View Full Version : So... having quite a nightmare...

15-06-2007, 03:14 PM
So I planned to write a novel a while ago. Got 100 pages done and planned 5 sequals.

Trouble is....

Last night my cousin went on my laptop while I went on the computer, he was sleeping over. So I was just browsing the interwebs searching for stuff about Gears of War 2 or something and he was on Habbo. Please note: My cousin is very well 'chav like'. He's also a n00b on the thing, he can't type fast, he always asks 'pls donaite' and makes rooms called 'cool room' which are both filled with nothing.

So I was sat there listening to some kind of Podcast about GeoW2 and I then after I went to get a drink, on the way back I saw my cousin downloading something called 'Free Creds' I was suspicous and by the time I had noticed it was at 78%.

My cousin was downloading spyware =/. I hate him so much now because my laptop had to get wiped ALONG WITH THE 100 PAGES AND SEQUAL PLANNINGS!

Somehow a Chapter was left over but I can't be bothered.

I'm thinking of starting something in August - November.


15-06-2007, 09:43 PM
Moral of your tale: save your work to another place.
Don't leave it in one place!

16-06-2007, 11:05 AM
So I planned to write a novel a while ago. Got 100 pages done and planned 5 sequals.

Trouble is....

Last night my cousin went on my laptop while I went on the computer, he was sleeping over. So I was just browsing the interwebs searching for stuff about Gears of War 2 or something and he was on Habbo. Please note: My cousin is very well 'chav like'. He's also a n00b on the thing, he can't type fast, he always asks 'pls donaite' and makes rooms called 'cool room' which are both filled with nothing.

So I was sat there listening to some kind of Podcast about GeoW2 and I then after I went to get a drink, on the way back I saw my cousin downloading something called 'Free Creds' I was suspicous and by the time I had noticed it was at 78%.

My cousin was downloading spyware =/. I hate him so much now because my laptop had to get wiped ALONG WITH THE 100 PAGES AND SEQUAL PLANNINGS!

Somehow a Chapter was left over but I can't be bothered.

I'm thinking of starting something in August - November.

ANY MOTIVATIONS?Haha owned. You didn't need to wipe it, just use an anti spyware duh. :rolleyes:

16-06-2007, 08:53 PM
I don't have internets on my laptop.

Plus all of those Anti-Spyware CDs are at PC world which is like 20 miles away from were I live.

16-06-2007, 09:31 PM

17-06-2007, 12:26 PM
If you don't have the internet on your laptop how was he downloading stuff?

Also, you really didn't need to wipe your drive just because of one file. You could have just deleted it. Spyware isn't that dangerous it's just annoying, and you could also have put your work onto a floppy before destroying it.

This sounds like an excuse for only having 1 chapter of work that you wanted to do - if it was wiped completely then it wouldn't leave anything at all.

17-06-2007, 01:01 PM
I mean I wrote 1 Chapter again.

Plus when the Spyware was there it had internets... then we had to wipe it completely...

I cba to set it up again.

17-06-2007, 11:06 PM
Please PM me the work that is left from your novel, I am greatly interested.

Just food for thought, but never plan sequels, especially five... that is of course if you were serious about producing a novel that you would send off to a publishing company, etc. They are the ones who decide whether or not they wish for sequels, not the writer; it's the periphery within the contract of which they offer.

18-06-2007, 05:52 PM
I'll try and get the internets working on it again then.

Thanks for the pointers.

18-06-2007, 10:15 PM
What's up with making 'internet' plural? Get the file on whatever computer you are using and post in here or PM me it...

19-06-2007, 02:46 PM
I just say 'internets' when I am on forums etc.
Don't worry the chapter is very different!

Also I need to check if you have Microsoft Word then I know to change the document to wordpad.

19-06-2007, 05:42 PM
I just say 'internets' when I am on forums etc.
Don't worry the chapter is very different!

Also I need to check if you have Microsoft Word then I know to change the document to wordpad.

I would prefer Wordpad... or you could simply paste it in a PM to me.

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