View Full Version : My brothers Lizard just bit me.

09-07-2007, 02:42 PM
It's a bearded dragon.
I was feeding it fruit from my hand and it bit me.
Dont know if it was on purpose or accident.
I was kinda putting food up to it's mouth because that's what you do and it bit me.

My index finger was bleeding, not sore though.
I was wondering if it was on purpose or accidental ?

09-07-2007, 03:40 PM
It's a bearded dragon.
I was feeding it fruit from my hand and it bit me.
Dont know if it was on purpose or accident.
I was kinda putting food up to it's mouth because that's what you do and it bit me.

My index finger was bleeding, not sore though.
I was wondering if it was on purpose or accidental ?

go and ask it:)

most probably accidental:)

the wombats
09-07-2007, 03:43 PM
probs an accident. my cousin has one and i don't think they bite. with the food being in your hard it's probs just caught you.

09-07-2007, 10:17 PM
It's a bearded dragon.
I was feeding it fruit from my hand and it bit me.
Dont know if it was on purpose or accident.
I was kinda putting food up to it's mouth because that's what you do and it bit me.

My index finger was bleeding, not sore though.
I was wondering if it was on purpose or accidental ?
I think only you will be able to answer your own question as you were the one who was there.

Anyway with the way you described it was proberbly an accident. It might have smelt the scent of food on your hand/fingers.

09-07-2007, 10:26 PM
It's a bearded dragon.
I was feeding it fruit from my hand and it bit me.
Dont know if it was on purpose or accident.
I was kinda putting food up to it's mouth because that's what you do and it bit me.

My index finger was bleeding, not sore though.
I was wondering if it was on purpose or accidental ?

I don't think we can really find out it's purpose or what it's intensions were lol.

My best advice is ask your brother, or who ever looks after, erm the thing, and see if it bites often. But i can't say any one can determin lizzards behaviour, as they will vary.

09-07-2007, 10:42 PM
Cut its tail off if it does it again...
Nah, lizzards can just be moody sometimes, but it could of been thinking your finger was food... My hamster done that to me a few times.
By the way... do lizzards need jabs or anything and if they do has it has them?

09-07-2007, 10:59 PM
You might have rabies :O

10-07-2007, 06:28 AM
It was probaly taking the food off your hand and caught you.
Accident i think, but my dad has a comelian lizard and that bites so who knows.

You might have rabies :O

^^ i doubt that ^^

10-07-2007, 10:53 AM
My freind has a lizard its coolll

10-07-2007, 10:58 AM
you can tell if they do it on purpose, they usually flare up around the neck and will follow your hand and stuff and look all AHH.

its accidental most likely..
my brother got bitten by our lizard hah but thats because its all crazyy and terrified.

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