View Full Version : Nulled Vbulletin?

30-06-2007, 04:10 PM
How Can i tell if a VB is nulled?

30-06-2007, 04:12 PM
Only way is by getting into their admin pannel i think. Or check their version.

30-06-2007, 04:12 PM
On admincp hover over jelsoft, if it's got a link then its legit if not then its un-legit

30-06-2007, 04:17 PM
goto http://link/2/forums/here/clientscript/vbulletin_menu.js (http://link/to/the/forums/here/clientscript/vbulletin_global.js) or something. Then it should be like:

/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ################## ||
|| # vBulletin 3.6.7 PL1
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ©2000-2007 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
|| # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # ||
|| ################################################## ################## ||
\*================================================ ======================*/


* vBulletin popup menu example usage:
* To create a new popup menu:
* <element id="x">Click me <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register('x'); </script></element>
* The menu class expects an element with the id of x_menu that contains the menu.
* <div id="x_menu" class="vbmenu_popup"> ... </div>

// ################################################## ###########################
// vB_Popup_Handler
// ################################################## ###########################

* vBulletin popup menu registry
function vB_Popup_Handler()
* Options:
* @var integer Number of steps to use in sliding menus open
* @var boolean Use opacity face in menu open?
this.open_steps = 10;
this.open_fade = false;

this.active = false;

this.menus = new Array();
this.activemenu = null;

this.hidden_selects = new Array();

// ================================================== ===========================
// vB_Popup_Handler methods

* Activate / Deactivate the menu system
* @param boolean Active state for menus
vB_Popup_Handler.prototype.activate = function(active)
this.active = active;

* Register a control object as a menu control
* @param string ID of the control object
* @param boolean Disable menu pop image addition
* @param boolean Disable menu slide open
* @return vB_Popup_Menu
vB_Popup_Handler.prototype.register = function(controlkey, noimage, noslide)
this.menus[controlkey] = new vB_Popup_Menu(controlkey, noimage, noslide);

return this.menus[controlkey];

* Hide active menu
vB_Popup_Handler.prototype.hide = function()
if (this.activemenu != null)

// ################################################## ###########################
// initialize menu registry

var vBmenu = new vB_Popup_Handler();

* Function to allow anything to hide all menus
* @param event Event object
* @return mixed
function vbmenu_hide(e)
if (e && e.button && e.button != 1 && e.type == 'click')
return true;

// ################################################## ###########################
// vB_Popup_Menu
// ################################################## ###########################

* vBulletin popup menu class constructor
* Manages a single menu and control object
* Initializes control object
* @param string ID of the control object
* @param boolean Disable menu pop image addition
* @param boolean Disable menu slide open
function vB_Popup_Menu(controlkey, noimage, noslide)
this.controlkey = controlkey;
this.menuname = this.controlkey.split('.')[0] + '_menu';


if (fetch_object(this.menuname))

this.slide_open = ((is_opera || noslide) ? false : true);
this.open_steps = vBmenu.open_steps;

vBulletin.add_event("vBmenuShow_" + this.controlkey);
vBulletin.add_event("vBmenuHide_" + this.controlkey);

// ================================================== ===========================
// vB_Popup_Menu methods

* Initialize the control object
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.init_control = function(noimage)
this.controlobj = fetch_object(this.controlkey);
this.controlobj.state = false;

if (this.controlobj.firstChild && (this.controlobj.firstChild.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' || this.controlobj.firstChild.tagName == 'INPUT'))
// do nothing
if (!noimage && !(is_mac && is_ie))
var space = document.createTextNode(' ');

var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = IMGDIR_MISC + '/menu_open.gif';
img.border = 0;
img.title = '';
img.alt = '';

this.controlobj.unselectable = true;
if (!noimage)
this.controlobj.style.cursor = pointer_cursor;
this.controlobj.onclick = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.controlobj_onclick;
this.controlobj.onmouseover = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.controlobj_onmouseover;

* Init the popup menu object
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.init_menu = function()
this.menuobj = fetch_object(this.menuname);

if (this.menuobj && !this.menuobj.initialized)
this.menuobj.initialized = true;
this.menuobj.onclick = e_by_gum;
this.menuobj.style.position = 'absolute';
this.menuobj.style.zIndex = 50;

// init popup filters (ie only)
if (is_ie && !is_mac)
this.menuobj.style.filter += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha(enabled=1, opacity=100)";
this.menuobj.style.filter += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.shadow(direction =135,color=#8E8E8E,strength=3)";


* Init the popup menu contents
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.init_menu_contents = function()
var tds = fetch_tags(this.menuobj, 'td');
for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; i++)
if (tds[i].className == 'vbmenu_option')
if (tds[i].title && tds[i].title == 'nohilite')
// not an active cell
tds[i].title = '';
// create a reference back to the menu class
tds[i].controlkey = this.controlkey;

// handle mouseover / mouseout highlighting events
tds[i].onmouseover = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onmouseover;
tds[i].onmouseout = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onmouseout;

var links = fetch_tags(tds[i], 'a');
if (links.length == 1)
/* Ok we have a link, we should use this if
1. There is no onclick event in the link
2. There is no onclick event on the cell
3. The onclick event for the cell should equal the link if the above are true

If we find a browser thats gets confused we may need to set remove_link to true for it.

tds[i].className = tds[i].className + ' vbmenu_option_alink';
tds[i].islink = true;

var linkobj = links[0];
var remove_link = false;

tds[i].target = linkobj.getAttribute('target');

if (typeof linkobj.onclick == 'function')
tds[i].ofunc = linkobj.onclick;
tds[i].onclick = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onclick_funct ion;
remove_link = true;
else if (typeof tds[i].onclick == 'function')
tds[i].ofunc = tds[i].onclick;
tds[i].onclick = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onclick_funct ion;
remove_link = true;
tds[i].href = linkobj.href;
tds[i].onclick = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onclick_link;

if (remove_link)
var newlink = document.createElement('a');
newlink.innerHTML = linkobj.innerHTML;
newlink.href = '#';
newlink.onclick = function(e) { e = e ? e : window.event; e.returnValue = false; return false; };
tds[i].insertBefore(newlink, linkobj);
else if (typeof tds[i].onclick == 'function')
tds[i].ofunc = tds[i].onclick;
tds[i].onclick = vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onclick_funct ion;

* Show the menu
* @param object The control object calling the menu
* @param boolean Use slide (false) or open instantly? (true)
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.show = function(obj, instant)
if (!vBmenu.active)
return false;
else if (!this.menuobj)

if (!this.menuobj)
return false;

if (vBmenu.activemenu != null)

vBmenu.activemenu = this.controlkey;

this.menuobj.style.display = '';
if (this.slide_open)
this.menuobj.style.clip = 'rect(auto, 0px, 0px, auto)';


if (!instant && this.slide_open)
this.intervalX = Math.ceil(this.menuobj.offsetWidth / this.open_steps);
this.intervalY = Math.ceil(this.menuobj.offsetHeight / this.open_steps);
this.slide((this.direction == 'left' ? 0 : this.menuobj.offsetWidth), 0, 0);
else if (this.menuobj.style.clip && this.slide_open)
this.menuobj.style.clip = 'rect(auto, auto, auto, auto)';

// deal with IE putting <select> elements on top of everything

if (this.controlobj.editorid)
this.controlobj.state = true;
//this.controlobj.editor.menu_context(this.controlob j, 'mousedown');
vB_Editor[this.controlobj.editorid].menu_context(this.controlobj, 'mousedown');

vBulletin.events["vBmenuShow_" + this.controlkey].fire(this.controlkey);

* Position the menu relative to a reference element
* @param object Reference HTML element
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.set_menu_position = function(obj)
this.pos = this.fetch_offset(obj);
this.leftpx = this.pos['left'];
this.toppx = this.pos['top'] + obj.offsetHeight;

if ((this.leftpx + this.menuobj.offsetWidth) >= document.body.clientWidth && (this.leftpx + obj.offsetWidth - this.menuobj.offsetWidth) > 0)
this.leftpx = this.leftpx + obj.offsetWidth - this.menuobj.offsetWidth;
this.direction = 'right';
this.direction = 'left'

this.menuobj.style.left = this.leftpx + 'px';
this.menuobj.style.top = this.toppx + 'px';

* Hide the menu
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.hide = function(e)

if (e && e.button && e.button != 1)
// get around some context menu issues etc.
return true;


this.menuobj.style.display = 'none';


if (this.controlobj.editorid)
this.controlobj.state = false;
//this.controlobj.editor.menu_context(this.controlob j, 'mouseout');
vB_Editor[this.controlobj.editorid].menu_context(this.controlobj, 'mouseout');

vBmenu.activemenu = null;

vBulletin.events["vBmenuHide_" + this.controlkey].fire(this.controlkey);

* Hover behaviour for control object
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.hover = function(obj)
if (vBmenu.activemenu != null)
if (vBmenu.menus[vBmenu.activemenu].controlkey != this.id)
this.show(obj, true);

* Slides menu open
* @param integer Clip X
* @param integer Clip Y
* @param integer Opacity (0-100)
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.slide = function(clipX, clipY, opacity)
if (this.direction == 'left' && (clipX < this.menuobj.offsetWidth || clipY < this.menuobj.offsetHeight))
if (vBmenu.open_fade && is_ie)
opacity += 10;
this.menuobj.filters.item('DXImageTransform.Micros oft.alpha').opacity = opacity;

clipX += this.intervalX;
clipY += this.intervalY;

this.menuobj.style.clip = "rect(auto, " + clipX + "px, " + clipY + "px, auto)";
this.slidetimer = setTimeout("vBmenu.menus[vBmenu.activemenu].slide(" + clipX + ", " + clipY + ", " + opacity + ");", 0);
else if (this.direction == 'right' && (clipX > 0 || clipY < this.menuobj.offsetHeight))
if (vBmenu.open_fade && is_ie)
opacity += 10;
menuobj.filters.item('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.a lpha').opacity = opacity;

clipX -= this.intervalX;
clipY += this.intervalY;

this.menuobj.style.clip = "rect(auto, " + this.menuobj.offsetWidth + "px, " + clipY + "px, " + clipX + "px)";
this.slidetimer = setTimeout("vBmenu.menus[vBmenu.activemenu].slide(" + clipX + ", " + clipY + ", " + opacity + ");", 0);

* Abort menu slider
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.stop_slide = function()

this.menuobj.style.clip = 'rect(auto, auto, auto, auto)';

if (vBmenu.open_fade && is_ie)
this.menuobj.filters.item('DXImageTransform.Micros oft.alpha').opacity = 100;

* Fetch offset of an object
* @param object The object to be measured
* @return array The measured offsets left/top
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.fetch_offset = function(obj)
var left_offset = obj.offsetLeft;
var top_offset = obj.offsetTop;

while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null)
left_offset += obj.offsetLeft;
top_offset += obj.offsetTop;

return { 'left' : left_offset, 'top' : top_offset };

* Detect an overlap of an object and a menu
* @param object Object to be tested for overlap
* @param array Array of dimensions for menu object
* @return boolean True if overlap
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.overlaps = function(obj, m)
var s = new Array();
var pos = this.fetch_offset(obj);
s['L'] = pos['left'];
s['T'] = pos['top'];
s['R'] = s['L'] + obj.offsetWidth;
s['B'] = s['T'] + obj.offsetHeight;

if (s['L'] > m['R'] || s['R'] < m['L'] || s['T'] > m['B'] || s['B'] < m['T'])
return false;
return true;

* Handle IE overlapping <select> elements
* @param boolean Hide (true) or show (false) overlapping <select> elements
vB_Popup_Menu.prototype.handle_overlaps = function(dohide)
if (is_ie && !is_ie7)
var selects = fetch_tags(document, 'select');

if (dohide)
var menuarea = new Array(); menuarea = {
'L' : this.leftpx,
'R' : this.leftpx + this.menuobj.offsetWidth,
'T' : this.toppx,
'B' : this.toppx + this.menuobj.offsetHeight

for (var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++)
if (this.overlaps(selects[i], menuarea))
var hide = true;
var s = selects[i];
while (s = s.parentNode)
if (s.className == 'vbmenu_popup')
hide = false;

if (hide)
selects[i].style.visibility = 'hidden';
array_push(vBmenu.hidden_selects, i);
while (true)
var i = array_pop(vBmenu.hidden_selects);
if (typeof i == 'undefined' || i == null)
selects[i].style.visibility = 'visible';

// ################################################## ###########################
// Menu event handler functions

* Class containing menu popup event handlers
function vB_Popup_Events()

* Handles control object click events
vB_Popup_Events.prototype.controlobj_onclick = function(e)
if (typeof do_an_e == 'function')
if (vBmenu.activemenu == null || vBmenu.menus[vBmenu.activemenu].controlkey != this.id)

* Handles control object mouseover events
vB_Popup_Events.prototype.controlobj_onmouseover = function(e)
if (typeof do_an_e == 'function')

* Handles menu option click events for options with onclick events
vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onclick_funct ion = function(e)

* Handles menu option click events for options containing links
vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onclick_link = function(e)
e = e ? e : window.event;

if (e.shiftKey || (this.target != null && this.target != '' && this.target.toLowerCase() != '_self'))
if (this.target != null && this.target.charAt(0) != '_')
window.open(this.href, this.target);
window.location = this.href;

// Safari has "issues" with resetting what was clicked on, super minor and I dont care
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();

return false;

* Handles menu option mouseover events
vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onmouseover = function(e)
this.className = 'vbmenu_hilite' + (this.islink ? ' vbmenu_hilite_alink' : '');
this.style.cursor = pointer_cursor;

* Handles menu option mouseout events
vB_Popup_Events.prototype.menuoption_onmouseout = function(e)
this.className = 'vbmenu_option' + (this.islink ? ' vbmenu_option_alink' : '');
this.style.cursor = 'default';

/*================================================= =====================*\
|| ################################################## ##################
|| # Downloaded: 12:51, Wed Jun 27th 2007
|| # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 16855 $
|| ################################################## ##################
\*================================================ ======================*/
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