View Full Version : Answers Needed

04-06-2007, 10:50 PM
howdy, i currently have a lvl 64 human lock. problem is alliance is getting boring and im 100% sure i want to re-roll horde as soon as my lock hits 70 however, the confusing part is the race / class, ive narrowed it down to these few

* Orc Hunter
Orc/Undead Lock
Orc/Undead Rogue
Undead/Bloodelf Mage
Tauren Druid

i know its not a few and yes its my decision at the end of the day but i seriously dont know which one to go with, as my original main was a 41 ne rogue but got bored so re-rolled my lock. ive tried out all of the classes to the 20/30 mark and i enjoy them all but its just confusing which one to choose.

Im looking for the following things,

* Easy PVE (i know hunter / lock comes top but how do the other classes fair?)
* PVP is a must for me :) so id preferably like a class that performs well, and yes its not the class its player that pvps i know :)
* Something i wont get bored of, as i have this tendancy to maybe level a character to 40 then it gets boring.
*I also dont intend to raid at lvl 70 for the simply reason im not keen on spending hours in a raid trying to get epics, im more of a pvp person.

please feel free to suggest anything you will think might suit me, and ive played wow for over a year so i know most classes inside and out (especially the warlock) id probs re-roll another lock but id feel it would get boring having already got a soon to be 70 lock.

sorry for it to be so long and i hope your eyes dont hurt reading it :)

I also forgot, can people who have any of these classes to reply and let me know about how they are fairing at end game pvp / pve ty

04-06-2007, 10:55 PM
Roll a mage :) There good in pvp and fun to level.

04-06-2007, 11:16 PM
With my Warlock, PvE is going quite well I am still looking around since my current guild is going downhill. PvE on Dunemaul is quite good, Alot of the PvP'ers and their guilds went to move onto Tarren Mill. So that makes sence, Out of all those I'd say Hunter/Mage since you want PvP and want to avoid doing a Warlock again.

05-06-2007, 01:58 AM
Go Druid!
Good for many things
Balance druids are insane for pvp tbh

05-06-2007, 06:04 PM
ty for replys ppl, ok its now between a Tauren Druid and a Orc Hunter :) please help me choose

05-06-2007, 07:23 PM
drood by far you can not get bored with them

05-06-2007, 09:11 PM
drood by far you can not get bored with them
oh yes you can, i've thought of quitting my druid many times. but tbh its just to fun to play :P

05-06-2007, 09:20 PM
drood by far you can not get bored with them

Sorry dude, I rerolled Warlock from my 70 Druid ;).

05-06-2007, 10:26 PM
blood elf magee there getting popularr.
orcs are vile
and druids take forever to level.

06-06-2007, 04:19 PM
tbh id go for mage but since its our of hunter and druid, i'd go gor hunter as they own in pvp

06-06-2007, 04:53 PM
blood elf magee there getting popularr.
orcs are vile
and druids take forever to level.Far enough at mat and orpha saying they are boring but zipsy droods do not take forever to level :rolleyes:

06-06-2007, 04:54 PM
ty guys, ive decided to go with a orc hunter (hes lvl 27 atm) mainly because orcs are my favourite race and plus hunters are can level quite fast :)

07-06-2007, 11:58 PM
Any one That is going to role a new char go for
Bood Elf Mage Awsome ! =]
Good for Pve (Mage Aoe Owns You)
Good For Pvp (High Damage in Steps so you Can Steal Kills with Instant Fire ball :) )
And its Fun its not the easyst out of the lot dude to the Low Armor and health but Mage are amazing when you get good with them =]

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