View Full Version : Isn't the monthly Fee so iratating...

22-05-2007, 09:58 AM
Arg, I havnt been on WoW for about 2 weeks now cos my subscription ran out and my moneys been stopped for a month! (I got into a arguement with my mum and she stoped my money :( )
Has any 1 got any ideas on how to pass the time ;]

22-05-2007, 09:59 AM

22-05-2007, 10:00 AM
Can't you just get a 60 day time card from GAME? Thats the only retailer in the UK For those, They sell for £16-19

Got my reciept right here:

That was for 60 days.

22-05-2007, 10:15 AM
Can't you just get a 60 day time card from GAME? Thats the only retailer in the UK For those, They sell for £16-19

Got my reciept right here:

That was for 60 days.
Moneys been stoped :(
I Spent all my money on going to York and buying BC

22-05-2007, 06:07 PM
go outside.

22-05-2007, 10:46 PM
Play on this: http://www.beatthemeter.co.uk/

22-05-2007, 11:22 PM
Pass time? Sure, I know many ways.

Go outside.
Go to the mall.
Go to a friends house.
Play runescape.
Jump around the room like a frog.
Chew bubble gum.
Talk on the phone.
Listen to habboxlive.com
Pick your nose.

See, there's many things to do :)

22-05-2007, 11:29 PM

23-05-2007, 10:46 AM
Go outside, steal £20, go to Game, buy a game card.

23-05-2007, 11:14 AM
Thats really sad, robbing money to play a online game.

just socialize, and when your home on PC with nothing to do. Speak on nsm or do something constructive.

23-05-2007, 11:15 AM
And you thought I was serious...

23-05-2007, 11:16 AM
And you thought I was serious...

Yeah i did:rolleyes: i was just stating how its sad if someone was to do that, because i really can imagine some sadact doing it.

23-05-2007, 11:32 AM
omg.. its the end of the world without game time!! oh noes!!!!oneone...

23-05-2007, 07:36 PM
You could play on my private server :P

23-05-2007, 08:45 PM
Why not just go outside with friends.
Its not like your life is over because you cant play on WoW.
Or get a job to pay for it? Maybe a paper round or if your 15 a Saturday job? :]

24-05-2007, 06:23 AM
Well, cos iv been depresed recently, I have been put on study leave earlier than most ppl, so im not alowed to go out of the house so the only thing i can do is go on laptop, which is kinda boring when theres no 1 to talk 2 and social.

24-05-2007, 06:01 PM
Well, cos iv been depresed recently, I have been put on study leave earlier than most ppl, so im not alowed to go out of the house so the only thing i can do is go on laptop, which is kinda boring when theres no 1 to talk 2 and social.Fair enough same was wen i had EXTREMELY bad eczema xD i was depressed, took about 4months off school... nothing to do.. too ill to go outside, too ill to do anything... too ill to even put a smile on my face but i all i could do was go on computer + watch tv, no1 was on msn tho... it was like near the beginning of year 7 so i didnt have anyones email and stuff... Wow im ranting on lolololol

Fair enough arguement, basically, get a job or loan some money :)

24-05-2007, 06:04 PM
Fair enough same was wen i had EXTREMELY bad eczema xD i was depressed, took about 4months off school... nothing to do.. too ill to go outside, too ill to do anything... too ill to even put a smile on my face but i all i could do was go on computer + watch tv, no1 was on msn tho... it was like near the beginning of year 7 so i didnt have anyones email and stuff... Wow im ranting on lolololol

Fair enough arguement, basically, get a job or loan some money :)

Did you not read his post then? And it isnt exactly easy to get a job. And if his going on study leave the last thing he should be doing is looking for a job :rolleyes:

24-05-2007, 06:22 PM
Did you not read his post then? And it isnt exactly easy to get a job. And if his going on study leave the last thing he should be doing is looking for a job :rolleyes:Oh my bad xD im not entirely sure what study leave is... Well er... try borrow some money of someone.. xD

24-05-2007, 06:31 PM
I'm sure your mum would be reasonable with you and give you the money, after all she is your mum. If not ask good 'ol gran & grandad. It's easy to get money from your family.

..or there's several other things you can do online.
Play online MMORPGS, ie runescape/habbo.
Chat to friends on MSN.
Go on forums.

24-05-2007, 06:35 PM
You could play on my private server :P

Hamachi?, No thanks ;)

24-05-2007, 06:38 PM
No one uses hamachi anymore, they've all realized how easy it is to portforward.

If you can't portforward then you fail. ]:

24-05-2007, 07:10 PM
No one uses hamachi anymore, they've all realized how easy it is to portforward.

If you can't portforward then you fail. ]:

and everyone is on the same LAN these days, Anyway Hamachi can still require port forwarding. Please tell me how you'd manage a connection to others who aren't on your LAN, without using a server or doing this (http://www.hsforum.net/index.php?showtopic=12631).

Also saying things like "you fail" really irritates me, If your going to make an attempt of abusing me, Don't use something ever 12 year old says.

24-05-2007, 07:16 PM
No, I have never/never will use Hamachi. Thats for losers.

I portforwarded until I get my static IP (coming in july)

I am on a 2gb burst fiber optic line coming in from Verizon Fios.


24-05-2007, 07:21 PM
Still, Don't see why you should play Private when you can go play live. Private's are buggy and since TBC most of the event etc don't work properly which is bad. I know Private servers aren't supposed to be 100% Blizz like but still when you achive something on a private server. Unless it's heavily populated I don't see why you should care because no body else does. I use a private server for testing certain things which would cost large amounts of money, Like I've said before. But that's pretty much it.

24-05-2007, 07:39 PM
Its fun with a group of friends like I did last night.

Its like a Habbo retro, not really fun if you can just give yourself anything you want.

24-05-2007, 07:47 PM
Its fun with a group of friends like I did last night.

Its like a Habbo retro, not really fun if you can just give yourself anything you want.

Yeh, It's fun when you can get your friends on too. Get some kick *** duels going :)

24-05-2007, 07:49 PM
Yep me and my friend went to Warson Gulch (I cant spell today) and he was lvl 70 orc and I was lvl 255 dranei shaman.

I had gladiator armor it was kick ***. I had that netherstave too with like 5476 dps.

It was fun.

Its fun to use all different spells even if your not that class.

24-05-2007, 08:59 PM
Yep me and my friend went to Warson Gulch (I cant spell today) and he was lvl 70 orc and I was lvl 255 dranei shaman.

I had gladiator armor it was kick ***. I had that netherstave too with like 5476 dps.

It was fun.

Its fun to use all different spells even if your not that class.

Hehe yeh, Try this spell (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=19901).

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