View Full Version : [Bobba] Hobbas not just banning people but being horrible

03-05-2005, 07:45 PM
I have post threads and yes this may be closed but i want to post that dionysus is a no good lucking tran sorry but he changes sorry for launage
i dont like the way he speaks
he says that in soapbox
and you ask on pannel he says no and kik u
i dont like the way he speaks to habbos do you
as alot of people said his launage isnt nice and if i was callie i would give him a warning WOULDNT YOU

03-05-2005, 07:49 PM
Dionysus is my HERO. He is nice, once you get to know him. He dosn't let you speak because he wants to listen to the views of the Habbo people.

03-05-2005, 09:02 PM
Dionysus is my HERO. He is nice, once you get to know him. He dosn't let you speak because he wants to listen to the views of the Habbo people.
:s If he doesn't let you speak then how is he going to listen to the views of the habbos?

04-05-2005, 11:49 AM
Once you're in the speakers corner, you can speak. O_o;

08-05-2005, 01:16 PM
Hmm, I've been in the Speaker Corners in Habbo Soapbox 2, and we were discussing safety. I started talking about Asl, and he listen quite carefully O.o

15-05-2005, 07:17 AM
K number 1. dionysus hardly ever kicks anyone out of soapbox. It's the panel. when i was on the panel ages ago i used to kick anyone who spoke or who was like "HEY DIONYSUS YOU'RE MY HERO."
Mark never kicked anyone so stop blaming him for kicking. It wasn't him it's the people with rights. They are allowed to kick people who speak as you aren't allowed to speak unless you are on the speakers. And it isn't only him who is supposed to listen when you are on the stand it's the panel mainly. they are the ones who you should be complaining about if you are in a mood about people kicking you or not listening to you. Get over it please. Mark is just one of those people who just wants to have fun. If you think his attitude is bad you should see becs' attitude when you get on the wrong side of her.

15-05-2005, 07:38 AM
The panel? Wth?

15-05-2005, 07:50 AM
Dionysus is my HERO. He is nice, once you get to know him. He dosn't let you speak because he wants to listen to the views of the Habbo people.
You need to get out more.

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