View Full Version : MGS4 ON XBOX 360!... O RLY? -YA RLY- NO WAI!

21-07-2007, 08:57 PM

GamersReports.com (http://gamereports.com/news/4244/) has posted this article about how the cover of December’s issue of EGM clearly says “Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360?”. Could this be the final blow to the major exclusives PS3 has over the Xbox? See the cover after the jump.
It’s a big mystery, since obviously someone could’ve created this work of art in their spare time. It still brings excitement to what will probably be a slow news weekend.
[Update: The EGM cover is confirmed to be real, stay tuned to Xboxic.com for more updates concerning the actual contents of the magazine (Due to be out next week.)] [Update 2: Che Chou, ex-1UP staffer and developer at Microsoft’s Forza 2 team, has this (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4690769&postcount=281) to say about the whole deal:
It’s simply a rumor that Konami higher-ups are pressuring Kojima Productions to consider making MGS4 a multiplatform game because production costs on the game are unsurprisingly high and only getting higher. With PS3 install base numbers not looking all that rosy due to console cost and manufacturing problems, Konami is scared they can’t recoup their investment on only 1 platform alone.
It’s also a nice way to maybe blackmail Sony into giving Konami an incentive to keeping the game a PS3 exclusive, imo.
Whatever the case, I highly doubt it’s going to happen so quit building yourself a disappointing kiloton bomb.
Sounds reasonable to me.]
Yes, before we go on, we know that this post is a bit thin in the facts department, but it is Friday night, we figure hey, have some fun, the week is done. If you look closely at the cover of the latest EGM (image at link), you will clearly see that it says “Metal Gear Solid 4 On Xbox 360?” on the cover. What this means, we do not know. We bring it to you anyway to commence the weekend.
I can already hear the collective groan and moan from the Sony fans who have one less argument over the Xbox 360.

This could be huge news if it’s true. It’d be like Xbox losing Halo 3 to the PS3. While Metal Gear Solid probably isn’t the PlayStation’s biggest franchise, it’s certainly on the top 5.


Need moar proof?


21-07-2007, 08:58 PM
Looks crap.

21-07-2007, 09:06 PM

We're almost getting bored now of tossing up Metal Gear Solid 4 on 360 rumours, especially as Konami won't say a single about it on the record. But the latest rumour to hit the web is an interesting one, especially if it turns out to be true...

Everyone's under the impression that MGS4 is now a timed PS3 exclusive and that a version of the game will come out on 360 at some point after the PS3 launch. When exactly that may be though is the subject of much speculation.

OXM's rumour mole has had its own say on the matter though. According to a "bankable source" Metal Gear Solid 4 is coming to 360, but under a different team that isn't headed by Hideo Kojima. Could a separate team at Konami be already working on a 360 port?

21-07-2007, 09:48 PM
To be honest I'm just getting bored of the whole "MGS4 4 360" saga now. I really don't care. Yes, it would be nice to have the opportunity to play the game but if it doesn't come to the 360 then I'm not bothered. There are far better titles on offer both exclusively to the 360 and other multiplatform titles.

Agent 47
21-07-2007, 10:38 PM
I won't be surprised, I guessed it would come to 360 eventually. Just like MGS2 came to the Xbox.

22-07-2007, 07:52 AM
MGS4 Was the one reason i held out so long on buying an Xbox.
I'd love it to be on 360 :]

22-07-2007, 08:12 AM
Dodgy news sites or its developer at E3... Who do you believe?

For now I believe that it will STAY ps3 exclusive just like MGS3 did.

Couple this with the fact that the developers are telling sony that they want to use the new type of blu-ray (50gb single layer) as 25gb isn't enough and I must say... it looks unlikely on the 360.

22-07-2007, 05:39 PM
Tough break for Sony.

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