View Full Version : "Blonde Jokes"

08-05-2005, 09:14 PM
Ok, I seriously don't see the point in these, why do sad people laugh about other people because of their hair colour?
Joke about them, say they are thick.. I mean really, there probably isn't even any evidence showing that the colour
of your hair can change how many brain cells you have. :s I just want to know why, why are people so prejudiced?
They have no idea, and they may call others thick but in the end, they will end up to be the 'thick' ones :rolleyes:
Sometimes, you see a brunette one day, the next, she has blonde hair; she dyed it, why? Her roots will just come
out brown :s (And yes I'm blonde - but I'm not thick, I do good in school I try hard.. so don't even go there)

Some random facts :
I am a trivia buff, and love collecting tons of useful/less factoids. Give me a subject, and nine times out of ten, I’ll have some trivia on it. Did you know that there are loads of really weird hair facts? By far the yuckiest fact about hair is that our old pal, the wood roach, will happily eat all the hair he/she can find. Evidently, besides tasting yummy, it builds up the keratin in their shells. By the way, they also like a side of fingernail clippings as well…

And from our friends on the Hair Haare site (HAIR-:The Daily Fascination), these notable facts:

· Average number of hairs on the head: 100,000

· Red hair: 90,000

· Black hair: 110,000

· Blond hair: 140,000

· Maximum length of hair: 70 to 90 cm

· Annual growth: 12 cm

· Female hair grows more slowly than male hair (wouldn’t you just know it)

· Male hair is more dense than female hair (ditto)

· Lifespan of hair: 2 to 7 years

· Diameter of hair: 0.1 mm

· Load-carrying capacity: 100 grams (= one chocolate bar)

· Humidity stretches the hair

· Combing is less detrimental than brushing

· Correct shampooing will not dry out the hair

· Frequent washing does not increase loss of hair

· Hair grows faster in warm weather

· Elderly people have slower hair growth and diminished hair density

· Cutting hair does not influence its growth

· Spliced ends can not be repaired and need to be cut

· Wet hair should not be rubbed since hair is very sensitive

Natural Hair Colors
A person's genes determine the hair/skin/eye color since before his or her birth. The determinants for hair color are known as melanocytes. These cells form the natural hair colors, or pigments and distinguish between black, brown, and red. Depending on the percentage of each pigment, the person has blonde, brown, red or black hair. As the melanocytes decay during a lifetime, the hair becomes a dull gray and later on it turns into a whitish color.

The Human Hair
Hair covers the whole body, with the exception of soles of feet, palms of hands, mucous membranes, and lips.

The lifespan of a human hair is 3 to 7 years in the average.

For good hair health, try wholemeal products, eggs, liver, kidneys, vitamin D, herrings, salmon, carrots, green vegetables, and vitamin C.

Pigments give the hair its color. When we age, hair receives fewer pigments and turns gray or white.

And how about this?

Circus artists often display a spectacular trick: "hanging on a plait." A female artist is held up with her hair. High up in the circus tent, she swings upon her whole weight, often with another person or all sorts of circus paraphernalia, all hanging by her hair. Ouch….

Amazing facts from the Amazing Hair Facts site:

· Hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body, second only to bone marrow.

· 35 meters of hair fibre is produced every day on the average adult scalp.

· The average scalp has 100,000 hairs. Redheads have the least at 80,000; brown and black haired persons have about 100,000; and blondes have the most at 120,000.

· 90% of scalp hairs are growing and 10% are resting.

· It is normal to lose 100 hairs per day from the scalp.

· You must lose over 50% of your scalp hairs before it is apparent to anyone.

· Many drugs can cause hair loss.

· Thyroid imbalance and iron deficiency are reversible causes for hair loss.

· Over 50% of men by age 50 have male pattern hair loss.

· Forty percent of women by the time they reach menopause will have female pattern (hereditary) hair loss.

And all those are just a sampling of the many weird and wonderful hair facts out there. Be the first on your block to amaze (or bore) your family and friends!

08-05-2005, 09:19 PM
Mmm same here, I'm blonde, though I am in a way a blonde sort of dumb but I am clever at the same time. My mates always say to me 'it's cause your blonde' etc. lol

08-05-2005, 09:21 PM
Theres a good come back to blonde jokes blonde girls should remember.

'Why are blonde jokes so short?' So men can remember them

08-05-2005, 09:21 PM
Mmm same here, I'm blonde, though I am in a way a blonde sort of dumb but I am clever at the same time. My mates always say to me 'it's cause your blonde' etc. lol

Sometimes I have no common sense, but that's not cause I'm blonde

And why do they say that? Aint they meant to be your friends? Some
of you probably think "Oh she needs to grow up and have a laugh" but
why? Why do you pick on others like this? Someone has to say something,
look at Martin Luther King.. I don't like prejudiced people

And Gom, now that's sexist

08-05-2005, 09:24 PM
I completely aggree, im brunette but it still does my head in when people go 'Its because your blonde' or you 'blonde Bimbo' its like erm, get a life you jerk, because they have no evidence showing that they are dumb because of there hair colour? Its so annoying and the phrase's should stop being used. -.-" :eusa_doh:

08-05-2005, 09:24 PM
I am dumb, but as you say.. it's not cause I'm blonde, I just seem dumb sometimes. I get why people say blonde jokes.. you know, I understand what they mean by them, but why not brunettes or redheads? Why blondes?

08-05-2005, 09:27 PM
Exactly? Who ever made up the phrases must be a right idiot. lol

08-05-2005, 09:29 PM
No.. but, it's just.. I know I can't exactly stop people from making up these sad things to fill an hour of their time, but.. why? Why do people be so judgemental? It's not every blonde who is dumb, nor black headed, brunette.. whatever.. I just disagree with everything they say, as they have no evidence, and until that evidence is presented I shall not laugh because they aint even funny :s Notice none of the people who think they are funny aren't replying with their "come backs" because they are so thick, eh? ;)

10-05-2005, 06:09 AM
Not Being Sexist , Or Trying Not To,

Proven That Girls With Blonde Hair Are The More Stupid Than The Rest :D

10-05-2005, 12:25 PM
Not Being Sexist , Or Trying Not To,

Proven That Girls With Blonde Hair Are The More Stupid Than The Rest :D

How is it proven? Where is the proof of this? On some trustworthy offical site? no? Well then, shut up.. and why do you do a space and then a comma? And type with capitals where they aren't needed? It's pretty pathetic and wasteful.. god!

the wombats
10-05-2005, 01:00 PM
no its not, me not blonde me no good in school im a failure for half my lessons :D although its off subject

10-05-2005, 03:03 PM
no its not, me not blonde me no good in school im a failure for half my lessons :D although its off subject

No what is not? And I'm sure your not a failure unless your the type who sits and chats in class, and gets in to bother? Why can't there be peace once in a while?

10-05-2005, 03:17 PM
Oh I dont mind. I just laugh because I dont want to upset anybody. Yes Im blonde and I have an ambishion and I think maybe blondes are a bit unintelligent maybe from a type of dye in the hair? I cant remember its name but It probably has very little affect. Im not sure but lets all lighten up people! :0)

10-05-2005, 03:24 PM
Oh I dont mind. I just laugh because I dont want to upset anybody. Yes Im blonde and I have an ambishion and I think maybe blondes are a bit unintelligent maybe from a type of dye in the hair? I cant remember its name but It probably has very little affect. Im not sure but lets all lighten up people! :0)

Well everyone is different, has their own feelings.. so laugh if you want.. I don't want to 'lighten up'

10-05-2005, 03:30 PM
I am a brunette and I have blonde highlights every now and then in most of my hair.
So most of the time I am blonde, but im no way dumb, im probably the most smartest person in my class, honest. I find those jokes stupid, there is no proof that blondes are actually dumb, I know alot of blondes that are clever so whoever made up the blonde jokes are plain idiots.

10-05-2005, 03:33 PM
I am a brunette and I have blonde highlights every now and then in most of my hair.
So most of the time I am blonde, but im no way dumb, im probably the most smartest person in my class, honest. I find those jokes stupid, there is no proof that blondes are actually dumb, I know alot of blondes that are clever so whoever made up the blonde jokes are plain idiots.

Thank you, you understand- you agree, I wouldn't say I was clever, but I'm not thick, I try hard.. and yeah, whoever made them up are just so.. mislead :rolleyes:

10-05-2005, 04:40 PM
How is it proven? Where is the proof of this? On some trustworthy offical site? no? Well then, shut up.. and why do you do a space and then a comma? And type with capitals where they aren't needed? It's pretty pathetic and wasteful.. god!
I Just Do What I Wanna Do

10-05-2005, 04:41 PM
I Just Do What I Wanna Do
That's fine.. I was just wondering, but do you have an actual reason? :s
Not just because you 'want to'

the wombats
10-05-2005, 04:47 PM
No what is not? And I'm sure your not a failure unless your the type who sits and chats in class, and gets in to bother? Why can't there be peace once in a while?
nope i sit there doing no work :D

10-05-2005, 04:50 PM
nope i sit there doing no work :D

Oh.. why? You only really get one chance to do well at school.. and unless you have a brain like my dad (Remembering everything at school) then if I were you I'd actually listen to the teacher and work.. but w/e your life.. :eusa_whis

10-05-2005, 04:52 PM
Well, I was born blonde but it now changed kinda light brown reddish blonde...it does upset me sometimes...

I think it just originates from the dyed blondes. A lot of thick girls are attracted to having dyed blonde hair for some reason...not that there aren't very intelligent dyed blondes too =)

10-05-2005, 04:54 PM
Ang, Why make Jokes Abotu It, Your blonde :s

10-05-2005, 04:55 PM
Well, I was born blonde but it now changed kinda light brown reddish blonde...it does upset me sometimes...

I think it just originates from the dyed blondes. A lot of thick girls are attracted to having dyed blonde hair for some reason...not that there aren't very intelligent dyed blondes too =)

My hair was ginger when I was little.. but it went blonde, no idea why.. :s

and yeah, no offence.. but i do sort of think people who dye their hair blonde and are thick.. are.. well the thick ones..

Wth Scot? I wasn't making jokes, why on earth would I!

10-05-2005, 04:55 PM
Nice thread Ang, sehr interessant!

Now having thought about it, it is all pathetic presumtions of how intelligent people are over their hair colour. I mean, where did it even start from and why was it blondes. Okay, yes some blondes I know are fairly "air headish" but so can any one, it's just to do with their general intelligence not hair colour.

:P And I also think it's silly when someone does do something stupid and they are like "It's because I'm blonde", it's like "Wel spotted that you're blonde love, but what on earth has that got to do with anything?"

I myself (brunette) am slightly slow and not always with it but I don't go blaming my haircolour for that. xD Ah well, everyone has their stupid days.

Prejudice indeed.

10-05-2005, 04:56 PM
Nice thread Ang, sehr interessant!
Now having thought about it, it is all pathetic presumtions of how intelligent people are over their hair colour. I mean, where did it even start from and why was it blondes. Okay, yes some blondes I know are fairly "air headish" but so can any one, it's just to do with their general intelligence not hair colour.
:P And I also think it's silly when someone does do something stupid and they are like "It's because I'm blonde", it's like "Wel spotted that you're blonde love, but what on earth has that got to do with anything?"

Ashimeeeeeee! Well said, couldn't agree more :p

the wombats
10-05-2005, 04:59 PM
here is a joke not about blondes, i dont think this joke is funny

Ironic Celebrity Deaths

Ellen DeGeneres - Suffocates in the closet
Susan Lucci - Trips and breaks her neck while running up steps to accept an Emmy
Jenny McCarthy - Struck by a random thought
Frank Sinatra - Killed by Stranglers in the Night
RuPaul - Prostate cancer
O.J. Simpson - Murdered by the "real killer" in an apparent suicide
Madonna - Exposure
Unabomber - Mail bomb returned due to "insufficient postage"
Al Gore - Dutch Elm Disease
Bill Gates - Falls out of a Window

10-05-2005, 05:00 PM
Lol I sort of edited my post when you quoted. :')
*Whistles* I have to agree with you as well, Talking With Capitals bugs me. :P You're threads are always good to read, all very well said. People should be giving their opinion's more.

10-05-2005, 05:00 PM
My hair was ginger when I was little.. but it went blonde, no idea why.. :s

Hair colour is so weird... when I was born I had jet black hair, then it was really light blonde, and then it got darker and darker...

10-05-2005, 05:02 PM
Lol I sort of edited my post when you quoted. :')
*Whistles* I have to agree with you as well, Talking With Capitals bugs me. :P You're threads are always good to read, all very well said. People should be giving their opinion's more.
:) Yeah I saw lmao xD

Thanks ^_^ -Cuddles-

Hair colour is so weird... when I was born I had jet black hair, then it was really light blonde, and then it got darker and darker...

:o Weird, I wonder what makes it change.. -Searches on google- :p

10-05-2005, 05:03 PM
Wow, I would love to have natural jet black hair. :P
Mine has always been brown, and it just goes darker to lighter as summer comes and goes.

Heh Ang, you don't need to say thanks, 'tis all truthful stoof! *hurrg* =]

10-05-2005, 05:04 PM
Mine is dark in the winter and light in the summer =D I found this on google :p

What chemical causes the change of the colour of our hair?

Causes of hair color changes?
Although there are a few chemicals which can contribute to causing hair to change color it is ussually unbalance water which is the primary source.
The color can help us indicate what type of metal it is from. Example: Geen hair is ussually caused by copper being disolved in the water. It precipitates out and stains the hair when we shower using a shampoo that is high in pH.
Your water should be tested for the folowing items:
pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, total dissolved solids, copper & iron.
What color is the stained hair?
To rid the stain from the hair find a shampoo that is known to be swimmers shampoo or one that is low in pH. Use often and it will disolve the metals bak into the water and rinse away down the drain. Use moisterizer to keep the hair soft and moist as you will probably wash the hair several times a day which will have a tendency to dry the hair.

Ok I didn't read that over and it's a load of poo!

10-05-2005, 05:05 PM
I Dont Care Just Saying your Blonde :p

10-05-2005, 05:08 PM
Haha that google thing was just completely random, green hair?! That's a new one. :P I used to get greenish hair from swimming to much when I was younger, but let's not go there lol. Yeah, dark in winter light in summer which is pretty understandable with the sun.

10-05-2005, 05:11 PM
Haha that google thing was just completely random, green hair?! That's a new one. :P I used to get greenish hair from swimming to much when I was younger, but let's not go there lol. Yeah, dark in winter light in summer which is pretty understandable with the sun.

Lol heehehe! I'm searching for more, so bare with me :p

Ok I just found this : http://www.innerscience.com/comingofage.html Check if you want to xD

10-05-2005, 05:12 PM
Do You Sit Bored ll The time looking For rubbish? :o

10-05-2005, 05:15 PM
Do You Sit Bored ll The time looking For rubbish? :o
No I revise for exams or do homework if I have any

10-05-2005, 05:16 PM
Rubbish? Knowledge? I think not. I can just as easily say you are wasting time posting foolish things.

10-05-2005, 06:10 PM
Hmmmm im a blackhead xD but I think blonde jokes are a stupid really

11-05-2005, 12:19 PM
Hmmmm im a blackhead xD but I think blonde jokes are a stupid really
Woo, someone who sees sense :eusa_droo

11-05-2005, 12:58 PM
Not Being Sexist , Or Trying Not To,

Proven That Girls With Blonde Hair Are The More Stupid Than The Rest :D

Im blonde and its 'Stupider' Not 'The more stupid' ;]
Yeh i get called bimbo alot and i guess i am very gullable and do say stupid things. But i just say what everyone else in thinking most of the time ;]
It doesnt really hurt or do my head in when people make blonde jokes bout me or call me bimbo as its just a bit of heartless fun! Id rather be blonde then a brunette anyday! Blondes definatley have more fun!
It aint my hair colour that makes me though, you see some blondes who yes arnt to bright but u see some who are like genius. As far as im concernd i dont care what people say, im me! Not to bright but not to dull. I get on in life with a smile and nobodys going to change that with a few silly words about my hair colour! Lol. O ye and how come most blonde jokes are aimed at blonde girls? What about blonde guys!

11-05-2005, 01:06 PM
How do blondes "have more fun"?

11-05-2005, 01:09 PM
Lol, Meeh. maybe we dont. I no i have alot of fun! Its just a comeback to blonde jokes really!

11-05-2005, 03:37 PM
Hhm.. -ponders- Maybe they're just jealous ;)

11-05-2005, 03:58 PM
... I Saw This In MSN altaver By this Girl...

Sure Guys Like Blondes
But They Love Brunettes


11-05-2005, 04:19 PM
... I Saw This In MSN altaver By this Girl...

Sure Guys Like Blondes
But They Love Brunettes


That's nice for them :)

11-05-2005, 04:27 PM
I have shown my friend this thred and she says that this is a sad post. What are you gonna do insted of post this? It wont acheive anything. Get over it. Unless its a serious problem just be your normal self.

11-05-2005, 04:29 PM
I have shown my friend this thred and she says that this is a sad post. What are you gonna do insted of post this? It wont acheive anything. Get over it. Unless its a serious problem just be your normal self.

It's sad? What does she expect me to do? Just let them say all these jokes, not knowing why they say them? She's the sad one, I ask questions, for answers.. duh! And no I wont just 'Get over it' God..!

11-05-2005, 04:31 PM
Ok you can go on moaning but you wont do anything about it will you? Im going to leave this thread since it show you havent got much to think about this topic. Blondes are not stupid. Theres your answer now get over it. They say it to have a bit of fun. OK?

11-05-2005, 04:33 PM
Ok you can go on moaning but you wont do anything about it will you? Im going to leave this thread since it show you havent got much to think about this topic. Blondes are not stupid. Theres your answer now get over it. They say it to have a bit of fun. OK?

I'm not 'moaning', don't you understand? I'm wondering, everyone wonders! And yes I do have a lot to talk about, read back a few pages.. you'll see!

And I know 'some' blondes aren't stupid, nor blackheads, brunettes or red heads!

11-05-2005, 04:36 PM
My mums a nurse shes got a book and its says Hair is a dead skin cell growing so it cant have a lifespan :)

11-05-2005, 04:37 PM
My mums a nurse shes got a book and its says Hair is a dead skin cell growing so it cant have a lifespan :)

Ok..? What's that gotta do with me? lol

11-05-2005, 07:11 PM
It's ****es me off when some girls with blonde hair use it as an excuse for saying or doing something idiotic.. 'Oh sorry I'm blonde *que annoying giggle*'.. what?

11-05-2005, 07:16 PM
lol yer ano what u mean mimsi. some brunettes i no are sumtimes like "im sure im supposed to be blonde" or "im like a malteaser me, brown on the outside but blonde on the inside" In the point of this thread, yer it doesnt matter what colour hair colour u hav and it doesnt affect how brainy u are. but u gotta admit some of them blonde jokes are funny lol

11-05-2005, 07:24 PM
blond jokes are called jokes for a reason, the majorty of people dont actaly belive it. Its just a type of joke, where blonds have been used for the subject, rather than any partical offnce upon them. It makes just as much sence if you chnage the subject to anything else, as with most types of these jokes, if you fit the description of the subject of the joke, then u chnage the subject to the joke to somthing else. Or you could even just have a sence of humer, and insult your self there only jokes "/

If you think that the hair colour actaly does effect intlignce maybe you should be the subject of the jokes "/

11-05-2005, 07:40 PM
blond jokes are called jokes for a reason, the majorty of people dont actaly belive it. Its just a type of joke, where blonds have been used for the subject, rather than any partical offnce upon them. It makes just as much sence if you chnage the subject to anything else, as with most types of these jokes, if you fit the description of the subject of the joke, then u chnage the subject to the joke to somthing else. Or you could even just have a sence of humer, and insult your self there only jokes "/

If you think that the hair colour actaly does effect intlignce maybe you should be the subject of the jokes "/

Yes.. they are called jokes for a reason =/ But why blondes? Why anyone?

And why would I want to insult myself?
And the last thing you said..
well, people who tell the jokes obviously think the colour of your hair does affect the emount of brain cells you have.. so yeah, they're the real jokes!

the wombats
11-05-2005, 07:41 PM
know one red this, i know what it means, but its not funny and its supposed to be a joke

here is a joke not about blondes, i dont think this joke is funny

Ironic Celebrity Deaths

Ellen DeGeneres - Suffocates in the closet
Susan Lucci - Trips and breaks her neck while running up steps to accept an Emmy
Jenny McCarthy - Struck by a random thought
Frank Sinatra - Killed by Stranglers in the Night
RuPaul - Prostate cancer
O.J. Simpson - Murdered by the "real killer" in an apparent suicide
Madonna - Exposure
Unabomber - Mail bomb returned due to "insufficient postage"
Al Gore - Dutch Elm Disease
Bill Gates - Falls out of a Window

11-05-2005, 07:42 PM
people who tell the jokes obviously think the colour of your hair does affect the emount of brain cells you have.

It does. Our science teacher said.

11-05-2005, 07:43 PM
know one red this, i know what it means, but its not funny and its supposed to be a joke

Ooo.. err..?

It does. Our science teacher said.
They did, did they? Yes, well you tell them to present their "evidence" to the world, and then go on from there ;) Then I would believe you, as I don't now!

11-05-2005, 07:45 PM
Yes.. they are called jokes for a reason =/ But why blondes? Why anyone?

And why would I want to insult myself?
And the last thing you said..
well, people who tell the jokes obviously think the colour of your hair does affect the emount of brain cells you have.. so yeah, they're the real jokes!
not realy the quick one liners, just a joke, no more, there not taken seriosly "/

Theyd work just as well as burnett jokes, or blue eyed people jokes "/ is just a matter of changing the subject and usering them in retailtion, if there offened by the same thing being applayed to there own chanristic then they have no right to make the joke, if they dont cair then they do.

ps, when your trying to mount a deffence dont give the oposition bate "/ aka they said teacher, you refered to teachers... (this is a pointless edition)

11-05-2005, 07:47 PM
not realy the quick one liners, just a joke, no more, there not taken seriosly "/

Theyd work just as well as burnett jokes, or blue eyed people jokes "/ is just a matter of changing the subject and usering them in retailtion, if there offened by the same thing being applayed to there own chanristic then they have no right to make the joke, if they dont cair then they do.

Just a joke? A few words can hurt someones feelings, don't you understand?
Do you think it's nice to laugh about others and make them feel inferior to others? NO! It's not, so why do people make them up?? Tell me that!

11-05-2005, 07:49 PM
Just a joke? A few words can hurt someones feelings, don't you understand?
Do you think it's nice to laugh about others and make them feel inferior to others? NO! It's not, so why do people make them up?? Tell me that!
You don't have much of a sence of humer do you?

Make jokes about me if you realy think my statement is hyproctitical "/

11-05-2005, 07:51 PM
They did, did they? Yes, well you tell them to present their "evidence" to the world, and then go on from there Then I would believe you, as I don't now!
I'd like to point out now that our science teacher was a man for the following statement.
I can't find anything. :| Last time I ever listen to a science lesson.

Isn't this thread political correctness gone mad?! Next thing you'll be sueing all the people who make jokes under 'Discrimination'.

11-05-2005, 08:02 PM
omg they are only jokes and they ARE funny. i have NOTHING against blondes and i dont think it really bothers blondes about the jokes (well not the blondes i know). Ang they are not just directed at u! I dunno why people make them up or say blondes are dumb, coz I know alot of blondes who are brainier than other people with different hair colour. and its just common sense that hair colour doesnt affct your brain. but some blondes are dumb, just like anyone else. but ang if blonde jokes affect you, its obvious in some weird way you believe that blondes are dumber, i know your blonde though. but how can i explain this..like if u knew it wasnt true about blondes being dumber, then the jokes shouldnt be hurtful in any way, or bother or affect you.

11-05-2005, 09:58 PM
Lol, Well theres different ways u could look at this.
A) You are being judged on your appearence (something you cant help really as ul always have a natural colour) If this was about the colour of your skin people would be talking alot different.
B) Red heads also have things said about them. That they have a firey temper, Ginger um below hairs. Carrot top. Stuff like that, and they dont really complain.
C) It's a bit of harmless fun and alot of blondes dont mind and will play up to the dumb blonde stereotype to get guys attention.
D) Alot of guys are actually attracted to dumb blondes ;]
E) Some girls don't like how we blondes can get out of things with a simple. "Sorry im blonde"

12-05-2005, 12:03 PM
Wow ! Some Very Interesting Random Useless Facts :) i Liked it ,
I would add +rep , but im busy so remind me too ok =]
Lmao. Fascinating.

13-05-2005, 04:36 PM
Right.. ok, no need to have a huge outburst. I was mearly asking why people made up these jokes.. I'll just close the thread now, everyones had their say :) And I do have a sense of humor, I don't laugh at jokes making fun of other people though :rolleyes:

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