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View Full Version : My services

01-07-2007, 07:57 AM
Who am I?
My name is Rob, I am 13, love karate, love planes, love girls, and love games! I have a lot of time on the computer mostly.

Why pick me?
Well, it might be a hard decision, seeing as a lot of people would work for the same thing, But I can assure you, that no one here has more experience at hard leveling than me. I raised to their level such accounts like Chaosst0rm, that was one of my best. Also note, I am here to stay, I DO NOT take pride in scamming people, my service will be on going and this forum is how I will advertise it. I have a lot of free time, I work for YOU until I get the job done!

My services
I can train you up to ANY level you wish, just be warned it does take time, but I will accomplish it, whether it be 99 fishing, or 99 melee stats, I will do it.

What I ask for
I ask in return, you pay me back, we will do this trade when I am half way through the stats you wish me to get ( you pay half then and half when done ) Please do not be offended when I am skeptical about who I am leveling, I will ask other members on how you are like, they would know better than me. I ask you PREPARE for what you want done. Such as if you want me to mine, have me pickaxes ready, if you want me to train ATK STR DEF RNG MGE than have all the equiptment ready.

Why trust me?
Because along the way to the stats you wish for, I will be talking to you mostly constantly, on msn or forums, I want you to KNOW I'm working for YOU. Also, because I want habbo or runescape money/furni in return, I will work for that. Be assured, I will work on your account until what YOU want is done. Also, I take pride in what I do, I like to accomplish things.

Please post here for my services and I will message you my MSN adress so we can talk into this, I do ask for you to have UBER cool whips dragon on your account, for all I care it could be a level 3 with bronze, make sure you HAVE something I can WORK with. Keep in mind I am here to stay. Thanks.

Rob, Habbo name: Rasta-Levi

NOTE: I do not scam, I wish to be able to be one of the most sought of trainers in HabboxCommunity. Also be on the trusted list. Don't give me this is a scam because he has 1 post, regardless, don't want me to train you up... DO NOT POST! IF YOU THINK I SCAM, FAIR ENOUGH. DON'T POST. If you think I'm here solely to scam you. How about I show you my account called Chaosst0rm ok?

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