View Full Version : Anxious or having a problem?

02-05-2005, 06:25 PM
Are you anxious or having some trouble at school or at home? Are you suffering from bullying? Here's the place to talk about it. All information given should be kept completely confidential, between the members of Habbox and yourself. I bet you're thinking, why should I tell this complete stranger my problems, he has no idea of what I'm going through. Well let me tell you something, I understand completely. Want to know why? Read on....

When I was born, my parents lived in a rough town in the suburban area of Manchester. 2 years later my mother had another baby, a little girl, I had a little sister to play with, she was beautiful, big beaming smile, two baby blue eyes, and feet that wriggled almost everywhere! A couple of years later, my parents began arguing, screaming at each other, demanding different things. I could look over to see my little sister with tears in her eyes, she didn't like what she was seeing. I'd take her upstairs hand in hand and I'd tell her a story. It was hard trying to tell her the story over all the noise coming from the floor below, plates smashing, mum screaming, dad swearing, but I used to think to myself "Mummy and daddy are ok, they'll be fine." But one day it all became too much for dad, he began hitting mum, whilst she was pregnant with my little baby brother. I was 4 at the time so as you can imagine I was worried that I wouldn't be able to play footy with my baby brother when he grew up. Mum used to come in the room with bruises all over her, she used to come up to us and hold us tightly whispering into our ears "I love you so much, I promise you this will end". Mum had made a mistake, dad thought she was trying to win us over onto her side, he started punishing us because we'd been talking to mum when he wasn't around. I thought to myself "Maybe if I wasn't nice to mum then he wouldn't hit me". It never worked, he used to come home staggering drunk, smelling of perfume. My mum eventually gave birth to my brother, he was such a small little guy, he had tiny toes, big hands and since he was born prematurely he was tiny. The same happened to him when he was older, soon we grew to think dad hated us. He used to come up to our bedrooms and say to us "If you talk to anybody about what I did then I'll leave you all." I was so scared if dad left then we'd never be a family. He stopped us from seeing our friends from school, and the rest of our family. When I was 12, I began to go off the tracks, of course I was in secondary school by then, I started smoking, taking drugs, drinking whenever we had alcohol. A couple of years later, I returned home to find my dad's car gone. I thought to myself "Has dad finally got a job?" I walked into the house, mum was sat on the sofa crying into a glass of whisky. I saw her mascara running down her face. I just thought I can't believe this, somethings happened between them. Mum explained everything to me, dad had left, he'd been sleeping with another woman, she got pregnant, and they were about to have their first child together. I told her to tell the police about what he'd done to the family, she wouldn't tell anybody, not even grandma or grandpa. A few years later, we sat down and read the local newspaper, my dad had been found hitting his new mistress. He was arrested and sentenced to prison for ten years, 8 for good behaviour. I am now 18 and it is 2 years before my dad comes out. When he does I'm going to make sure my family are kept safe and never have to see or hear from him again. I am very happy now, I have a girlfriend whom I love with all my heart. My sister is in college, and my brother is now in his first GCSE year. Me? Well I'm in the city of Florence, Italy, persuing my football career living with my best friend who's always been there for me.

So you don't think I understand? Fine, believe that, but I know what its like to have a rough ride. I've put it in my past, and yet I'm still here to tell my story.

REMEMBER : If there's something you don't want to talk about, DON'T, keep very personal things personal. This thread is here just to let you know you're not alone.

03-05-2005, 07:40 PM
wow, you've sure been through a tough time! i've had problems with my dad too, but my mum and dad are divorced now and I live with my mum, so thats stopped now! (yipee!)

03-05-2005, 08:29 PM
You made me :'( , you also made me smile :)

I think it's wonderful that you feel you can tell us how you survived living under those dreadful conditions. An inspiration to others who may be experiencing difficult times. Sounds to me that you already held your immediate family together, by helping and trying to protect your younger brother and sister, and supporting your mother too.

Your experiences just come to show, that with so many disadvantages it is still possible to make a happy life!

Thanks for sharing :)

03-05-2005, 08:33 PM
Aww Syd, that must have been a hard story to tell.

I have been through an experience slightly alike, not quite as bad though. My troubles have ended now, as yours have too and it's a great idea of yours to make this thread. When something bad is happening in your life, it's nice to talk to someone about it all. It's even nicer to talk to someone who you don't know, but that you can trust all the same. I'll add rep for this, it's really got to me :)

05-05-2005, 06:04 PM
Well like this is kind of a touchy subject. I respect you so much syd that you can tell us this, bought tears to my eyes. Ive had a very rough time to. Missed out on my childhood completely. Even though in someways things are better for me now, im still no through it completely. For the first 2 years of my life, i lived in luxory, my grandad owned a car dealership and when he died my father took over, we had everything apparently. But then he left, my mam and him split up and he just dissapeard. She was left to raise me and my older brother single handed. She had no money of her own and we ended up in a grimey little council flat. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and going out into the kitchen and finding her crying. Then she met Joe, he moved in with us, he was a complete waster, drank all the time. My mam got pregnent and gave birth to my sister chloe. I was only 5, my brother 10. My mam started going out all night with Joe and leaving My brother to look after us. It was tough. I was supposed to be in school but my mother never botherd. My brother used to mitch off his own school all the time to look after me and chloe. Its shocking the social services never got involved. But at that point we still had mam their partly, she would laugh and play with us some days. Joe lived with us for about 2 years. Then one day, my brother woke me up and told me to get dressed. i could hear screaming and shouting coming from the second bedroom where mam and joe were. My brother bundled some clothes into a bag took chloe out her cot and we left. I cant really remember much as i would of been about 6. anyway, the police apparently drove past and picked us up. Joe had beaten the hell out of Mam. and after that we moved out. Me, my mam, chloe and Kel. Didnt hear or see Joe again. After that my mums drinking got heavier. she went to the pub alot. Id started school now, and Kel was in high school. He started smoking and drinking to. Things went on like this then Mam got pregnent again when i was 9. Id got back in touch with my dad and was seeing him now and then. He had a big house in London, a new girlfriend and didnt seem to want me as a daughter really. While my mum was pregnent she carried on smoking, drinking. As i got older i realised she was smoking drugs as well. I used to pick the dibbys out the ashtray and smoke them. When brock was born she decided to calm down, this only lasted about a month. My brother was 15 now. He was barely home, maybe once a week and started getting in trouble with the police. I had lots of friends and my cousin bec who used to help me out alot. Bec and me used to babysit chloe and brock alot. By the time i started secondary school, i was cooking and cleaning for myself and my baby brother and sister. My brother had a long term girlfriend Rhian and they had moved out into their own flat. Mam used to stay out all night and when she was home she used to scream and shout. She told the man in the off licence to serve me alcohol and cigerettes for her and she used to send me down their. She had no job, we were on the dole! As i grew older i got wilder and wilder. Whenever i was able to go out i would be wild. id smoke, drink, take drugs. Im dyslexic and have never done very well in school, but i never botherd. Most days i wouldnt go but when i did i set out to cause trouble. Id set the fire alarms off, swear at the teachers, smoke **** in the toilets. I started taking speed everyday and soon i needed a few bombs every morning to get through the day. I was sleeping with my boyfriend. Then Mam gets Pregnant AGAIN. she had a girl with the most gorgeous red hair and called her Amber. around the same time i got pregnent, i had an abortion. My ex boyfriend had become abusive towards me, on one occasion he broke my nose. I treated amber as a daughter though. Like she was the baby i gave away. I loved her as my own. My brothers girlfriend also had a kid around the same time. My brother got a full time job, and she was quite depressed, she and jamie used to be round the flat most days to. So now i had 3 kids to look after and jamie when he was over. I was 14, on the brink of being kicked out of school, in an abusive relationship, smoking **** everyday luckily i was practically off speed by this point. I was so low. Id pretty much lost touch with my dad and my mum seemed to be dead to the world. Only living for the bottle. My cousin Becki, had moved in with her new boyfriend so i barely saw her and because of my ex boyfriend id pretty much cut ties with all my friends. I couldnt take it. I was year 9, it was may and i was in the middle of my sats. The school had got me an educational physcoligist. One day i just told her everything, blurted it all out. She promised to keep it a secret but didnt, that night social services came knocking. They took us all, me, amber, chloe and brock. First of all we were all put seperatley. Temporarily. My mother didnt even seem to care. I was moved to a whole new town, which i completely hated, away from my babies. i couldnt cope. I had tonsilitus and had been prescribed penicillin by the docters. I just wanted to die, realising the only reason id ever had to live was for those kids. i took all the penicillin and woke up in hospital. After that i was moved to live with baby amber, chloe and brock were moved to bristol. But atleast i still had Amber. My foster mother used to try and look after her but i wouldnt let her. One day i found her changing ambers nappy, i completely kicked off. Amber was my responsibility, it was the summer holidays but i was in a whole new town, didnt no anybody, had no friends! I used to spend most of my time on the computer. One benifit was now that i wasnt with the old crowd i was completely off the drugs. I used to see chloe and brock once every two weeks and everything was ok. Amber was coming up for her first birthday, then on the 14th of Augest she died. I dont want to go into detail about that. She was gone. MY baby sister, the most beautiful baby u will ever see. The funeral was awful, i broke down in tears in the middle of the poem i had choosen to win, tiny footsteps. When i saw my older brother and cousin carrying her tiny coffin i wanted to die. My mother wasnt at the furneral. I loved her so much! I took a knife and tried to slit my wrists. Once again i was found, stiched up and shoved on anti-depressants. I still saw chloe and brock though. On the visit after ambers funeral i went up to bristol to see them. I was so upset, i thought, i need you in my life i cant cope. So i asked if i could take them to the park. But i didnt, i went to the train station. Unfourtunatly, we were found and i was banned from having any more visits with the kids! A new lad came to live with the foster carers. He was good fun, cheered me up. If it wasnt for him i dont think i could of coped. I started going out alot more, having a laugh again. One day my social worker came round saying that my auntie had been in touch. She was my mams sister, and they didnt get on. She had a older son and after having him she hadnt been able to have kids. I moved in with her and my uncle. Thats where i am now. I met loads of amazing friends who i love, had various boyfriends and i feel now i can be a teenager. Im only 15 for fs sake! Life is better, but i still stay up crying all night. I have nobody to talk to about it either. As far as my father goes last time i saw him was at my uncles funeral before Easter, he barely acknowedged my existance. Hes married with 2 children now, he doesnt want me. Its hard for me to talk about this. but ive finally got a bit off my chest i guess!

05-05-2005, 06:21 PM
No matter what you do or say, your dad will always remember you. Deep down he is thinking about you all the time. Just remember it was never your fault and you are who you are. People love you for who you are, and to get that off your chest you are a role model to others :)

05-05-2005, 06:39 PM
Thanks Syd! Lol. Who needs counselling when we got the habbox forum? ;]

04-06-2005, 04:44 PM

Counselling helps though. My mate had it, well it was kind of anger management, but it was a helpful, and kind type of counselling :P

04-06-2005, 04:56 PM
wow you've been through a tough time.... you always have someone to talk to :)

05-06-2005, 12:27 PM
I feel very sorry for you, and I also feel very happy there is a happy ending to it all!

07-06-2005, 05:57 PM
i had a m8 who's mam didn't want him i felt sorry for him because he was a gd kid, my life's ok but my mam and dad split up but i still see my dad :)

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