View Full Version : Anyone got any decent pking tips 4 me?

Rs Rob
23-07-2007, 01:13 PM
Hi ive got an account ive had quite some time and i use it purely for pking just wondering if anyone has got any tips for me or advice on what i should lvl up to make it better/Best stuff to equip/use in wild etc..

My Stats Are..

Combat.. 85
Range.. 90
Hitpoints.. 80
Attack.. 60
Strengh.. 70
Defence.. 60
Magic.. 70 [Got enough laws for 85]
Prayer.. 57

Thanks :)

23-07-2007, 01:17 PM
mage short bow then when they low hp bang out the rune crossbow with dragon bolts (e)?..

Rs Rob
23-07-2007, 01:20 PM
mage short bow then when they low hp bang out the rune crossbow with dragon bolts (e)?..

Thanks but i was using rune c bow n d bolts e the other day n every1 just goes for u because the bolts n arrows r so redicolously expensive and can be sold easy + i think there more of a duel arena thing. my opinion lol
[it does own tho lol]

23-07-2007, 02:05 PM
get 70 defence,85 mage then go MB pking!!

23-07-2007, 05:13 PM
no mb is bad you always get some 120+ noob that spec you out

Rs Rob
23-07-2007, 05:17 PM
;3737571']no mb is bad you always get some 120+ noob that spec you out

Sorry dont quite get that..

Whats a magebow got to do with a lvl 120 ko'ing u

[If that is what u ment by 'mb']

23-07-2007, 05:23 PM
Mage bank not mage bow

23-07-2007, 05:31 PM
your stats tell me that you are a tank ranger, so first off if you ARE a tanker, id suggest getting your def a lot higher.

if people always go for you when you use dragon bolts (e), go for diamond bolts (e). their special effect is that they ignore your opponents defense and armour, so you can be sure to get some good hits with those, and they are a lot cheaper aswell ;)

Rs Rob
24-07-2007, 07:35 AM

What defence lvl would u recommend tho cause i dnt wana over do it..
I was 90 range 40 def at 1st but i raised it to 60 and i was thinking of 70 but i duno tbh lol

24-07-2007, 07:53 AM
get 70 mate.

Then wear:

Torags Helm
black d hide full
Rune crossbow

And when there sometimes low. maybe spec them out?

im training my range to be 90+ like yours where did u train from 79 - 85?

pc :( now so dont say that

Rs Rob
24-07-2007, 07:57 AM
I already had 88 range before pc came out personaly i hate pc i used to kill blk drags / blk demons / hellhounds in Taverly dungeon alot just get a few Crystal bows if u havnt already then u aint got to worry about running out every so often 4 the arrows. [Use to use mage bow n addy arrows aswell]

24-07-2007, 08:19 AM
Tbh mate u aint much of a tank with 60 def? if you pk with d med/d skirt/legs all the time come tell me. other than that get 70 def and i pk with d bolts on my tank all the time? JUST KEEP YOUR MAGE SHORTBOW OUT. Get it out at nessercery (sp?) times in the fight.

Rs Rob
24-07-2007, 08:24 AM
Tbh mate u aint much of a tank with 60 def? if you pk with d med/d skirt/legs all the time come tell me. other than that get 70 def and i pk with d bolts on my tank all the time? JUST KEEP YOUR MAGE SHORTBOW OUT. Get it out at nessercery (sp?) times in the fight.

I didnt say i was a tank.. im making it into 1. and come to u bla bla id own u as my stats are now.. Come bk to me when u wana put it to da test.

Me v You - Deathmatch

24-07-2007, 08:37 AM
yh mate lemme just get some gloves ill dm u on " ouch-a-30 "? im not the one whos scared to pk with drag bolts :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( and btw i can hit 42 with those bolts and im 79 range. you can probably hit 50 odds

24-07-2007, 08:46 AM

Rs Rob
24-07-2007, 08:54 AM
Lol u ready yet

24-07-2007, 04:54 PM
Check your pins thread..

25-07-2007, 12:49 PM
Get 99 range and youd be about 90 cmb

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