View Full Version : Woman trapped under a bus - rescued.

31-05-2007, 07:22 PM
A woman is being treated for serious injuries after she became trapped underneath a bus in Merseyside.

Emergency Services were called to the scene on Cook Street in Liverpool city centre at about 1100 BST.
Two fire crews and a special rescue team were called to free the 55-year-old from the undercarriage of the single decker bus.
She was taken to the Royal Liverpool Hospital with suspected internal injuries and shock.
The vehicle was stabilised and air bags were used to lift the weight off the casualty as she was moved. It is not yet known how she became trapped underneath the vehicle.
that happened outside my mum's work, my mum told me just before that there was a big scream, and she thought it was people messing about, then she looked and saw it, and everyone was going into her office cos she has the best view.

it sounds well scary.


31-05-2007, 07:35 PM
A woman is being treated for serious injuries after she became trapped underneath a bus in Merseyside.

Emergency Services were called to the scene on Cook Street in Liverpool city centre at about 1100 BST.
Two fire crews and a special rescue team were called to free the 55-year-old from the undercarriage of the single decker bus.
She was taken to the Royal Liverpool Hospital with suspected internal injuries and shock.
The vehicle was stabilised and air bags were used to lift the weight off the casualty as she was moved. It is not yet known how she became trapped underneath the vehicle.
that happened outside my mum's work, my mum told me just before that there was a big scream, and she thought it was people messing about, then she looked and saw it, and everyone was going into her office cos she has the best view.

it sounds well scary.


Yer i went past this today after it happened. Traffic was a nightmare after that happened, especially with all the road works.

Hope shes ok, couldnt really see much going past with all cars etc. I know what it feels like being run over in liverpool city center :(.

31-05-2007, 07:48 PM
did you see it?! she was going round a corner and the bus came and hit her? thats apparently how it happened

31-05-2007, 07:52 PM
did you see it?! she was going round a corner and the bus came and hit her? thats apparently how it happened

Nah when i seen it the ambulance etc was there, and it was on the corner of the road, so how u think it happened might be true.

Hope shes ok

31-05-2007, 08:04 PM
What time did you walk past?!

A WOMAN was trapped beneath a bus after being knocked down in Liverpool city centre today.

Fire crews used air bags to lift the bus off the woman, thought to be in her 40s, who was conscious and breathing, after the accident on Cook Street.

Paramedics were also at the scene to treat her for serious leg injuries.

Onlookers watched in horror as the woman was hit and dragged along the road screaming for the bus to stop.

Two fire engines and a search and rescue crew were sent to the scene to help the rescue operation.

Police at the scene closed Cook Street and Castle Street, causing traffic diversions."

http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/liverpoolecho/news/echonews/tm_headline=woman-crushed-in-city-bus-horror%26method=full%26objectid=19225730%26siteid= 50061-name_page.html (http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/liverpoolecho/news/echonews/tm_headline=woman-crushed-in-city-bus-horror%26method=full%26objectid=19225730%26siteid= 50061-name_page.html)

01-06-2007, 04:33 AM
Lol, how low is the bus, can't she just roll out? Hope the woman is ok :)

01-06-2007, 08:11 AM
Well she got caught in the bus somehow.

Thats what I wanna know, how did she actually even get caught?!

le harry
01-06-2007, 08:17 AM
The bus ran over here and she got latched on :S

01-06-2007, 10:02 AM
Just how do you get stuck under a bus!

01-06-2007, 10:06 AM
was she fat or somthing? busses aint that low

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