View Full Version : My goals by the end of summer '07

23-05-2007, 10:54 PM
Herblore: 99
Firemaking: 99
Fire Cape.
80 Prayer.
Green Phat + 50m Cash.
100 Combat.

Hope I get atleast 80% of these :)

23-05-2007, 11:33 PM
How much money do you have now?

99 herb will be very hard to get...
99 firemaking is easily possible =]
100 combat shouldn't be too hard =D
80 prayer will be easy if you buy... ;]
Fire Cape... hard at 93-100combat but possible

Good luck!!! Especially with herb!

>> I must say - i love your stats they're much like mine xD Apart from the prayer... which is fernominal for your combat =P

23-05-2007, 11:34 PM
u should add,
"leave the internet"
"get laid"

23-05-2007, 11:37 PM
pm me i got some questions bout herblore =P

24-05-2007, 12:15 AM
And I should add, no noobs pl0x and already got a g/f. Ftw?

24-05-2007, 12:32 AM
seriously nice life

Edited by Youheard (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude.

24-05-2007, 06:52 AM
Herblore: 99
Firemaking: 99
Fire Cape.
80 Prayer.
Green Phat + 50m Cash.
100 Combat.

Hope I get atleast 80% of these :)

99 herblore could be a challenge but gl,
99 firemaking is still hard, quite boring, gl ;o
Firecape, dont no much about that
80 Prayer easier if you got cash + own altar
green phat + cash = hard lol.
100 combat, you get it some time anyway :D


24-05-2007, 12:03 PM
How much money do you have now?

99 herb will be very hard to get...
99 firemaking is easily possible =]
100 combat shouldn't be too hard =D
80 prayer will be easy if you buy... ;]
Fire Cape... hard at 93-100combat but possible

Good luck!!! Especially with herb!

>> I must say - i love your stats they're much like mine xD Apart from the prayer... which is fernominal for your combat =P Firecape is possible at any combat, it's now possible without guthans, just using purple sweets, you bring like 800 sweets and you wont die :)

Herblore shall be hard, firemaking will be boring, prayer will be longg, green phat + 50m... how do you make cash?

24-05-2007, 02:40 PM
Awesome goals that you've set there! Good luck achieving them. :)

24-05-2007, 03:47 PM
Herblore will take aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages

but good luck :D

24-05-2007, 05:25 PM
If I got 55-70 herb in 2 days, it isnt impossible =)

btw, i have around 125-130 right now.

24-05-2007, 05:34 PM
If I got 55-70 herb in 2 days, it isnt impossible =)

btw, i have around 125-130 right now.

125-130? Mil? wha?

24-05-2007, 06:11 PM
Yes Vito.

24-05-2007, 06:22 PM
I was gonna add another goal for you which would of been along the lines of 'get a life' but i`ll just say 'glllllllllllllllllllll' instead xo

24-05-2007, 07:29 PM
Your pathetic, if your not going to add anything constructive, go post somewhere else, I dont see you making any goals.

24-05-2007, 07:34 PM
Your pathetic, if your not going to add anything constructive, go post somewhere else, I dont see you making any goals.

So because i havn`t planned to spend my whole 6 weeks holidays on runescape im pathetic ?

24-05-2007, 07:52 PM
Goodluck dude, just dont waste whole summer, 99 herb would be ace though

24-05-2007, 07:59 PM
No Callum, the way your actually telling me to get a life is pathetic.

Thanks bash, I know I won't spend my whole summer, just 2-3 hours a day :)

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