View Full Version : RAAA. :l

14-07-2007, 11:44 AM
help pls?

My best friend has fallen out with me because;
Her boyfriend called me a ***** & various other stuff, so i called him a druggie, because basically he is.
She now is ignoring me, saying that everyone hates me, and trying to turn everyone against me.


14-07-2007, 11:54 AM
Just apologise, say to her that you was angry because of the names he was calling you, and just say to her you didn't mean what you said.

14-07-2007, 11:55 AM
Dont appolagise... You dont have anything to apolagise about, he called you names so you called him names, 2 wrongs dont make a right but so what...
Its good you didnt take crap from him :)

14-07-2007, 01:44 PM
tell your mate what happened.

14-07-2007, 01:50 PM
Don't bloody apologise! Ignore any idiot that has said to.

Be real with your best mate. Tell her that you think it's unfair that he's calling you names and that as a best mate she should be telling him not to and sticking up for you. Then say you called him a druggie 'cos he was calling you names in the first place.

If she can't deal with that or doesn't try doing something then she's a crap best mate.

14-07-2007, 04:38 PM
Don't bloody apologise! Ignore any idiot that has said to.

Be real with your best mate. Tell her that you think it's unfair that he's calling you names and that as a best mate she should be telling him not to and sticking up for you. Then say you called him a druggie 'cos he was calling you names in the first place.

If she can't deal with that or doesn't try doing something then she's a crap best mate.

I've said sorry.

She's being rly over about it and basically saying that i've been doing aloada stuff i haven't been. & i've told her that he called me names.

14-07-2007, 04:44 PM
Tell your friend what he really is like, try to make her realize or catch him in thr act. Sonething that will make her belive you.

14-07-2007, 04:49 PM
Tell your friend what he really is like, try to make her realize or catch him in thr act. Sonething that will make her belive you.

Whilst i was at a party, that she couldn't go to where he was, he rang her whilst on cocaine, & told her.

She knows what he's like, and she knows how he treats me, and idk what to do anymore.

14-07-2007, 08:47 PM
Amber I think its really hard to describe the situation to these guys babe :P

Basically everybody, Luke is an absolute ****. (thats her best friends boyfriend)

Jess (her best friend) thinks that she has the perfect relationship and everything, and criticises our relationship etc.

I personally think that Luke has turned Jess against amber, as he used to have ago at her for spending time with her.

After having a conversation with her myself last night, she doesn't seem remorseful whatsoever, and just seems to be blaming Amber for everything.

I've always disliked her for these reasons.
Amber deserves a better best friend in my opinion, but saying that people say you can choose your friends, but you cant really, so anybody who can help can have +rep from me, cause ambers rep power is crap.

Love you Amber :)

14-07-2007, 08:51 PM
Luke is going to college, right? If that's the case - him and Jess will begin to drift apart, although I dare say she will say they will remain inseparable. Give it time, and she'll come crawling back to you.

14-07-2007, 08:53 PM
Luke is going to college, right? If that's the case - him and Jess will begin to drift apart, although I dare say she will say they will remain inseparable. Give it time, and she'll come crawling back to you.

yeah but the stupid cow doesn't deserve someone to crawl back to imo.

14-07-2007, 08:53 PM
yeah but the stupid cow doesn't deserve someone to crawl back to imo.

Not your choice to make ;). Although in some ways I agree.

14-07-2007, 08:58 PM
Not your choice to make ;). Although in some ways I agree.

I've been with amber three and a half months.
The amount of times I've had her turn around to me, upset because Luke has called her something, and Jess has laughed, Jess has chosen luke over her again, or something like that is ridiculous.

This wasnt when I was with Amber, but she's told me about it;
Once Amber walked for half an hour to go and see Jess, she knew she was coming, she got to Jess', knocked on the door, "Is Jess in?" "No she's gone out with Luke".

Sorry; Amber is a bloody good person, she deserves better than that.

14-07-2007, 08:59 PM
I've been with amber three and a half months.
The amount of times I've had her turn around to me, upset because Luke has called her something, and Jess has laughed, Jess has chosen luke over her again, or something like that is ridiculous.

This wasnt when I was with Amber, but she's told me about it;
Once Amber walked for half an hour to go and see Jess, she knew she was coming, she got to Jess', knocked on the door, "Is Jess in?" "No she's gone out with Luke".

Sorry; Amber is a bloody good person, she deserves better than that.

I didn't say that. You always miss the point! I didn't say you were wrong, I said it wasn't your choice to make.

14-07-2007, 09:07 PM
I didn't say that. You always miss the point! I didn't say you were wrong, I said it wasn't your choice to make.

I know xo
I was just explaining da situation more to everybody so it didn't seem like a private discussion.

15-07-2007, 11:44 AM
Though this isn't advice for Amber, I know that if my girlfriend or if I had a younger sister and stuff like this was happening to her I'd kick his head in! So are you not 'protecting' your sister/girlfriend then? (General question, not being rude)

15-07-2007, 11:55 AM
Though this isn't advice for Amber, I know that if my girlfriend or if I had a younger sister and stuff like this was happening to her I'd kick his head in! So are you not 'protecting' your sister/girlfriend then? (General question, not being rude)

What will it achieve though? It's pointless -_-'! Amber, perhaps stupidly, still wants to be friends with Jess - doing something like that wouldn't help the situation at all..

15-07-2007, 11:57 AM
its her fault, shes not exactly a FRIEND for that is she.

15-07-2007, 11:58 AM
What will it achieve though? It's pointless -_-'! Amber, perhaps stupidly, still wants to be friends with Jess - doing something like that wouldn't help the situation at all..
You'd put him in his place. Men need to respect women and he needs to be taught a lesson, or so it sounds. Jess obviously prefers her boyfriend to Jess by siding with him and Amber needs to try and realise that, though it's hard. But Jess will realise how foolish she's been when her relationship ends. But I just know that I wouldn't have any fool taking the mick out of my sister/girlfriend and would personally teach him a lesson.

15-07-2007, 12:36 PM
screw them, aint worth your tymm

15-07-2007, 02:32 PM
I miss her though.

& also, all my other friends are turning against me, because everythings getting twisted. :(

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