View Full Version : Step Dad's Anger - Out of control.

16-07-2007, 10:36 PM
Hello :(

Well, remember problems I had with family about mum drinking etc? Surprisingly, they have all gone, and guess why? Cause I followed the advice that you, the Habbox population, gave me. And you dont know how grateful I am for that ;) I dont know how to repay you. However, a problem has arised within the past few days - drink unrelated.

My step dad does not take his anger out in a good way. Yesterday, I moved my bed into my baby sisters room to make a office for myself which my mum, and 3yr old sister were fine about :) He came home from work, and well absoloutly MAD. He told me to get it out of the room, but I couldnt due to the weight of it, it would fall out my hands down the stairs. He was angry, and wheeled it out of the room, threw the matterress and bed base down the stairs completly disregarding what was there. It smashed the table and a bit of the bed. I was angry, understandibly, and called him names. He told my 12yr old sister to take her and baby sister into another room so he could see "how much of a man" I really am. That was the point where I was terrified. I called him a word begginning with C, 4 letters and very rude and tried to run. I got in the garden with him chasing me, and I was crying (ashamed to admit it) and got out the gate where he picked up my baby sisters bike and threw it at me, but i got down and heard a massive crash where it broke part of the gate. He shouted "You get away from this house and dont you dare f*****g come back because I will get you again". I kept running, loads, and saw 2 police offices in the street but I was scared to tell them. I got to a payphone box and called my nan, and I stayed at hers for the night. Im going to stay at my nans for a while I think.

I came home tonight, no intention of sleeping here but I had to. Mum told me my step dad wouldnt be home tonight, and in the past 10 minuites he has came in. Now I am scared about going to sleep because of what he said about "if I come back he will get me". Im currently in the lounge on my laptop, and he is in the kitchen but will come in in a minuite or two.

Should I be ashamed of myself if I cry, is it regarded as "unmanly"? Im scared of what he will do to me, what if he hits me, it wouldnt be the first time he punched someone either. Please help, and maybe this problem will get sorted as efficiantly as the other one. I appericiate every single one of your answers.

:sean :(

16-07-2007, 10:43 PM
Sounds like something serious enough for childline IMO.

It's ironic that this man said he wanted to see "how much of a man" you was, when he is probably one of the most cowardly people in the world if he thinks the only way he can prove his prowess is by picking on a person who's probably more than a third of his age. Go and stay at your nan's and tell your mum you don't feel safe (if you don't) in your own home whilst he still has anger issues. If he touches you, go to the police, if anything it will put the frightener's on him and stop him from doing it again.

16-07-2007, 10:45 PM
Well first of all, its not unmanly to cry...

Secondly non-offensively... I think your mum is rather stupid if she is letting a man like that live with you all if he is as mad as he is and abusive towards you!

Also, you could go and stay at your nans for a while, and speek to your mum from there, or get your nan to have a word with her... Tell your mum exactly how you feel about her and her boyfriend and the way he is, don't hold back.

Good luck :)

16-07-2007, 10:45 PM
Sounds like something serious enough for childline IMO.

It's ironic that this man said he wanted to see "how much of a man" you was, when he is probably one of the most cowardly people in the world if he thinks the only way he can prove his prowess is by picking on a person who's probably more than a third of his age. Go and stay at your nan's and tell your mum you don't feel safe (if you don't) in your own home whilst he still has anger issues. If he touches you, go to the police, if anything it will put the frightener's on him and stop him from doing it again.
+Rep, thats appericiated very much ;)
My nan is going to ring me before she goes to bed (in around 10 mins) and she knows I wont go to sleep and if I keep telling her it, I might be able to go to hers tonight because its not far. I tell mum that shes stupid and she repeatidly says the same thing - I love him. Nan has spoke to mum so many times about things like this (not as serious) but it doesnt make a difference.

16-07-2007, 10:51 PM
He most definitely has an anger problem by the sound of it and your Mum should do something about it - personally I would go to your Nans.

16-07-2007, 10:55 PM
i'd stay at your nans for the time being & speak to e.g. childline about it because you can't live like that.

16-07-2007, 10:56 PM
I just rang nan and she says i should try get to sleep. She also says if he touches me, call 999 or call her and she will be round with the police.

16-07-2007, 10:58 PM
yeah, keep your mobile with you tonight :)

16-07-2007, 11:00 PM

Edited by micky.blue.eyes (Super Moderator): Please don't post racist remarks.

16-07-2007, 11:02 PM

**** off will you,

If your not going to help him then just don't post :\

Yeah as said a few posts above... Keep your mobile with you, and perhaps a bat or something [being serious]

16-07-2007, 11:02 PM
The only one of your stories I ever believed was to do with your stepdad.

So i'll believe that this one is true, all your love life ones are ********, but yeah.

You should get a lock on your bedroom door, thats what i did!

16-07-2007, 11:05 PM
i would definetly call childline or social services as he is just damn right out of order. your not even his child so he cant even talk to you like that. for him to expect respect from you, he has to give respect first. and it seems like he is giving the opposite.

i would talk to your mum about this, but she may just shrug it off as she loves him. i think he needs anger management classes as you only did something which you had permission to do so. so he doesnt have the right to overpower your mothers permission - as well she is your mother and he isnt your father.

you shouldnt be afraid in your own house, and if he hits you or throws verbal abuse at you anymore, i advice to call the police straight away. that will put him straight in his place as he will know straight away that you are not scared of him and that he is in the ****.

hope it all gets better

16-07-2007, 11:32 PM
Your replies are all appericiated! +Rep to everyone who replied with useful information.

Also, no he was born in Germany in a British Army Camp and he has always had something against the irish randomly coming up to me saying "Seán, the Irish are hypocrits" - Dont ask why he says it.

Edit - Must spread before giving it to dirrty. Will make note :)

16-07-2007, 11:42 PM
Your replies are all appericiated! +Rep to everyone who replied with useful information.

Also, no he was born in Germany in a British Army Camp and he has always had something against the irish randomly coming up to me saying "Seán, the Irish are hypocrits" - Dont ask why he says it.

Edit - Must spread before giving it to dirrty. Will make note :)
so he has something against the irish, but is with your mother? lol
& he is far from "manly" if he is picking fights with a child like yourself. if he was "manly" he would respect you and treat you as an equal. since he is incapable of doing so, he should take is own advice and see who is manly, because it is definetly not him.

17-07-2007, 12:10 AM
so he has something against the irish, but is with your mother? lol
& he is far from "manly" if he is picking fights with a child like yourself. if he was "manly" he would respect you and treat you as an equal. since he is incapable of doing so, he should take is own advice and see who is manly, because it is definetly not him.
Thats exactly what I think, if he dont like the Irish why is he with my mum :S Also, he really wanted me to hit him last night, he kept going "Go on Seán, hit me right there" and wouldnt stop, but I didnt. Is this because if I hit him, he has the right to hit me back?

17-07-2007, 12:18 AM
Thats exactly what I think, if he dont like the Irish why is he with my mum :S Also, he really wanted me to hit him last night, he kept going "Go on Seán, hit me right there" and wouldnt stop, but I didnt. Is this because if I hit him, he has the right to hit me back?
he doesnt have the right to hit you in the first place. as a grown man, he should know that if a child hit him, it doesnt give him the right to hit that child back.

if you did hit him and he hit you. then if you took it further to the police it would sound stupid when they asked what happened. "seán hit me, so i hit him back". sounds like a childish thing imo lol.

but seriously, if he does anything just ring the police. your mum should understand why you did it and should be on your side. if she isnt, well then you, your step dad and your mother need to have a big indepth conversation about everything and everyone.

17-07-2007, 12:29 AM
Talk to your mum and see what she has to say about living with this mad man. surely if hes behaving like that towards you she should get rid for all your safety.

17-07-2007, 11:46 AM
Yes. it would sound silly for him saying it ot the police :P

I'm currently not at school because I fell down the stairs this morning! But, when mum gets back from the shops I will talk to her because he is at work

17-07-2007, 04:37 PM
Tell your mom how you feel. She should talk to him. Does your mom not do anything?

Also you shouldn't feel unmanly to cry. Everyone cries. Even those you may look all tough and macho. Don't hold it inside because that's sometimes how self harm begins. I think you should just tell your step dad how you feel. If he tries to do something, tell the cops. Don't be scared, do what is right.

I think you should just do what your instinct tells you. You can take my advice, or you can do what you want. I just hope this situation gets better because it sounds very horrible.

17-07-2007, 05:12 PM
Tell your mom how you feel. She should talk to him. Does your mom not do anything?

Also you shouldn't feel unmanly to cry. Everyone cries. Even those you may look all tough and macho. Don't hold it inside because that's sometimes how self harm begins. I think you should just tell your step dad how you feel. If he tries to do something, tell the cops. Don't be scared, do what is right.

I think you should just do what your instinct tells you. You can take my advice, or you can do what you want. I just hope this situation gets better because it sounds very horrible.
Thanks - Update - He is still living with us.

17-07-2007, 05:16 PM
I don't have much advice but to drug his drink and get him wheeled to the next town.

17-07-2007, 05:25 PM
I don't have much advice but to drug his drink and get him wheeled to the next town.
He is very fat aswell. Dont think anyone could lift him.

17-07-2007, 05:37 PM
He is very fat aswell. Dont think anyone could lift him.
hmm, I advise you to move out and live with some other family members?
like your aunty nan etc

17-07-2007, 05:43 PM
Oh yes I remember this, Tell him theirs a cake factory giving away free cakes 20 miles away from your home, then tell your mum you wanna go on holiday

17-07-2007, 07:39 PM

Edited by micky.blue.eyes (Super Moderator): Please don't create inappropriate posts.

17-07-2007, 08:43 PM
lol ur "DAD" Sounds like a animal

18-07-2007, 10:17 AM
Firstly, crying is ok, regardless of gender. If you don't cry when something really bad happens to you, that makes you inhuman, as all humans have feelings. What your step-dad have done to you is too far. If he had just scolded you, it was fine. But instead, he swore back at you (Doesn't mean that he must swear back when you swear at him) and attempted to hurt you by throwing things at you. The way I see it, is you should report him to the police. I have heard from your earlier posts you were 13, and this is child abuse, and against the law. Its nothing to be shy about. Your stepdad said he wanted to see "how much of a man" you are, well, if he is a man, he should be responsible for his actions. I hope that this problem will be all well soon. :)

18-07-2007, 10:45 PM
lol ur "DAD" Sounds like a animal
Please, call him my STEP dad as that is what he is :)

19-07-2007, 01:05 PM
You should never feel uncomfortable with your living condition in the sense that an adult may attack you. You should go back to your nans, and tell your mother and sisters you don't feel safe at home and either your step dad goes or you go.

I don't really want to bring this up though it should be, your sisters and your mother could be in potential danger living with an abusive man, if you feel this may be a threat you can call the police about it and have them inspect the matter.

20-07-2007, 03:25 PM
This is what my freind did:

She said to her nan im comming over yours for a while but dont tell anyone im there, nobody.

she then left a note on her bed saying "I cant stand this life anymore, ive taken my own life because of dad."
She went out to her nans, and when she wasnt in school, her dad went up to her room and found the note and broke down, and that was the end of it..

But she went back a few days later and she said "that letter was what i wanted to do, please stop" and now her dad has been arrested and they live quite happily now.

you NEED to tell somone, my freind called jenny, her mum used to whip her for the littlest things, now she shakes uncontrollably, she is annorexic and her mum is still quite horrible to her, You dont want to end up like her.

and its alright to cry, male or female.. it shows that you have emotions.

20-07-2007, 03:59 PM
This is what my freind did:

She said to her nan im comming over yours for a while but dont tell anyone im there, nobody.

she then left a note on her bed saying "I cant stand this life anymore, ive taken my own life because of dad."
She went out to her nans, and when she wasnt in school, her dad went up to her room and found the note and broke down, and that was the end of it..

But she went back a few days later and she said "that letter was what i wanted to do, please stop" and now her dad has been arrested and they live quite happily now.

you NEED to tell somone, my freind called jenny, her mum used to whip her for the littlest things, now she shakes uncontrollably, she is annorexic and her mum is still quite horrible to her, You dont want to end up like her.

and its alright to cry, male or female.. it shows that you have emotions.
And if you don't have emotions your doomed to a life of crime and self-centeredness

20-07-2007, 04:03 PM
My dad would react in the same way if i called him a c... when I was your age. You should say sorry to him as he didn't actually hurt you and take it from there.

20-07-2007, 05:59 PM
My dad would react in the same way if i called him a c... when I was your age. You should say sorry to him as he didn't actually hurt you and take it from there.
Apologize? For what?

Also I have been -repped for lying THIS IS NOT A LIE OR A JOKE FGS!

20-07-2007, 06:09 PM
Apologize? For what?

Also I have been -repped for lying THIS IS NOT A LIE OR A JOKE FGS!

Calling him a c...

20-07-2007, 06:29 PM
Calling him a c...
he threw my bed down the stairs, threw a bike at me and he has not once apologized

20-07-2007, 06:52 PM
he threw my bed down the stairs, threw a bike at me and he has not once apologized

I know kids who when they 'misbehave' their dads take their belt off to them.

20-07-2007, 07:02 PM
I would of thought your mum would have the sense to think about you on this? Your step-dad obviously has an anger problem and your mum should do something about this, I strongly suggest you stay with your Nan. I won't say call the Child Line because I wouldn't know as i've never needed to ring them and don't know how good they are and I wouldn't feel comfortable telling someone from the phone about my problems, as there will be always someone they would tell and I would hate that.. if it's family its ok, i'd say call the police if the violence continues OR verbal abuse or if he makes you feel threatened in anyway... anyway stay with your Nan for a while, it could also give your mum time to think about not having you around and what it feels like... the only problem that could occur is that if your mum and your step-dad break up, he could get even more angry and lash out at 1. You and 2. your mum!

Anyway.. hope I helped :)

and tbh you shouldn't apologize as you called him it after what he did to you... NO WAY SHOULD YOU APOLOGIZE... It's much more serious than anything little...

26-07-2007, 05:32 PM
Oh yes I remember this, Tell him theirs a cake factory giving away free cakes 20 miles away from your home, then tell your mum you wanna go on holiday

That was flipping hilarious. But yeh call the old bill mate.

26-07-2007, 05:34 PM
Talk to your mum now.

27-07-2007, 12:44 AM
I laugh so much at the replys and advice, Goodluck with your stepdad, Hopefully your mum will cheat on him with my dad and we can be a welsh&english family.

27-07-2007, 08:48 PM
First of all, crying is normal.
After, I would like to say that without being in your situation, we can't understand how you really feel, and sometimes (Like Barkseh) thinking that it's a lie. I just hope you feel better now, with our help.
The only thing that I found strange was that when you ran away crying, the policemen didn't even stopped you and telling you WHY you were crying. I dunno if in your country, crying running people is normal...

Seriously, I think that sleeping to your nan's house for a couple of days it's the best thing to do and even talk to somebody. Did you try to talk with somebody OUTSIDE your family ?

Hoping that you'll be okay.

p.s I'm really sorry if I couldn't help you a lot, but I repeat: without being in your situation, we can't understand how you really feel.

30-07-2007, 05:11 PM
The only one of your stories I ever believed was to do with your stepdad.

So i'll believe that this one is true, all your love life ones are ********, but yeah.

You should get a lock on your bedroom door, thats what i did!

If he's as bad as Sean says he is, he'll bash through the door.

30-07-2007, 06:57 PM
Well hopefully the problem has sorted itself out by now. Let us know Sean :)

30-07-2007, 08:25 PM
Ok heres an update. The day before I left for Ireland he came home drunk that night, told me to go to bed and then cause I said no he threw my laptop, and I told mum and I dont know why but he got so incredibly angry at me and started like... growling :S

He threw a lot of stuff and broke a lot of things (not my laptop) in front of my 3yr old sis who was absoloutly horrified. I got my mobile and ran into the bathroom and called 999, they were there in less than 4-5 minuites and arrested him for criminal damage. He actually growled at me, and ran for me but mum kept holding him back and she slapped him :P But I think if he got his hands on me I would be dead.

Now he sobered up and all, he has apologized like a million times, and as an apology he paid this £300 phone bill and every other bill we had. Mum says its up to be if he comes back and I am strongly sticking to a... NO!

Even though he paid the bills, you cant buy respect can you.

30-07-2007, 08:36 PM
1. get hes stuff
2. pack it up
3. throw it outside.

30-07-2007, 10:33 PM
If he carries on do the idea where you leave a note on your bed and go to your nan's. It's a really good idea.

30-07-2007, 10:37 PM
If he carries on do the idea where you leave a note on your bed and go to your nan's. It's a really good idea.
read earlier post about him being gone

tbh i think he will come back. around half hour ago he rang mum to ask if I want to go to Brussels, Belgium with him tommorrow (he is a lorry driver). i mean, honestly, does he truly expect me to say yes?

30-07-2007, 10:59 PM
read earlier post about him being gone

tbh i think he will come back. around half hour ago he rang mum to ask if I want to go to Brussels, Belgium with him tommorrow (he is a lorry driver). i mean, honestly, does he truly expect me to say yes?

I wouldn't either. He'd have you alone, and he can do what he wants with you once he's on foreign land, if you don't speak the lingo.

30-07-2007, 11:05 PM
I wouldn't either. He'd have you alone, and he can do what he wants with you once he's on foreign land, if you don't speak the lingo.
What do you mean he can do what he wants with me on foreign land if I dont speak the language :S

30-07-2007, 11:10 PM
he can do whatever to do, like hurt you as he is alone with you and your mother or whoever isnt there to see whats happening. then when back in the uk he could say you fell or w.e and threaten you.

anythings possible tbh. and what you have told us in this thread, anythings possible

30-07-2007, 11:24 PM
What do you mean he can do what he wants with me on foreign land if I dont speak the language :S

Well if you ring 112, they might not be able to help. You'd need to get your French and Dutch up to scratch.

30-07-2007, 11:27 PM
Well if you ring 112, they might not be able to help. You'd need to get your French and Dutch up to scratch.
Im good at French, but dont know any Dutch

30-07-2007, 11:33 PM
Im good at French, but dont know any Dutch

If he knows that, he'll wait until he's in Brussels. But the 112 person might know both.
You could also enter an ICE into your mobile phone. Eg. you put ICE1Mum in your phone book and her mobile number, ICE2Nan, and her phone number etc. Then if the worst thing happens, any people in an ambulance can ring your ICEs.

30-07-2007, 11:42 PM
If he knows that, he'll wait until he's in Brussels. But the 112 person might know both.
You could also enter an ICE into your mobile phone. Eg. you put ICE1Mum in your phone book and her mobile number, ICE2Nan, and her phone number etc. Then if the worst thing happens, any people in an ambulance can ring your ICEs.
Suppouse so, but still dont really wanna go.

30-07-2007, 11:48 PM
well dont go then, simple.

31-07-2007, 12:08 AM
well dont go then, simple.
Yea I know I did originally say I wasnt going to go when I said he offered

31-07-2007, 10:08 AM
Ah.. okay. How's you family feeling now without him ?

02-08-2007, 02:14 PM
Ok also its crap right this minutie. Around 10 mins ago, I was on the phone to my friend and when I got off mum was out and it was just me and him and my baby sister. He came up to me and said "Sean, you better watch yourself now, cause I can do anything to you right now and there isint any witnesses, and they wont believe you will they?"

Mums back and gone for a sleep, I told my nan and we talked but she went home and I dont know what to do. Thats a threat right? He keeps denying he said it but I swear he did! I should have recorded it!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can I do its really scaring me!

02-08-2007, 05:18 PM
Never be ashamed of crying, it’s a natural thing. Sometimes I feel like I need to go and cry somewhere, heck I’ve done it at school. Crying doesn’t make you any less of a man, if your father said it does, he should just keep himself to himself, I bet he has cried before.

Now, you should phone a support line if you can’t speak to the police, for example you could speak to childline. I’ve done it when my friend killed herself, I needed advice and now it seems you need it. If you live in the UK, call 0800 11 11, that is a free number and you will not be charged for it.

NEVER be afraid to talk to someone, I’ve made that mistake before and it cost me. Scream it out, tell the whole world, don’t ever keep it to yourself.

If anything like this happens again, go straight to the police, no matter how foolish you feel, no matter what. Just do it, your life will improve. The police will ask you questions and ask you to come into see them. They’ll ask you what happened, be 100% honest with them, no matter what your father says, if you want it, they can put you in a safehouse, or keep your step father away from the house.

Be brave, and stay safe. :)

Edit: If you need someone to talk to, PM me. I'll always be here for you.

02-08-2007, 05:40 PM
Never be ashamed of crying, it’s a natural thing. Sometimes I feel like I need to go and cry somewhere, heck I’ve done it at school. Crying doesn’t make you any less of a man, if your father said it does, he should just keep himself to himself, I bet he has cried before.

Now, you should phone a support line if you can’t speak to the police, for example you could speak to childline. I’ve done it when my friend killed herself, I needed advice and now it seems you need it. If you live in the UK, call 0800 11 11, that is a free number and you will not be charged for it.

NEVER be afraid to talk to someone, I’ve made that mistake before and it cost me. Scream it out, tell the whole world, don’t ever keep it to yourself.

If anything like this happens again, go straight to the police, no matter how foolish you feel, no matter what. Just do it, your life will improve. The police will ask you questions and ask you to come into see them. They’ll ask you what happened, be 100% honest with them, no matter what your father says, if you want it, they can put you in a safehouse, or keep your step father away from the house.

Be brave, and stay safe. :)

Edit: If you need someone to talk to, PM me. I'll always be here for you.

Thank you :) +Rep

I told my nan, and she told her friend who used to be a police officer and they need proof he said it. I tried to record him on my phone saying it, and he caught me and denied it. Now when I say it when no one is there, he denies it then which means I dont think I can get proof of it.

This means, most probabbly he will hurt me and then he will get caught when it could have been dealt with earlier. He denies it to everyone, but everyone thankfully believes me. When I say everyone, I mean mum, nan, friends, parents friends who know etc.

02-08-2007, 05:58 PM
The police don’t need any direct proof, all you need to do is say that you’re being abused basically.

My dad used to abuse me, heck he wanted me dead. I went to the police they didn’t need proof.

By the sounds of it you're not stupid. You should just go to them, no matter what someone says.:D

02-08-2007, 06:06 PM
The police don’t need any direct proof, all you need to do is say that you’re being abused basically.

My dad used to abuse me, heck he wanted me dead. I went to the police they didn’t need proof.

By the sounds of it you're not stupid. You should just go to them, no matter what someone says.:D
my nans friend who is an ex police officer says we need solid proof :(

02-08-2007, 09:54 PM
ignore your nans freind.. Just go and say..

02-08-2007, 10:44 PM
my nans friend who is an ex police officer says we need solid proof :(

Just go and tell the police, as its your nan's friend, she must be old. Rules change in time. (Not to be mean :P)

Try it!

Don't go anywhere with yoru step-dad, not even near him.

If you need any help like above, im here for you to talk too ;)

02-08-2007, 11:27 PM
Ok well there was an arguement tonight, like a MASSIVE one and my nan rang the police cause he got a bit violent.. (they are coming round a lot recently.)

I told the police officer and she was like "well what do you think he means by it" and i said i didnt know and she ignored it. I dont think she thinks im telling the truth but I told her i was scared and didnt know what to do.

the man there was like to me "alrite mate calm down" cause i shouted at my idiotic mums bf.

03-08-2007, 03:02 AM
Best advice I can give is go to the police if he touches you, my uncle did this to my aunt, she took it a few times..punching, bricking her home even a bottle to the face, she told the police and he was put in jail, he hasn't botherd her since.

Regarding your post above, relax when you are with the police, unless youve just killed someone then you can brick your pants :P.
Stay calm when your with them, your safe. Tell them what they ask and don't hesitate to leave out a detail.

03-08-2007, 03:09 AM
Stay well away from the guy, stay at your nans the whole time.
Like Mikka said, ring childline they REALLY help you.
I really hope everything goes well.
If you think the police are ignoring you, keep contacting them until they listen, it will work out :)

03-08-2007, 05:20 AM
set your mom straight, say. Etheir he goes, or you go.

03-08-2007, 07:16 AM
set your mom straight, say. Etheir he goes, or you go.
I’ll have to agree with what is said above. You need to look after number one. And if your mother cannot look after her own child properly, then something is wrong.

Save yourself before you save others.

03-08-2007, 01:12 PM
Thank you all :)

This morning, he is back believe it or not. He is all trying to be nice to me jokin around infront of everyone else, but i didnt laugh at it or anything. Him and my mum and gone shopping now, asked if I want to come but lol, course im not going to.

No more threats so far :)

03-08-2007, 01:20 PM
It's good that nothing has been happening for now but if something begins again, you can't go to the police with no proof. They just see a teen who says that his step-dad is doing things to him but yet there is no proof. They maybe think that he wants attention, when that's not the case. So, unless proof is given, they can't do anything because they have no proof that it's true.

03-08-2007, 01:22 PM
Thank you all for suppourt :)

Edit - Please forgive title of this post, I was ment to post something else in the Spam catagory!!

03-08-2007, 03:59 PM
wow. your life is so full & happening. all the time....

04-08-2007, 01:01 AM
My cousin had this problem and though he could become the man of the house and be my cousions father figure. My old uncle died and my aunt started dating and they got together. I was at my cousions house, both my aunt and it was there and tried bossing me and my cousion around. Me and my cuzjust refused to do stuff, my cuz if real skinny and can't stick up fro himsef so my aunts ucle started kicking him. So i just started throwing punches at his mums boy friend and then relised that me and him dont get bossed around by some average joe who his aunt adores, but becuase of all this my aunt has a better boy friend who is so kind and takes the whole family out of trips etc.
Moral of the story: Kick him bum!

04-08-2007, 01:04 AM
lol thank you.

well mum swore to me he wont be home at 3am when he is due to come in (he is in France lorry driving, he offered me to come and i said no!) but i dont believe her and i said if he comes in i will go away somewhere.

anywhere she swears he isint coming, so I will wait till then and if he does she has a lot of explaining to do.

04-08-2007, 01:10 AM
Wake up real early and go to your grandma's house

04-08-2007, 03:00 AM
My cousin had this problem and though he could become the man of the house and be my cousions father figure. My old uncle died and my aunt started dating and they got together. I was at my cousions house, both my aunt and it was there and tried bossing me and my cousion around. Me and my cuzjust refused to do stuff, my cuz if real skinny and can't stick up fro himsef so my aunts ucle started kicking him. So i just started throwing punches at his mums boy friend and then relised that me and him dont get bossed around by some average joe who his aunt adores, but becuase of all this my aunt has a better boy friend who is so kind and takes the whole family out of trips etc.
Moral of the story: Kick him bum!

Don't do that, it will cause more problems

04-08-2007, 09:47 PM
i guess your police isnt the same as in north america... here if a kid says that their parents/step-parents are abusing them or taking their anger out on them they are immediately removed by police and put into protective custody.

what ever you do, dont hit him back. a bruise should be evidence of abuse, if you get a bruise(from your stepdad), take a picture and go to the police. meantime stay at your nans.

08-08-2007, 12:22 AM
id be scared and i think many people would be. ring someone for help like the police or childline. in the mean time, be careful. :)

08-08-2007, 07:53 AM
i guess your police isnt the same as in north america... here if a kid says that their parents/step-parents are abusing them or taking their anger out on them they are immediately removed by police and put into protective custody.

what ever you do, dont hit him back. a bruise should be evidence of abuse, if you get a bruise(from your stepdad), take a picture and go to the police. meantime stay at your nans.

canada where u r?

09-08-2007, 08:27 PM
well i ran away, sorry to say

but tbh it was only for a few hours.. so not really.

i called childline on public phone box, and nan and her friend opened the door of the phone box and they were so so angry. i was held in the phone box with them shouting at me. they didnt see i rang childline. i went home, mum rang social services and they were going to take me on Monday (last week). they didnt come and im here for good. my laptop was taken off me but i got it back for an hour or two again but not for long. anyway thats the update.

09-08-2007, 08:31 PM
where were u aiming to run away to?

09-08-2007, 08:33 PM
where were u aiming to run away to?
tbh i dont know, just anywhere that would get me away from the house at the time. it was stupid to do so, i know.

09-08-2007, 08:34 PM
well yh it was kinda if you didnt have anywhere to go.

09-08-2007, 08:51 PM
Just tell your mum how it is affecting you, she will understand. Or you could tell your nan?
If that doesn't sort it out and it gets worse then i suggest you seek help, possibly from childline?

I know its pretty daristic but childlines does help people

Good luck x

09-08-2007, 09:29 PM
I would try the suicide note trick and go round your nans or something and tell her not to tell anyone your there. Or go round a friends?

Keep on going on at the police and childline until they listen. Adults never give 2 ***** about us kids when something like that is happening to us kids. Happened at my old Middle School, i was bullied almost every lesson or break time. Then i just went balistic at the guy in an English lesson once. Mum and dad had to threaten to take me out of school unless they bucked their ideas up. They did and permanently excluded the ****.

09-08-2007, 09:36 PM
You should stay at your nans & if he keeps doing serious things like that you should ring childline. Also try having a serious chat with your mum she might come to understand you :D

10-08-2007, 01:28 PM
Im really pleased that your all helping me, but I have tried talking to mum and its not working.

10-08-2007, 01:32 PM
Hello :(

Well, remember problems I had with family about mum drinking etc? Surprisingly, they have all gone, and guess why? Cause I followed the advice that you, the Habbox population, gave me. And you dont know how grateful I am for that ;) I dont know how to repay you. However, a problem has arised within the past few days - drink unrelated.

My step dad does not take his anger out in a good way. Yesterday, I moved my bed into my baby sisters room to make a office for myself which my mum, and 3yr old sister were fine about :) He came home from work, and well absoloutly MAD. He told me to get it out of the room, but I couldnt due to the weight of it, it would fall out my hands down the stairs. He was angry, and wheeled it out of the room, threw the matterress and bed base down the stairs completly disregarding what was there. It smashed the table and a bit of the bed. I was angry, understandibly, and called him names. He told my 12yr old sister to take her and baby sister into another room so he could see "how much of a man" I really am. That was the point where I was terrified. I called him a word begginning with C, 4 letters and very rude and tried to run. I got in the garden with him chasing me, and I was crying (ashamed to admit it) and got out the gate where he picked up my baby sisters bike and threw it at me, but i got down and heard a massive crash where it broke part of the gate. He shouted "You get away from this house and dont you dare f*****g come back because I will get you again". I kept running, loads, and saw 2 police offices in the street but I was scared to tell them. I got to a payphone box and called my nan, and I stayed at hers for the night. Im going to stay at my nans for a while I think.

I came home tonight, no intention of sleeping here but I had to. Mum told me my step dad wouldnt be home tonight, and in the past 10 minuites he has came in. Now I am scared about going to sleep because of what he said about "if I come back he will get me". Im currently in the lounge on my laptop, and he is in the kitchen but will come in in a minuite or two.

Should I be ashamed of myself if I cry, is it regarded as "unmanly"? Im scared of what he will do to me, what if he hits me, it wouldnt be the first time he punched someone either. Please help, and maybe this problem will get sorted as efficiantly as the other one. I appericiate every single one of your answers.

:sean :(

Wow, my Mum has a drinking problem and my Dad has an anger problem..weird..

10-08-2007, 03:25 PM
Wow, my Mum has a drinking problem and my Dad has an anger problem..weird..
The drinking problem is faded so much it isint a problem anymore :)
Just the step dad..

10-08-2007, 03:27 PM
The drinking problem is faded so much it isint a problem anymore :)
Just the step dad..

Maybe you could tell him how you feel.If not,go to the poilce.

10-08-2007, 03:46 PM
Maybe you could tell him how you feel.If not,go to the poilce.
Tried it :( Not worked.

10-08-2007, 04:03 PM
well i ran away, sorry to say

but tbh it was only for a few hours.. so not really.

i called childline on public phone box, and nan and her friend opened the door of the phone box and they were so so angry. i was held in the phone box with them shouting at me. they didnt see i rang childline. i went home, mum rang social services and they were going to take me on Monday (last week). they didnt come and im here for good. my laptop was taken off me but i got it back for an hour or two again but not for long. anyway thats the update.

Shouting at you? If they were going to be supportive then they wouldn't do something like that. You should be careful what you do. Don't do anything like that where you can be seen, go somewhere quiet.

Instead of your parents ringing social services, you should and ask them to pick you up. At least you'd be out of there for a few months or so.

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