View Full Version : Don't sack the DJ - BUY them! [15/06/07]

15-06-2007, 03:46 PM
I know the alert has been posted but not the actual homepage thing

To mix with, mash with...
.. or just be happy to have one!

With Trax you can now be the DJ on Habbo, but how can you DJ without some decks?! So here for your partying pleasure are the never before released Habbo DJ Decks! Yours for only 25 credits. Afterall, what club room would be complete without one?

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album332/turntable.gif Habbo Turntable costs 25 Credits.
Purchase (http://www.habbo.co.uk/news/article230.html#) var purchaseButton = Builder.node("a", {href:"#", className:"colorlink orange"}, [ Builder.node("span", "Purchase") ]); $("purchase_1_purchase").appendChild(purchaseButton); Event.observe(purchaseButton, "click", function(e) { Event.stop(e); var dialog = createDialog("purchase_dialog", "Confirm purchase", 9001, 0, -1000, closePurchase); appendDialogBody(dialog, "

", true); moveDialogToCenter(dialog); showOverlay(); new Ajax.Request( habboReqPath + "/furnipurchase/purchase_confirmation", { method: "post", parameters: "product="+encodeURIComponent("a0 turntable"), onComplete: function(req, json) { setDialogBody(dialog, req.responseText); } } ); }, false);

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/lushparty/alparty1.pnghttp://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/lushparty/lwbarparty2.pngDJ decks were released for one hour earlier this week and proved so popular we just had to bring them back - even certain MODs were threatening to strike (or at least sulk loudly at me!) as they hadn't known when the Decks would be on sale and hadn't been able to get hold of one! So MODs, stop your sulking and Habbos get to dancing - the weekend and the DJ Decks have landed, it's officially Partaaaaay time!


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