View Full Version : This made me Lol to myself...

07-06-2007, 12:50 AM
I found Zezima lurking in Lumbridge Castle Basment World 115 (My home world) and I also found the rest of the world down there!!! was crazy lol... just flooding people going:

"Flash2:Zezima is a newb!!!"
"Flash1:I'll give you free rune pic Zezima"
"Your my hero zezima" < That was the best everyone laughed at him
"Your a legend with no life"
"He's logged out" (Followed by 50 "NO HE HASN'T"s)

(This picture looks like not many people are there.... trust me... there was more then 100 and world 115 doesn't usually get over 300players... that's why i use it xD)

And for all of you people that wana know what he was doing... he was sat there getting given free stuff while doing herblore.... he'll hit: 1,000,000,000 XP soon =P

07-06-2007, 05:42 AM
Lemme guess there were hundreds of
green: free stuff pl0x !!11!

07-06-2007, 07:05 AM
Damn i missed it

07-06-2007, 08:19 AM
Lemme guess there were hundreds of
green: free stuff pl0x !!11!

See, i expected that but only 3 people said:
"I got haxed 500k Zezima.."
"Can i hav a rune kite Zezima?"
"You are rich can i have money?"

most of the people that would normally ask were saying:
"He's loggz"
"Zezima is a noooooooooooob"
"Zezima isn't real"

5people commented on the fact that Zezima isn't real :rolleyes:

07-06-2007, 03:03 PM
I dont know whats sader the fact that he has 99 in each skill or the fact that evryone looks up to him and all that :| his a person who plays the game to much and has 99 in evrything he aint famous or nothing so why dose evryone follow him around like he is :|
And also evryone calls him sad no lifer for having 99 but im sure we all want and some of us do have 99, and also rember that he has been playing for 5 years and he could have the time to waste for all we know he could be bill gates

07-06-2007, 03:06 PM
He was in w99 in the same place the other day too :eusa_whis

07-06-2007, 10:53 PM
I dont know whats sader the fact that he has 99 in each skill or the fact that evryone looks up to him and all that :| his a person who plays the game to much and has 99 in evrything he aint famous or nothing so why dose evryone follow him around like he is :|
And also evryone calls him sad no lifer for having 99 but im sure we all want and some of us do have 99, and also rember that he has been playing for 5 years and he could have the time to waste for all we know he could be bill gates

He has a site that says everything about him so we kinda know exactly who he is... no one really cares though...

And he is kinda a Celeb he was voted one of the best gamers in the UK wasn't he? and isn't he sposered or something?... and as far as RS goes he's our only celeb after the MODs... all our other celebs... went... as such...

07-06-2007, 11:08 PM
I dont know whats sader the fact that he has 99 in each skill or the fact that evryone looks up to him and all that :| his a person who plays the game to much and has 99 in evrything he aint famous or nothing so why dose evryone follow him around like he is :|
And also evryone calls him sad no lifer for having 99 but im sure we all want and some of us do have 99, and also rember that he has been playing for 5 years and he could have the time to waste for all we know he could be bill gates

He is famous because almost everyone on the game knows him? :S

Tip.it had an interview with him, he even says he has a life an such, he gets his skills up so fast because he sets himself goals in game which isn't exactly having no life, it just means he has time to waste and he likes to waste it on RS

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