View Full Version : Week 28 PS Blog Posted.

12-07-2007, 11:21 AM

I think 0rca is mod-flaxy and toadbex tbh

12-07-2007, 11:24 AM
Er... You think? :S Unless they both have a cat named ToadFlax... >_> Nice find.

12-07-2007, 11:34 AM
I established that ages ago, when she first put the pictures up because I put the link on the forum but it backs up my opinion now^_^

12-07-2007, 11:38 AM

14-07-2007, 02:06 PM
Lol 0rca's cat's blog is funny :P. What's up with Heidster? I thought there were free crdits going lol.

14-07-2007, 02:26 PM
lol 0rca is mod-flaxy and toadbex :P

14-07-2007, 03:10 PM
Kinda old though, most people knew.

15-07-2007, 01:19 PM
Hello, Good find. I was hoping some hint of something new coming to habbo, Unfortunately I guess not. I don't want to sound a bit pushy or nasty, but maybe next time when your fast on your find you could quote the whole text and put it on here so we can read it via without clicking the link.

Hey Habbos!


Check out the Colmster's blog this week RIGHT NOW! He's got great news that can help you buy loads of lovely credits if you aren't in good ol' Blighty!

Aaanyway, I wanted to talk to you guys about Moo Cards (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/moo). Have you seen them? They are so cute! Well if you have them greeat! If you haven't nip over and read all about them on our site.

We have a very blank wall in the Habbo offices, and I want you guys to help us make a wall of Moo Habbos! Send us one of your Moo cards, so you can be a part of our wall of Habbos! What we'll do then is randomly pick a Moo card from the wall, and that Habbo will win a Throne and a Personalised Trophy from the Player Support team member of their choice!

Send one of your Moo cards to:

Community Manager
Sulake UK Ltd
Suite 103
Business Design Centre
52 Upper Street
N1 0QH

You need to get your moo card to us before 1st August. We'll announce the winner the next Friday, and include a picture of all the cards we get!

Help us cover our wall!

See you all next week!

"Colmster"'s Lovely Credits News!

Hello Habbos!

I hope all is well with you. The weather hasn't improved since my last blog, despite it being even further into July. It's quite depressing that, but I guess we'll just have to make the most of it!

So, what's been happening in Player Support this week? Well, actually, we've been making some changes. For some people this will be good news. First of all, there have been some changes made to some of our payment methods. If you pay by Clickandbuy (http://www.habbo.co.uk/credits/buy_credits/online.html), then you need to know the following


a) must have a Credit Card registered to your Clickandbuy account. You can no longer pay with Clickandbuy if you have a debit card or BT phone bill registered to your Clickandbuy account.

b) Only Clickandbuy accounts registered in the UK can buy credits on Habbo UK. Customers with Clickandbuy accounts based in any other country will no longer be able to buy Habbo UK credits.

This shouldn't impact most of you, but it's important information for anyone who uses Clickandbuy to purchase credits. On the other hand, we have some fantastically splendifourus good news for people who don't like in the UK. For a long time you've been asking us to make more ways of buying credits available to you. Well now, if you live in any of the countries listed here (http://www.habbo.co.uk/credits/buy_credits/credit_card.html), you can now buy credits by credit card. Great news for Habbos from Spain to Sweden and Austria to Australia! If your country isn't listed yet, check back soon we we're working on adding more.

So that's been keeping me busy for the last while. Who knows what I'll be plotting next!

See you soon!

Toadflax's Week of a Cat!

This week my mum decided that I could write her blog for her as she is a little busy. We've decided to let me do one a month if Habbos like it. Anyway has she mentioned to you that bunny she has? Hmmm I am not too keen on it I have to admit. When I first met it, I sniffed it and walked off, then we were both out playing in the garden and it came a little too close to me so I took a swipe at him, hahaha he won’t come near me again! Well that is what I thought, until he started chasing me around the garden, I hid and he cornered me, unable to escape. Mum rescued me in the end and put him in his run.

Sometimes I sit up in my window and watch her cuddling him. I feel a bit jealous actually, so I cry and cry and cry until she comes back in. Then I make sure she gets fuss from me. It’s been quite good recently though, because the bunny is getting really mad at my mum. He won’t let her pick him up and he launches at her ready to attack. She comes in the house with scratches all over her hand. I advised my mum to call the vet, hoping he would suggest taking him away, but it actually turned out better, because the vet told her that he needs to be neutered. HAHAHA that’s so funny, because it really hurts! So I wonder if he has to be starved. I remember when I was neutered and I wasn’t allowed to eat before I went to the hospital. ROFL he is going to be so hungry. I am going to make sure he is aware that I told mum to get it done. He needs to know who the boss is in this family.

I find it quite humorous though, because it’s been raining loads lately, here I am all cuddled up with mum and dad, having cuddles and being kept warm and he is out there in the cold. He has so been put in his place. One day I might try and get on with him, once he knows his place, but until then, I would like to keep my distance.

Mum told me to choose her competition winner this week. The competition was to tell her which animal you most associate yourself with, I chose this one from Gleeda - ‘The animal I would associate myself with is a flamingo. I think Flamingos are really cool animals and they seem sophisticated and stylish as they pose on one leg in the tranquil background. My Habbo wears a pink cardigan and I'd like to think I'm stylish like a flamingo. At times I can be quiet and calm but I can be loud and fun at other times just like a flamingo when they wave their feathers around. I'm also like a flamingo in the fact that I'm lucky and have a lot of Habbo friends! Flamingos hang around in big groups and whenever I go to a room, whether it be the Welcome Lounge or Snow Storm, all my friends are normally there and we hang around in big groups too! We're all flamingos lol! :) This is an image my friend Zoomerson made of myself and a flamingo.


Well done Gleeda, it was my favourite. That is all from me for this month. Let my mum know if you liked my blog and you may see me again next month. Have a good week everyone.

Love, Toadflax

“Keep it secret, Keep it safe!”

Akela!'s Week

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album2108/akela_wave.gif The sun is shining! Finally the rain is letting off a little; let’s hope it stays that way for a month or two!

I wonder if any of you watched the entire Live Earth concerts. I cheated a bit and recorded the lot of them then skipped through watching the best bits. I was a little disappointed in how much got left out. Particularly Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” I had been waiting for ages to hear that song and then they cut away! Fiddle Dee Dee! Mind you, the film they showed in the background to “Nothing Else Matters” was very good I thought.

It is good so many big stars were backing the campaign to be green and stop Global warming. I hope you all switch your PCs off and don’t leave them on stand by. We are very green here in the Wolf Den; we have boxes for recycling and don’t use supermarket carrier bags. Every little helps, we all need to do our bit!

Today in Player Support I have been dealing with the Bugs Folder. Now I know that you may have a problem with some Habbos that have scammed you and they may indeed be BUGGING you but those issues shouldn’t be sent to Bugs! The bugs that we deal with in that folder are technical issues, strange things that may go on, in your room for example, like a glitched square! The best thing to do is Call for Help (http://www.habbo.co.uk/help/faqs?faq_1_categoryId=5) if someone is bugging you!

Some of you are using the Help Tool like the Call for Help. Please don’t because we can’t give you the immediate help you need. Always click on the blue question mark and ask the on duty Moderator to help you. They will take a look at the logs from your call and do all they can to sort out what is going on. If they feel that you need to speak to us they will reply letting you know. I say this because some of you are sending mail to the Abuse folder which should have been sent to the Mod on duty! Oh and while I’m preaching we don’t deal with lost passwords as a Technical Problem either! Just take a little care when you use the help tool, so that the mail gets sent to where it should be, in the long run it will be faster for you as we won’t have to do so much shifting around our end! I hope to be doing another caption competition next week, so watch this space! In the mean time as always:

Have fun, stay safe!

Disarno tames his pc

Hello Readers!
It's been a touch few weeks, I would like to apologise for my blog being missing last week but it wasn't my fault honestly! For one minute my pc worked fine then another it didn't work at all, I am really not sure why. It took me several days to try and sort it, but shortly after speaking to the very talented Johno I managed to get it working really quickly once again and it was such a simple thing that needed doing as well! I felt really stupid after as I have built 4 of my own machines before and this is the only time I have ever really had problems. However it was another lesson learnt and one I will remember in the future! Helkat (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Helkat) has asked me to make it clear that in no way were my computer issues caused by her or tea, or a combination of the two.

A couple of weeks ago when I mentioned I was going to Alton towers, what a great day out it was too! We went on all the big rides, nemises, air, corkscrew, one of them I wouldn't go on was Oblivion, that was just too scary for me! :P My friend who was with me at the time went on it 3 times :O. Sadly we didn't get to go on Rita, the queues were too long and we didn't have a fast track ticket for Rita.

This week I have been so busy catching up on all the things I missed last week and taking time out to see Die Hard 4.0, if you haven't already seen it I strongly recommend it as it's a fantastic film with a lot of great action scenes!

Recently in a few Fansite (http://www.habbo.co.uk/community/fansites) interviews I have been asked the interesting question of what do I look for when I am picking the weekly Ideal Habbo Homes (http://www.habbo.co.uk/hotel/homes/ideal.html) winners. I thought I'd take time to discuss it in this week's blog. The main things I look for in good Habbo Homes, is great use of space, colours chosen, unique designs and arrangement of stickers! I hope this will help you in being able to accomplish a great winning design! Remember if you think your Habbo Home has what it takes you win, then simply sign my Guestbook (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Disarno)!

I am sure you guys have noticed the cool new changes added in the recent updates we have had, one of my favourites has to be the new Snowstorm arenas and the Habbo Export feature! Habbo Export allows you to show off your Habbo Avatar on your own website, or any other profile site that you use. It's really simple to use as well and doesn't require any hard work, a simple copy and paste of some code into your page and it's done! It's so simple I've decided to show you how easy it can be and how great they look:

Disarno (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Disarno?partner=export)
Laughing is good for the Heart!

Disarno has a Home in Habbo (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Disarno?partner=export)

Have you heard about the shocking revelation of Kistune (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/japan/truth_revealed)? No? Well let me tell you, she has been found out! That's right it turns out she wasn't here to help at all and managed to escape her eternity of boredom that she had spent in the Japanese Drawer. She led Lost_Witness (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Lost_Witness) and Helkat (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Helkat) into believing she was here for the good of Habbo and to help solve the mysteries. It's not like them to be lead into believing something that isn't true as Helkat's tea secret is like brain juice I tell you! It appears there is only one way to send her back and that is too overwhelm her with entertainment! She is not used to being exposed to large amounts of entertainment, after spending all those years in hiding. How can you accomplish this I hear you say? Well we need YOU to create your very own quest to deluge the Hotel in an entertainment. I am going to share some tips with you for if your new to building mazes/quests:

1. Decide whether it might be best to start staking from the top downwards or whether it would be best to start from the bottom.
2. Remember when stacking on rollers you need to have the amount of rollers on the floor in the room to match how many levels you wish to stack on.
3. Plants and other small items can be good for covering your quest track.
4. Z shelves and Mode bars are excellent for using to stack in different level heights.
5. Test your quest/maze room once you have completed it to make sure Habbos can get through without any problems.
6. Finally, If your having problems, there are a lot of Fansites (http://www.habbo.co.uk/community/fansites) which offer excellent guides to stacking.

COMPETITION CORNER: ALTON TOWERS ALT COMP.http://images.habbohotel.no/c_images/album104/trophy_17.gif

In week 26's blog I set you the challenge of creating an image alt for me at Alton Towers, well we now have a winner! Congratulations to cjames (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/cjames) who entered with the following image:

That's it from me this week folks - remember never fear the Habbo Help Tool (http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/iot/go?lang=en&country=uk) is near!

15-07-2007, 01:23 PM
Hello, Good find. I was hoping some hint of something new coming to habbo, Unfortunately I guess not. I don't want to sound a bit pushy or nasty, but maybe next time when your fast on your find you could quote the whole text and put it on here so we can read it via without clicking the link.

Are you seriously trying to wind people up?

15-07-2007, 01:26 PM
I do not understand what you mean, I'm sorry.

Are you seriously trying to wind people up?

15-07-2007, 01:39 PM
I do not understand what you mean, I'm sorry.

Off Topic: Well, you're trying to sound like you run the place.

On Topic: Good find btw :]

15-07-2007, 01:46 PM
Lol, Made me laugh, that would be fantastic to run this place, it is a big shame I do not, Sierk is a very lucky to boy, +Rep when I have some rep power if I ever do for giving a funny answer and your opinion on the fact you dont give a ****

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