what if the ps3 has hardly any games, we have blue ray which costs a bomb. and wait for it, we can run linux with no chips we simply press a button. Both consoles are good

23-05-2007, 04:39 PM
so +44 why should all ps3's be binned?

really sad act fanboys like you should get binned, theyre only consoles fgs not your life

get out of your little nerdy xbox bubble, have you even got a ps3? if not you have little opinion really

I have both and do agree the 360 is currently better but its been out 2 years and the ps3 2 months. So what if the ps3 has hardly any games, we have blue ray which costs a bomb. and wait for it, we can run linux with no chips we simply press a button. Both consoles are good

Pfft notice i said I DONT CARE IF YOU FLAME ME but nah cant read. :rolleyes:

I dont spend my life on the xbox *removed*. I spend it on habbo. ;)

And yes i do own both and ps3 is absolute junk.
It completely rubbish and i blew too much cash on it.
Microsoft will always be better at consoles but sony should just stick to making tvs and dvd players. :rolleyes:


Edited by ---MAD--- (Forum Manager): Please do not be rude to other forum members.

23-05-2007, 06:27 PM
Hmmm, seems like an argument between Xbox 360 and PS3, with the Wii sitting in the corner getting crowned for glory.

The PS3 is awful, they make it too ridiculously expensive, but for the right reason. The Blu-Ray tech inside is new and powerful. But is this necessary in a Games Console? Not really. It's to play games for enjoyment, not to make them look nice. The PS3 may need less upgrading, but they have had more time and that extra time hasn't exactly made it that much better? Looking at an Xbox 360 and listening to some peoples opinions, it would appear to me that the Xbox 360 has about as good graphics as the PS3 for alot less. Microsoft have done the good gamer thing, by releasing a console for its players to enjoy, rather than holding it back a few years making people get bored of the phase.

The only reason I would ever buy a PS3 is for the cheap Blu-Ray technology. Finding it in a DVD player costs a lot more, so why not get something that is a lot cheaper and has about the same good use?

The PS2 was the best console Sony brought out. Good game play and one of this worrying too much about graphics. Where did they go wrong I wonder,,,
The fact about graphics is not true. The game developers simply converted the games they already made to work on the Wii (in some cases) and to work on the PS3. They didn't make it specifically for the PS3s technology. You will need to wait a year or maybe longer to see developers taking advantage of the power the new PS3 has. I just cant wait to see what the final fantasy developers will do with the tech. The PS2 (with FFX - final fantasy 10) they did an amazing job with the graphics and game play, its just amazing how far they use the power the console supplies them with.

Thyere expensive but it keeps the developers making even better games with better gfx etc
Thats not really true. They have high costs yes, but its also a problem that not every gamer (specially those that want a new game very often) wont buy a new game for such a high price, they would end up poor lol.

Havent Microsoft always banned Modded Xbox's?

As far as I remember on the original Xbox, If you went onto Live the console would automatically stop connecting to live if the console had been modded?

They brought out mod chips with switches on them and I believe fixed the problem but I'm not sure.
I dont quite understand why they would do that. People pay for xbox live and pay for the xbox, so they make their money. Game developers are the ones that loose out but they loose out on all other consoles the same way, so its not really going to benefit Microsoft much I don't think :S.

23-05-2007, 06:29 PM
I have a modded xbox 360 and I download the games onto dual layer discs :P Anyway They have said it may be caused by the demo of Halo 3.

23-05-2007, 09:43 PM
I have a modded xbox 360 and I download the games onto dual layer discs :P Anyway They have said it may be caused by the demo of Halo 3.

Nothing 2 do with halo3. uncles hasnt downloaded halo 3 or even played it and he got banned so theres that option out the window

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