View Full Version : POWERpanel Ideas

18-07-2007, 07:27 PM

Seeing as this panel is for all of you, what would you like to see in the panel?

The current features are:

DJ Options
Welcome To PowerPanel (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=home)
Announcements (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=announcements)
DJ List (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=djlist)
Requests and Shoutouts (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=requests)
Timetable (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=timetable/index)
Update DJ Says (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=djsays)
Staff shoutbox (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=shoutbox/index)
Alert the website (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=alerts/site)
Alert a single listener (IP) (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=alerts/ip)
DJ Email's (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=djemails)
Banned Songs (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=bannedsongs) Message Board (Forum) (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=forum/index)
Panel Stickers (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=stickers/index)

Radio Options
Radio connection information (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=radioinfo)
Shoutcast admin login (

Personal Messaging
Inbox (0) (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=pms/index)
Send a PM (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=pms/send)

My PowerPanel
Change your password (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=cmpass)
Update your profile (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=uprofile)
Logout (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?logout=true)

Administrator Options
PowerPanel configuration (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/config)
Radio Connection Information (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/radioinfo)
Announcement Manager (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/announcem)
Ban a song (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/bansong)
Unban a song (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/unbansong)
Change a user's level (rank) (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/clevel)
Change a user's password (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/cpass)
Ban / Disable an account (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/ban)
Unban / Undisable an account (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/unban)
Add an account (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/addacc)
Remove an account (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/delacc)
Error Log (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/errorlog)

Habbo Options
Site spotlight (http://localhost/powerpanel/in.php?page=admin/spotlight)
Thanks if you submit an idea :)


18-07-2007, 07:29 PM
A Live Timetable

So if its 6pm it shows who is on at 7pm

18-07-2007, 07:31 PM
Alrighty, I'll just make a function for that so you can just put nextslot(); on a page and it will show the next DJ and the time slot.

18-07-2007, 07:37 PM
dj status page (shows if dj is online (like logged in to the panel) and maybe also show if dj is logged in to habbo)

18-07-2007, 07:52 PM
dj status page (shows if dj is online (like logged in to the panel) and maybe also show if dj is logged in to habbo)

The habbo one should be an option you can turn on or off, as some station are not habbo related.

18-07-2007, 07:59 PM
Next DJ funciton made, add this to the functions file if you want to use it now :)

function nextslot( ) {

$day = date("l");

$time = date("H");

$time = $time + 1;

$time = "".$time.":00";

$query = "SELECT * FROM time".$day." WHERE time = '".$time."'";

$query_do = mysql_query( $query ) or die( 'Could not complete query, error: ' .mysql_error( ) );

while( $r = mysql_fetch_array( $query_do ) ) {

$dj = $r[ "slot" ];


if( $dj == NULL || $dj == "" ) {

echo( "Sorry! There is no DJ on next :(" );


else {

echo "The next DJ is ".$query_do." at ".$time."";

Thanks for the other idea, I'll add that.

18-07-2007, 08:11 PM
What about "View Password" , "I.P Ban" , "View a User's Email"?

18-07-2007, 08:12 PM
What about "View Password" , "I.P Ban" , "View a User's Email"?

No never have a view password.

and I'm sure you can already view e-mails.

18-07-2007, 08:13 PM
What about "View Password" , "I.P Ban" , "View a User's Email"?

View password - Impossible
I.P Ban - I'll add that
View a user's email - There is a DJs Email page.

18-07-2007, 08:35 PM
A better timetable. Clubhabbos one maybe?

18-07-2007, 08:45 PM
I'm thinking shoutcast wise, i no there is shoutcast admin login link.

But could u make it so we can
Turn Off/On server
Kick/IP Ban whoever is broadcasting
Kick clones

Oh and another tihng, could u make it so it could kick clones rom listening automatically and send them a messege "Don't clone you noob" or somit?

That would be cool :p

18-07-2007, 08:50 PM
I'm not adding anything which works with SSH sorry oh and Lilly, I made a new timetable ageeees ago :p

18-07-2007, 08:58 PM
1. You could have a grid with all the listenner ip's and the countires they are from etc...

2. You could have a msn, aim, skype status thing beside each dj's profile in the admin panel or something and hen you click on it, it automatically starts a convo with them via msn etc...

3. A place where you can add banners so they come up on the main site, good way for advertisers to know that their ads will be shown.

4. a database of radio jingles etc... that the dj's can download, only admin can upload new ones.

18-07-2007, 09:00 PM
3. A place where you can add banners so they come up on the main site, good way for advertisers to know that their ads will be shown.
maybe use that but so the dj can add there dj banner for when ther djing. but maybe have it so they choice theres from a list so its approtiate.

18-07-2007, 09:07 PM
3. A place where you can add banners so they come up on the main site, good way for advertisers to know that their ads will be shown.
maybe use that but so the dj can add there dj banner for when ther djing. but maybe have it so they choice theres from a list so its approtiate.

I beat you colin to that point

5. Maybe more detailed stats for the listenner like, radio location, dj location i dunno :)

18-07-2007, 09:38 PM
lol i know ebay i copied your idea and expanded on it

18-07-2007, 09:40 PM
I'm trying to read the Shoutcast DNAS HTML so I can try and split listener's information to make a nicer detailed page about who's listening.

18-07-2007, 10:01 PM
Right, I'm making a listeners info page using the XML Stats :)

18-07-2007, 10:06 PM
maybe for radio stats some live counters that count for example;

This dj has been playing for:
1 Hour(s) 23 Minutes 23 Seconds

You have been listening for:
O Hour(s) 35 Minutes 21 Seconds

And the secconds add up live, so u don't have to refresh to see the updated time.

Oh, i've heard you used it in the past, but we're still habbo fansites so maybe the alert's in a habbo notice box.?

thats what i can think of now.. maybe i'll find something else later on.

18-07-2007, 11:06 PM
Listeners page done:

Oh and Oli I love your idea :p

19-07-2007, 10:09 AM
wat does pointer, uid mean?

Also you could add the countries bit in. There is a script on atomicoxide.co.uk for this.. :)

19-07-2007, 11:54 AM
uid i believe is unique id. basically there unique user #6 and 7

19-07-2007, 01:03 PM
double post i know. but:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home10/sub002/sc16051-AGLV/colin-roberts.net/powerpanel/includes/config.php:17) in /mounted-storage/home10/sub002/sc16051-AGLV/colin-roberts.net/powerpanel/in.php on line 178 i already apllied the fix suggested else were. i can login and get to the page with all the links but when i click on any i get that error.

19-07-2007, 01:10 PM
It don't work with SSH Simon..

19-07-2007, 03:28 PM
Next DJ funciton made, add this to the functions file if you want to use it now :)

function nextslot( ) {

$day = date("l");

$time = date("H");

$time = $time + 1;

$time = "".$time.":00";

$query = "SELECT * FROM time".$day." WHERE time = '".$time."'";

$query_do = mysql_query( $query ) or die( 'Could not complete query, error: ' .mysql_error( ) );

while( $r = mysql_fetch_array( $query_do ) ) {

$dj = $r[ "slot" ];


if( $dj == NULL || $dj == "" ) {

echo( "Sorry! There is no DJ on next :(" );


else {

echo "The next DJ is ".$query_do." at ".$time."";

Thanks for the other idea, I'll add that.

Ahh! That wont work, seems as you are echoing out $query_do which is actually doing the mysql_query, but not the fetch_array.

This will work:

function nextslot( ) {

$day = date("l");

$time = date("H");

$time = $time + 1;

$time = "".$time.":00";

$query = "SELECT * FROM time".$day." WHERE time = '".$time."'";

$query_do = mysql_query( $query ) or die( 'Could not complete query, error: ' .mysql_error( ) );

while( $r = mysql_fetch_array( $query_do ) ) {

$dj = $r[ "slot" ];


if( $dj == NULL || $dj == "" ) {

echo( "Sorry! There is no DJ on next :(" );


else {

echo "The next DJ is ".$dj." at ".$time."";


19-07-2007, 03:33 PM
ban users from site?

19-07-2007, 04:13 PM
Thanks Ryan, I re-made the echo bit in the post as it said "The next DJ (Time) is on at (DJ Name)" for some reason lol.

Also "It don't work with SSH Simon..", I was talking about turn on/off the radio server. That does work with SSH...?

19-07-2007, 04:22 PM
Just to point out don't use mysql_fetch_array for returning associative arrays (Basically accessing cells by column name) as it is significently slower than mysql_fetch_assoc. Also note by default mysql_fetch_array is set as deault to return MYSQL_BOTH witch is even slower than returning the associative array by mysql_fetch_array.

19-07-2007, 04:40 PM
invent whats the location of the newest public release? (so maybe i can get my copy working)

19-07-2007, 04:42 PM
invent whats the location of the newest public release? (so maybe i can get my copy working)

You have whitespace in your config.

19-07-2007, 04:50 PM
tried that tom didn't fix it.
my config:

$hostname = "mysql1030.servage.net";
$username = "colin-roberts";
$password = "colin-roberts";
$database = "colin-roberts";
$connect = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $database) or die('Could not connect to MySQL Database, Error: '. mysql_error());
$dbselect = mysql_select_db($database, $connect) or die('Could not select MySQL Database, Error: '. mysql_error());
$siteinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM config");
$site = mysql_fetch_array($siteinfo);
$hometext = $site[home];
$hometext = nl2br($hometext);

19-07-2007, 05:01 PM


$connectual = @mysql_connect("mysql1030.servage.net", "colin-roberts", "colin-roberts");
$select_db_booyah = mysql_select_db("colin-roberts", $connectual);

$siteinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM config");
$site = mysql_fetch_array($siteinfo);

$hometext = $site[home];
$hometext = nl2br($hometext);


19-07-2007, 05:10 PM
thanx invent when you going realease the code for the listener log and other features or are you just going realease another full version>?

19-07-2007, 05:23 PM
I can't wait for a new release :)

19-07-2007, 05:31 PM
Everything I make now I'm just going to release in the upcoming v0.2.

This version will have a lot of private BETA testing though, as on the last version I didn't get any of the errors lots of people got which is why it was so buggy :p

21-07-2007, 11:55 AM
Cool i can not wait for this new version to come out is it a recode or just the old code but fixed up with new stuff??

21-07-2007, 12:05 PM
Simon speak to me on msn please.

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