View Full Version : When was the last time you made somebody cry?

03-05-2005, 11:33 AM
Hey after reading the post. "When was the last time you cried?" I had a different question. Sometimes it can be harder and more upsetting when you make somebody else cry. Me - The last time i made somebody cry, was about 2 weeks ago. A guy who really liked me was hasseling me, trying to get with me and pretty much doing my head in. One night he was telling me he loved me and he couldnt understand why i didnt feel the same way. I think i said some pretty nasty things cos he was really annoying me. Next thing u no hes broke down in tears. He was very drunk but still. I looked at myself and thought what a nasty person i must be. Their would of been easier nicer ways of putting the fact that i didnt want him and in his eyes i guess i was stringing him along! But then again. say i got with him it would of still ended in tears as i would of been lying to him and myself so maybe its better i got my feelings out in the open before things got to heavy. But at that moment when he was crying i felt like the nastiest person in the world!

03-05-2005, 05:39 PM
The last time I made somebody cry? Ooooh, thats quite a hard one. This girl told me that she'd liked me for some time, but as seen as I've already got somebody who I love, I told her straight that there was noone else I'd share my life with and that inculded her. I could see her eyes welling up with tears, and I said to her, you're a very special person and you'll find somebody who's just right for you. She said thankyou, I gave her a hug and she walked out of my apartment. I went to sit down and looked outside to the pool in our garden and saw her sat with her feet in the pool, I could hear her sobbing her heart out. I knew I'd broken a heart, I felt so guilty.

03-05-2005, 07:28 PM
yesterday (i'm not a cry baby) because I had to get rid of my puppy because we're moving to america and it can't come with us :'(:'(:'(

03-05-2005, 07:49 PM
The last time i made someone cry was probably, erm when i was annoyed with my friend cause she had left me out for something for her other friends and wasn't treating me right so i was ignoring her and she started crying and i felt bad, then we made up again :). And the last time a friend made me burst my eyes out is when i got bullied by this gurl. :( :'( That was a bad time, i always felt depressed even felt like killing myself :( Now im over it, that was the past.... -changes subject..

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