View Full Version : Beware! Buying accounts.

28-05-2007, 09:22 PM
I just thought i would make you guys a guide on buying and selling accounts. Theres just a few things you should always remember while buying accounts. Here they are.

1.Make sure the person has no recoverys, Some cool ways to do this is ask them to make you a video and upload it on youtube so u can see them logging, and u no if they posted picks. Although you must make sure the video dose not cut off, like he logs into noob account videos it cuts it off when he hits (Click here to play) and then sticks the account hes selling in there.

Not only can people recover with recovers, but also they can recover with pay by mail and credit cards. So even with no recovers you still can be scammed!:O So i bet you want ways to avoid this happing to you huh? Well this is were it gets a little tricky theres a few ways to do this.

How to avoid getting scammed
First- I your a trusted member asked for the member ship code they got when signing up for the membership. If they dont give it to u then dont buy the account
Second- Use a MM, Whats a MM you ask? Well ill tell you. A MM is a middle man a person who dose the trade for you.
For Example:Who's a person thats very trusted in the forum? lets use dan as a example, Ok so dan is the MM this is how the trade would go. First the guy selling the account would give him account name and pass to dan along with any member ship codes, Then you trade Dan the gold, Then dan gives the account seller the gold and gives you the account.And always make sure you see a picture before buying!

Well thats all i got for now post and tell me what you think=)Also tell me if you no any other ways to aviod getting scammed i will give 100% credit for it. I no its not right section but i thought u guys should read it before buying accounts just to avoid getting scamed. -jake4569:8

28-05-2007, 09:24 PM
Mm's are a bad idea, in the end they will turn corrupt

If people want to buy accounts that is their choice

Teh Wub
28-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Mm's are a bad idea, in the end they will turn corrupt

If people want to buy accounts that is their choice

Also - wrong section :P

28-05-2007, 09:26 PM
Mm's are a bad idea, in the end they will turn corrupt

If people want to buy accounts that is their choice
That could be true but im just saying like if you both trust that guy.

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