View Full Version : What Kisune Did Next

19-07-2007, 06:42 PM

Win a Venomus Habbolus!
http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/Japan/Japan_Magic_fire_001.pngNo longer content with wrecking havoc upon the Hotel's watermelon supplies Kitsune was discovered this morning trying to set fire to our Stockrooms! Fortunately for us, she didn't have Burnard or any matches with her so we managed to stop her before any serious damage was done. Of course being all sprite-like she promptly sulked and vanished when we tried to stop and question her about this. It's the first time any of our unearthly visitors has tried to do serious damage for no apparent reason and that makes me nervous.
Very nervous!
Although the fact I'm typing with hands I can't see might also be adding to the nerves. (Thank god I can touch type, eh!?)

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/Japan/Venomus_Habbolus.pngSo, we need you to help us find out what on earth Kitsune was doing - well, we know what she was doing, we want to know why. We think Zatoichi might know something, afterall he's had the most contact with Kitsune. He's not feeling very helpful today though - he'll only discuss it with Habbos who can work out the answer to his riddle:

"Kitsune saved one thing from her impromptu barbeque. One item of Japanese furni to remind her of home.
It's size can vary, it's price also changes. Lay out 12 credits to get four of them... Kitsune likes the number 4."

(he's not very good at riddle-writing is he?) Check out the Japanese Furni (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/japan/furni) to help you work out the answer and good luck on your search!

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/Japan/japan_badge_1.gifAs a thank you ten of our brave truth-hunters, who will be picked at random after the competition closes at 10am on Monday 23rd and announced in the Weekly Habbo later that day, will receive a Japan Badge as reward for all their hard work. 5 of these ten will also receive a Monster Plant - a new item that we stumbled upon this morning in a forgotten, slightly smoked corner of our stockroom!

You need to login (https://www.habbo.co.uk/account/login) in order to be able to enter!
Kitsune's storm in a Stockroom!

19-07-2007, 06:45 PM


19-07-2007, 06:45 PM

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