View Full Version : PS Blog Week 23

08-06-2007, 11:09 AM

Heidster's running late


colmc returns!

Hello Habbos... I'm back! http://www.habbo.co.uk/habbo-imaging/avatar/8001420523255092801530503014400c75b138b9336231edcb 0d6128f7f0f35.gif

And what a week that was, huh? I go away and then a delivery load of Trax machines arrived. Music was coming to the Hotel! But, alas, they had been over one too many bumpy roads on the way here and something went wrong. Still, the trusty folks at Habbotics Labs spent the weekend fixing faults and replacing Trax machines..and ta-da! Music arrived on Monday.

I don't know about you, but I'm loving Trax (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/trax). I've been in a few rooms lately listening to some of the rock, electronica, funky tunes and chill out music Habbos have been creating. What a creative bunch you are! People have been asking me to make music, but as I've told them I'm not very good at it. In school, all I got in music lessons was the rice-in-a-bottle shaker. I'm not sure if they believed me, but it's true :(

On a less depressing thought (or maybe not), I'm back in Habbo Towers after enjoying a lovely week off, traveling around and catching up with friends. Before I left, I did set a little competition and asked the following question:

I'll be having a meal with some friends in one of the places I'm stopping off next week. When there, I might find myself eating a style of bread called a blaa. Where would I be?

I had quite a few correct answers, and some wrong ones (those who suggested Watford, Norway and India, you know who you are!). The correct answer was Waterford in the southeast of Ireland. Congratulations to SyrupyMonkey (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/SyrupyMonkey). You win 2 months of Habbo Club and a signed Habbo trophy from me!

I think that's almost it from me, but before I go I want to give you my Player Support Lowlight of the Week. Oh yes, Habbos there are still some VERY silly Habbos out there. I had a very annoyed parent on the Player Support phone just the other day. Annoyed, not so much at Habbo but his two daughters who decided to use the Habbo credits line without getting his permission. Of course, he found out when his phone bill arrived! Their accounts are now banned, they've been grounded and their parents won't let them on Habbo for a long time! So please - if you're going to phone for credits, make sure you have permission from the person paying the bill, or the person that's paying for your phone credit. If you don't, it's only going to end in tears, and we really don't want that at all.

Right, I better get back to work. Speak to you all soon!

0rca's Whale Of A Week!

This is a short one from me this week, as I am off Thursday and Friday so I need to get on :)http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album2108/0rca_party.png

The Alt comp from last week is being extended as I haven’t had many entries. By the way when I say Alt, I mean dress me up as a whale. Like the one Akela! has, or you see on the staff page Lost_Witness has a scream mask, etc. I don’t think a lot of you quite understood what I meant as was just getting whale pics. Email me your Alts to [email protected] ([email protected]) no later than Tuesday evening.

The dress code for the party will be Black and white. So anyone not dressed accordingly may be ejected ;)

The party will be starting at 4.30 on Monday 11th June. VIP guests will be let in early and I will arrange that with you on console. Two rooms will be used, linked by porters, so we can have double the guests and I will be in both rooms, but not at the same time of course! So see you at the party, be there or be square!

“Keep it secret, Keep it safe!”

Akela!’s Week

http://www.habbo.co.uk/habbo-imaging/avatar/8110460001879278270473505014400e72c16c4e12b792eecb c7f6901f3b4b2.gif
I'm HAPPY! Why? Because we have summer back! Such lovely weather, it just makes me feel so good.

So now what have I been up to apart from enjoying the sun? Not a lot really, obviously I have been answering your mail; even the sunshine doesn’t stop me from doing that.

I tell you what though, when you do something naughty and a Mod bans you for two hours, you and I both know and I know you know that I know that you did the deed!
It’s really best to take it on the chin and wait that ban out and not jump straight in and mail us. The reason? If this happens at night when all us PS peeps are in noddy land, by the time we see your mail the two hours have gone and we then have to reply that the account is not banned! Of course it isn’t, because you are free again by then. So it takes us away a little from all those lost and forgotten password mails, so the poor Habbos who desperately want to get in have to wait just that little while longer.
So if you have done the crime, do the time and use the couple of Habbo-free hours to reflect on why you got the ban and promise yourselves you won’t make that mistake again.

It’s been dead exciting getting Trax (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/trax), even though we had the shaky start, it was well worth the wait. You were all magnificently patient while we ironed out the problems and I want to say a personal thank you for your patience.http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album2304/trax_icons_1.gif
I’ve been sneaking round some of your rooms and having a listen to your creations. Such a talented bunch you all are!

Here in the wolf den we are beginning to plan a revamp for the garden. It’s the sun you see, so inspiring. I am nagging Mr. Akela! to sort out a second pond; he is dragging his heels, so I am telling him to hurry it up because the Habbos want to see a picture! I am hoping that line will work and I will indeed take a picture when it’s done and show you all.

This is a pic of one of our ponds but that’s going to be worked on too to so watch out for an updated one coming to a Blog near you soon!

All to encourage wildlife, by the way, we already have toads frogs and newts, just hope we don’t do such a good job that we find a herd of wilderbeast grazing nearby one morning!

Anyway that’s it from me this week.

As always have fun and stay safe!

No Pirates Life for Disarno

Hello Readers!

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album1054/disarno_001.gifI've been ripped of my Pirate-ness this week so I am all back to normal! I am not sure what got over me, oh yes now I remember - it was going to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 that got me in the mood, however it seems to have just disappeared now just like that! However I didn't forget the competition winners of the Habbo-Pirate phrase, you'll find them below so read on. :)

I can't believe it's June already, where has the time gone?? I should imagine most of you are back to school for the final term and exams if your taking your GCSE's. Just remember once it is over you have a whole summer of relaxation so work as hard as you can now then you can kick your shoes off when you finish :) Not long to go now!

This week I have not really done much, I've just been catching up with friends and watching some new DVD's I got on rental. I popped over to my friends to play the Playstation too, they made me go on the dance game, you know the one with the dance mats and you have to move to the tunes? I wish I never did, I was terrible at it, LOL. Then we played Guitar Hero which is an excellent game where you have an actual guitar control and you have to string a lot of the beats of the song - that was more challenging but a lot better!

I've been keeping up with some of the recent events at NASA. Space Shuttle Atlantis has been cleared for launch on Friday June 8th. It will be an evening launch taking off at around 7:38 p.m. EDT. Rick Sturckow will command the mission and Lee Archambault will serve as Atlantis' pilot. Mission Specialists Patrick Forrester, James Reilly, Steven Swanson, John Olivas and Flight Engineer Clayton Anderson round out the crew to deliver the S3/S4 starboard truss segments, batteries and another pair of solar arrays to the space station.

Trax has Arrived! (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/trax)
Step into the beat with a Masterclass!
http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/stickers/trax_rock.gif (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/trax/masterclass/rock) http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/stickers/trax_heavy.gif (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/trax/masterclass/rock) http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/stickers/trax_bling.gif (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/trax/masterclass/hiphop)

The long awaited Trax (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/trax) has finally arrived! Due to a technical error it had to be removed but fear not it is back and bigger than ever with a wide selection of great cartridges to get you started! Now you too can feel what it is like to be DJ right here in Habbo Hotel! Click on one of the images above to get started in a Masterclass!


http://images.habbohotel.no/c_images/album104/trophy_17.gifLast week I asked you to come up with a Habbo-Pirate phrase and we have a winner!

Habbo Name: Clunks (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Clunks)
Winning Entry: Aye! Gah, shiver me timbers! Yer Habbo Ducks are a real beauty!

Congratulations, a signed trophy is on this way to you!

That's it from me this week folks, remember never fear the Habbo Help Tool (http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/iot/go?lang=en&country=uk) is always near!

08-06-2007, 11:28 AM
haha Myke won colmc's comp :P

08-06-2007, 03:12 PM
Woop. I won ^_^

08-06-2007, 03:28 PM
That's.. an interesting little phrase right there. Good find. :)

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