View Full Version : Crazy nights out

15-06-2007, 11:51 AM
If you're against fighting, teenage drinking and stealing... don't bother reading :) BTW I don't condone any of this... it all happened behind beer goggles.

Yeah, the craziest night out I've had since leaving school was Wednesday.

I'm usually good... okay I drink a lot but I keep it above board... I don't usually fight, never steal... ugh, but Wednesday was something else.

Started off cool... we all managed to get quite a bit of beer in... I can take my drink pretty well, so I was cool. That all changed once a guy I know came running out of the off-licence with 2 bottles of wine. I drank most of one... and a lot of white cider of my friends (it's nasty ****, yeah).

That mixed it - my head started to feel heavy and I found myself tipsy.
We then went for a walk around... and saw the Ice Cream man.

Now, me and my friend who won't be named have a thing with this guy... he sells drugs to young kids over the counter, and he likes to look at little girls quite more than what seems normal.
My younger cousin (he's 15, but that doesn't mean I'm not protective over him - I don't ***** at him for taking drugs, but I had a thing in for the guy who sold him them). My friend was protecting a sister he had who he thought Frank was staring a bit too much at.

Yeah, it started. My mate ran up and hit the guy through the ice cream window - I went and punched his wing mirror off.
The randomest thing that happened is as soon as my mate hit him the ice cream man ran to the cab, turned on the ice cream music and ran back to fight him (probably to get people's attention or something). My mate let go of him, and I hit the ice cream man and my mate started throwing cones at him. Our friend came and pulled us back cause a neighbour had called the police, and we saw the ice cream man pick up all the cones off the floor and put 'em back in the box (ugh).

The next thing that happened is we went to another lot of shops... went in, and my mate says "put some bottles in my pocket". I don't like stealing, so I dunno why I did this, but I stuck another bottle of wine and a big bottle of magners in his back pocket, and we walked out.

I drank most of that - finished up paryletic - they tried to put me on the bus home but the driver said "I ain't taking him, he's ******"... so they had to call my mom to take me home.

Suprisingly - she hasn't had that much of a ***** at me this time.

Yeah, it all sounds pretty random and farfetched... you might not chose to believe it... but it all happened. Telford's such a great place.

15-06-2007, 11:58 AM
wow, what has happened since the ice cream man?

15-06-2007, 12:10 PM
sounds a good night out to me :D apart from the stealing :p

15-06-2007, 12:19 PM
wow, what has happened since the ice cream man?

I'll probably come across him tonight and find out.

I'm kinda bothered about it 'cause he sells drugs. I've heard of bad things happening to people who do stuff to dealers.

15-06-2007, 12:23 PM
I went and punched his wing mirror off.

ooh.. wouldn't wanna mess with you eh.

have the police not done anything about him selling drugs while on the job?

15-06-2007, 12:25 PM
lol im out tonight but only got 10 quid =[

Cider + Beer is a bad enough mix, let alone with wine too...
Just don't touch weed after drinking like that or you will actually die! lol...
Seems like a good night tbh.

15-06-2007, 01:25 PM
ooh.. wouldn't wanna mess with you eh.

have the police not done anything about him selling drugs while on the job?

The wingmirror was by random tbh.
The police know, but they don't give a **** really.
They're more interested in petty crimes to get their conviction quota up.

lol im out tonight but only got 10 quid =[

Cider + Beer is a bad enough mix, let alone with wine too...
Just don't touch weed after drinking like that or you will actually die! lol...
Seems like a good night tbh.

Done that... It just gave me a headache though.

15-06-2007, 01:31 PM
I cant touch red-wine because of the dope.

le harry
15-06-2007, 01:39 PM

15-06-2007, 01:42 PM
Sounds like a good night, could of been better though. I bet Middlesbrough is worse than "Telford". Add weed or coke to that night, would've been nice.

15-06-2007, 01:45 PM
Well the fact that Telford is a **** hole, is that it's a overspill of an overspill... and over spills of the biggest shitholes in britain... basically... it's a slum of a slum of a slum.

Birmingham --overspill--> Wolverhampton --overspill--> Telford

It's a ****** place - just Google it and read everywhere where it says its a bad place to be.

I'm lucky I live in the nice area... but my mates don't, so I hang around the bad places a lot.

15-06-2007, 01:46 PM
We got an ice cream man like that round my old estate. I swear they should screen them!! Dont find the whole hanging round the streets/ parks things any fun personally. prefer pubbing it, clubbing it or house partys.
Every weekend is mental for me. We ended up in flares last saturday with afros and blow up guitars and big jugs of cocktails. :|

15-06-2007, 01:48 PM
Middlesbrough beast Telford, because we're officially the most deprived area in England, that basically sums it up.

15-06-2007, 01:49 PM
We got an ice cream man like that round my old estate. I swear they should screen them!! Dont find the whole hanging round the streets/ parks things any fun personally. prefer pubbing it, clubbing it or house partys.
Every weekend is mental for me. We ended up in flares last saturday with afros and blow up guitars and big jugs of cocktails. :|

Pubs are crap up here. I go to the Haygate sometimes... but for what, some crappy unsigned bands and a tacky pint.

The thing is that gets me, is how he thinks he can look inconspicuous when there's an ice cream truck driving around at 9am on a winter Sunday?

Also, I know a guy who's Mrs. is a cop - she told him about the ice cream man selling drugs thing, which even proves that the police know but don't want to do a thing about it.

15-06-2007, 02:03 PM
ha that ice cream van reminds me of grand theft auto games, im sure theres a mission on it where theres some drugs dealer.

16-06-2007, 08:38 AM
i would hate that
i got drunk yesterday and controlled myself :P

16-06-2007, 11:34 AM
Souns good, my night was pretty boring yesterday, got drunk, robbed a car with a few mates and gate crashed a party lol.

16-06-2007, 11:47 AM
Pssh.. Learn to have a laugh with out getting ****** of high -.-'

16-06-2007, 11:49 AM
^^It's the eaxmination time, of course I'm gonna be getting ****** :D
Last exam Wednesday :D

16-06-2007, 12:23 PM
Lmao sounds like laods fo fun :P

16-06-2007, 12:51 PM
I've had plenty of nights outs that have ended in fights. Just recently about 2 months ago my mate was beaten to a pulp by two bouncers in a kebab house, he didn't sustain any serious injuries but he looked bad. The fact that I was helpless to do anything made it worse, we got locked out the shop, we smashed the place up pretty bad, but it didn't help. Aha.

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