View Full Version : Specie Spotted!

05-05-2005, 11:24 PM
Specie, the Habbo who owns one of the the Seven Wonders of Habbo, has been spotted in his room, the Amazon Rainforest around 7:10 pm EST.
Not only that, but he's encouraging everyone to vote for his room!Examples:
*Adding [Vote for Me] at the end of the room name
*Adding "Vote for my Amazon Rainforest, thanks" in his mission).
*Room Description: "The VOTING has started, I would really be grateful if you voted for this room I put a lot of effort into it. And the duck is still lost :("

Also, when I caught up with him I asked him a simple question:

Me: Who do you think you'll have the most competion with in the 7 wonders?
Specie: Probs Pheynx

(By the way, Pheynx is the owner of The Chinese Wall aka Great Wall of China) Specie also had a say on what happened with MSG.

http://img206.echo.cx/img206/259/specispotted1bp.th.gif (http://img206.echo.cx/my.php?image=specispotted1bp.gif)

{Click Image to Make Bigger}

05-05-2005, 11:31 PM
lol... weird!

05-05-2005, 11:37 PM
Wow....he was in his room, arnt we all.
he can do as he pleases to do with his mission and room name.
and msg are lame noobs who think they're l33t. they can't even hack ff.s

06-05-2005, 12:17 AM
Yea, I agree. Hes allowed to do watever he wants to his room.

06-05-2005, 12:18 AM
I am not voting for anyone who asks to be voted for.

06-05-2005, 12:25 AM
im voting for the best room; even if he does beg. im just chosing by the look fo the room.

06-05-2005, 12:26 AM
I picked the volcano because it looks good and is fun to be in. The Chinese Wall is good but putting Dragons in it makes it look unrealistic. The others are ok and interesting but I shall write about them later.

06-05-2005, 05:08 AM
who cares?

Chinese Wall is getting my vote so I dont really care :)

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