View Full Version : page only seen by certain people

11-06-2007, 04:37 PM
is there a way so only certain IP adresses, or people can see a link to a webpage? if not wots the code for a password thing.


11-06-2007, 04:39 PM
i'll also give +rep :)

11-06-2007, 04:50 PM
You could do this:

$password = $_GET["password"];

if( isset( $password ) )
if( $password == "yourpasswordhere" )
echo "stuff here you want only people to see";
} else {
echo "Wrong password!";

To access it you would go to www.yoursite.com/yourpage.php?password=yourpasswordhere

Get it?

11-06-2007, 04:50 PM
Urmm, yea, easly. Basicly u just want a backwards version of an IP blocker script (for ip method)


//Array of alloed ip's (continue as so.
$allow[0] = "";
$allow[1] = "";
$allow[2] = "";

//set up start value
$alloweduser = false;

// Loop Threw All the Ips.
for($K = 0; $K<sizeof($allow); $K++)
//If an Ip matches the user ip set em as allowed.
if($allow[$K] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']){
$alloweduser = true;

// stop page load if there not on allowed list
if($alloweduser == false){die("you cannot view this page.");}

^^ place at top of protected page, just add to the $allow array to allow more ips to view.. just wrote it now but i think will work

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